The Chicago Bears still have not worked out a long term deal with their star wide receiver Alshon Jeffery. Last year they franchise tagged him and he played under a one year contract. Since they have no deal with him they will have to franchise tag him again or let him walk. If the Bears choose to franchise tag him and not work out a long term deal, they will have to pay him for one year like one of the top wide-outs in the league. He could be getting 17.5 million for a guy that has injury problems. He has only played in 11 games over the last two seasons.

Do the Bears need to be paying that kind of money to one player when you have so many holes to fill on that roster For that kind of cheddar you probably could sign three or four guys to fill some of your problem areas. Not that receiver is your strongest position. The great Kevin White, two years on the team, has only played four games. Caught 19 balls, but under 200 yards. My Grandmother could tackle him. Then “Rock hands” Josh Bellamy can get open. Wide Open and he gets the perfect pass and just has the dropsies. In the movie Animal house at the end where they say what everyone went on to be after college, for D-Day they say whereabouts unknown.  That is Marquess Wilson. Plays a game a year and whereabouts are unknown. Eddie Royal, one of Cutler’s guys, maybe if he pays the Bears you can keep him. I do like Cameron Meredith. He’s looking like he can be a pretty decent option grabbing 66 balls for 888 yards and four touchdowns last year. The wide receiver  position, any way you look at it, is weak and teams will just double cover Jeffery and take him out of his game.

Besides, who will be throwing Alshon Jeffery the ball? Cutler is on the trading block like they are going to get a bag of used footballs for him. The Bears will probably end up releasing him as every Chicagoan will be dancing in the streets.It will be like all those war torn countries when they are burning flags and shooting off AK 47’s. Then you always see one of the teenagers wearing a old football jersey. Like an old hand me down that’s colors are fading. In a few years ISIS will have enough Cutler jerseys to cover the whole operation. Will they mortgage the whole farm for the New England quarterback? Bears dealings are like selling the cow for some beans. If they do get Jimmy Garoppolo, I rather invest the money you give Jeffery into the offensive line to keep Jimmy standing after 16 games. If they draft a young guy and go with a bridge quarterback, what does paying Jeffery do for you? By the time the Bears get the boat dug up from the bottom of Lake Michigan, Jeffery will be too old. I hate getting rid of someone you drafted, especially when they are talented. The Bears are not in win mode next year. If they were, I would get Romo and keep Alshon Jeffery. Jeffery will go on to a team and collect a big payday that the Bears can not afford right now.


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