
Last week I was in the mood for a few Choo Choo beers. I headed to the Flossmoor Station brewery, bar and restaurant to indulge. I have been there many times as the list of beers is a train’s length long. They brew the beer on site which wets my whistle every time I indulge in a few pints at the station which is actually right next to a train station. They even have a train above the bar that runs on tracks which is very cool. I have tried almost all of the beers on their list as they cleverly name most of the beers after trains.The beers from their taps is always fresh from the Brewery in the other room. The silver vats so shiny in the dim lighting as it sparkles like silver. Yukon Cornelius would start singing Silver and Gold if he saw the vats and Golden Beer I was drinking.  I will definitely go there again and again and see what beers of theirs stand in my beer list of power rankings.

Last weekend I went with one of my favorites at the train yard, the Zephyr Golden Lager. This beer is made from German malts and hops along with German yeast. Germany knows how to make great beers. As you can see the color was golden like a beach at sunset. Smells sweet and a hint of fruitiness. The taste was refreshing and  went down smooth as it reminds me of a blonde ale. You know the blondes like to have fun and this beer can keep things fun all night long. Not much of bitterness in this beer as well as it goes down so easy you can lose track of how many you had in one sitting.

The Flossmoor Station has awesome food as well. The menu has lots of variety. I went with the Burrito. They call this the Burrito that ate Flossmoor.They are very clever with the names at this place. You can choose what meat you want inside the burrito, I went with spicy beef. The Burrito is hard to pick up so you have to use the tools of the trade to eat it. The combo with the Mexican food and the Zephyr golden lager was perfection. Heavy food and a lighter beer seem to work.

I knew it was going to be very hard to knock out the Pin Ball from Two Brothers, which has been number one for three weeks. But the Zephyr Golden Lager now has the top spot on the BEER LIST.


RANKING       DATE               BEER                                              STYLE               BREWERY NAME

#1.                     3-14-17           ZEPHYR GOLDEN LAGER        LAGER           FLOSSMOOR STATION

#2.                     2-27-17           PIN BALL                    AMERICAN PALE ALE    TWO BROTHERS

#3.                    3-5-17               ZYWEIEC                           EURO PALE ALE          ZYWIEC BREWERS






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