Are the White Sox in full rebuild on the South side?  They still have many veterans they can ship off to other teams. It seems to me they have traded all of the shenanigans in the locker room this off season. Chris Sale and his side kick Adam Eaton were dealt, from which the Sox were able to get a big return. Nothing else went down after the second trade. The trades have taken your minor league system from the bottom of the swamp and now it is one of the tops in the game. Which means you have some talent at minor league level. However you still have talent at the Major league level as well. Can they combine both talents to form a playoff roster?

After 108 years, now the Cubs are the team to follow on how to construct a World Series team. They tore it down completely and rebuilt from the bottom to the top. They had four years of bad baseball to get to the level they are at. During that span they found some signed veteran castaways and then dealt them at the trade deadline. Which this could be what the White Sox are thinking. Veterans like Todd Frazier, Jose Abreu, Melkly Cabrera Jose Quintana and David Robertson could get you a haul of prospects at the deadline.Teams are desperate and might give you more. With all these prospects your farm system will have the tallest corn and produce jumping out of the baskets. The Sox can bring back one of their old slogans, “The kids can play.”

Can you keep some of those veterans to help your young team? The Cubs had their core assembled and then brought in veterans that helped them complete the World Series run. Can the Sox keep a pair of book ends like Frazier at the hot corner and Jose Abreu at first and fill in the rest? Eventually when you do get your young nucleus established, you’re going to have to go out and add the right veterans to the mix. You may already have them under your roof. The Cubs signed Ben Zobrist and he was a big part of that World Series run. Lester and Lacky were signed to improve the strength of your pitching staff. Plus you always add rented players like Chapman to improve your roster in the playoff run.

It’s hard to figure out what the White Sox are up to. With Kenny Williams and his rant to the reporter saying “stay out of White Sox business.” Rick Hahn I guess is running the show but is he doing it by himself. Or does he have Kenny back seat driving telling him to slow down you missed the turn? I would like to see what the Sox brass would do. Let’s say, but I doubt it, they somehow manage to have a team that jumps out of the gate like last year with an awesome record. However they maintain that record at the all star break. Unlike last year when they hit a pothole and skidded off the road and never recovered. Will they trade the veterans and continue the rebuild? Or will they try to add to the roster? I don’t see this scenario playing out. In my crystal ball, I guaranteed rate, I see a ghost town in the stands. I see the two youuuuths swapping their White Sox hats for Cubs gear. If the Sox let this rebuild take too long, a whole generation of Cub fans could be born and they will follow the Cubs like a zombie horde looking for dinner. Then the White Sox will move out of town and Guaranteed Rate field will stand and crumble year after year like the projects across the highway were doing before they were torn down.

Power hitters at times are hard to come by. They don’t grow on trees either. If I were the Sox, I would sign Todd Frazier to a long term deal and lock him up. He is a great power hitter and he can flash the leather at the hot corner. Plus he expressed interest and wanted to stay on the Sox during the reconstruction. Plus, he can play first base. I would keep Jose Abreu as well because he can help his own countryman Yoan Moncada, the big piece from the Sale trade.He has already said that he would help the youngster out. Plus if Yoan needs a passport eaten, Jose can tell what condiment will go well with it from his own experience. Plus Jose is a great bat to have in the middle of your lineup. I would keep Jose Quintana as my number one pitcher. He can help all the younger guys as well and you have him signed for a few more years. The rest of the veterans you could unload.These three pieces in place and with the young talent you have and a few pick ups on the fly, you can get the Sox back to the playoffs. Then maybe you can get the young fans that are confused,away from the Cubbie’s Never Land ranch and help them in their lives to not become a statistic.

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