March 9,2017, something surreal happened in Chicago. People are coming out of the wood work. Mobs and mobs of people are gathering in the streets.  It is not St. Patrick’s day. The crowds are larger then Bourbon Street. Everyone has smiles on their faces. People are high-fiving each other. We have not seen this amount of people gathered in downtown Chicago since the MCRIB came back.  It’s a cloudy day but you would think the sun is out. People are singing and dancing.  People look like they are celebrating their freedom as If they were incarcerated for years. Maybe eight long painful years to be exact. It might even be bigger than freedom. People are pouring champagne all over each other. This is bigger than sliced bread.

People will remember the day when they heard the news that the Bears released Jay Cutler. It will be like 9/11 you always remember the day and where you were when the planes hit the World Trade Center. That was a sad day in America. But March 9,2017 will be the day Cutler will stop holding our football team hostage.They will remember where they were when they heard the news. People are throwing confetti, ringing bells and banging pots and pans as if the Black Hawks won another cup.I see fireworks going off in the distance. Holy Moly I cant believe it myself finally  the day has arrived. Cutler walks out of town a playoff virgin like the way he came to town.

playoff virgin

Actually he did play in a few playoff game with the Bears.However just because you date a girl does not mean you’re going to lose your virginity. Plus he got hurt in one of those games as he broke a nail.

My brother who goes by the name Moonracer in his circle, texted me “It’s like the Christmas when we were kids and we got those drum sets with the picture of the Quaker on the side of them.”

good times

Fathers all around Chicagoland are hoping now they can answer the question their sons ask them all the time as they have no answer.

ddaddy i just want a qb


a new hope

Now They need a young Jedi to step in and take the Bears to the Super bowl to fight the Evil Empire, the Patriots, led by Darth Brady.



Football free agency is like Christmas. You hope and pray that Santa delivers you a great quarterback. Some years you settle for socks and get like a special teams guy who was a UPS driver a few weeks back. You remember what happened last year with your team. Especially if your team is missing a lot of pieces. You have to trust Santa Clause who is your team’s general manager and his elves the scouts to find players that fit your team philosophy and needs. Sometimes you wish you could get a Home Depot gift card, but this gift card will allow you to pick what player you want on the team. I will write about some free agent signing over the next few weeks and give you my opinion on the situation.

“Crazy Joe Davola” aka Brandon Marshall was cut by the Jets and now he signs with the other New York team. Now the Giants have three great receivers. I’m not a fan of Brandon Marshall, but he is a very productive receiver that has been with crappy quarterbacks his entire career. Eli Manning will be the best quarterback to throw to him. Will Odell Beckham invite Marshall on the annual boat trip? Both Odell and Brandon are attention seekers which should be interesting. Could be a soap opera. However with Brandon Marshall, Odell Beckham and Sterling Shepard – wow you better have some good defensive backs to stop that Giant attack.

No more Marty Bennett in New England.They traded a fourth round draft pick to Indianapolis for their tight end, Dwayne Allen. Allen is another big target the Pats can use in their passing attack. Plus you get a guy that does not have a huge ego like Marty Bennett who would eventually poison the locker room.

The 49ers have been very busy. They signed Washington Redskin wide receiver Pierre Garcon. Will The Redskins send the 49ers Cousins as well? The Niner’s did sign Brian Hoyer to a two year deal. The former Bear last year, reunites with his former coach in Cleveland, Kyle Shanahan. Will the 49ers add another quarterback in free agency or in the draft? Hoyer would be a good back up or bridge quarter back for a younger player.

The Buffalo Bills fixed a boo boo. Instead of paying Tyrod Taylor a guaranteed 30.75 million dollars, both sides have worked out a deal to restructure his contract. This way they could sign some free agents to fix some holes they have on their roster. Tyrod is only 27 years old and has two years under his belt. He can get better. Since sexy Rexy is gone, maybe the new coaching staff can improve Taylor. Taylor does not make a lot of mistakes. Which if McDermott can improve the defense that Rex ruined, that will help wins some games for the Bills as well.Taylor is a mobile quarterback which can cause problems for defenses. I would like to see Taylor be able to throw the ball down the field instead of a lot of the short stuff he does most of the time. The Bills have Cardale Jones, former Ohio State quarterback as well. He was not very impressive in 2016 but did get some experience. Like to see the Bills get a veteran quarter back as well to help mentor both their young QB’S.


The Bears have so far been quiet.

The whole division has been quiet so far except the Lions.

Lions improve their offensive line by signing offensive lineman Ricky Wagner, former Baltimore Raven. That’s a smart move by the lions to keep Stafford off the carpet. It should help the Lions’ running game as well.

I’m curious to see what the Vikings and the Packers will do? Who will start at QB for the Vikings if Teddy Bridgewater comes back and is  healthy? Green Bay Packers seem to be short a few pieces every year from getting to the Superbowl. Like Agent 86 would say in get Smart, missed it by that much as he holds his two fingers showing how close they were. They never go crazy in the free agent market. Sure they will dabble here and there. They need to fix weaknesses if they can find the right person or persons in free agency and get themselves up Hamburger hill to the Superbowl.



In this corner weighing in at 230 lbs is former Houston Texan, former Miami Dolphin, Adrian Foster. The opponent hails from North America weighing anywhere from 65 to 130 lbs with 37 kills, all other animals the WOLF.

I looked up the definition of Crazy: which means mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.

Synonyms for Crazy:  mad, insane and lunatic

Maybe Adrian Foster is football crazy for what’s going on inside his mind. He has played 8 seasons in the NFL rushing for 6,527 yards. He had another 2,346 yards receiving. He even had 68 Touch downs in 80 games he played. I believe all this went down because he was wearing a helmet. In Football you rack up a lot of hits to the head that can cause all kinds of craziness. He now is retired from the game and has this fantasy about fighting a wolf. He ranted and raved that he could fight a wolf with his bare hands and win. Wolves do not have any thumbs and that was his big reason he could win. He says he would go for the neck as that is the weak spot on the animal.

First, Wolves travel in packs so it would be very hard to get a one on one match up against the animal. One wolf can take down a half ton Bison or an Ox. Wolves have upper body strength that they use to take down their prey. Plus, their teeth are sharp like knives or the John Rambo knife in First Blood. The wolf would be gnawing and chewing on your flesh as it would bite right through the bones. The wolf would have Foster stew out of Adrian. The wolf  would chew him down to the bone and clean it’s teeth with his fingers.

I’ve heard of retiring and maybe getting cabin fever. He’s probably asking himself what now? The football chapter of his life is over.What shall he do now?  He’s still a young guy and does not have to do what a typical guy  does when they retire. Going fishing, making bird houses, doing some crossword puzzles, going to play bingo sounds great to me. Marshawn Lynch, another former NFL retired running back, went backpacking in Europe. He has the money to travel if he wants to. Just pick the right country to travel to so you can get a flight back with Trump’s travel ban list going on.

I can see why so many younger guys play a few years and get out of the sport after a few years. Earn a million and get out so you can have a healthy life. After so many plays, so many years, and so many hits, you get crazy after you’re done with the game. He could just be talking shenanigans like my mum would say. With so many suicides from former players it makes you think. These players are like some boxers after they are done fighting in the ring, they are not working with a full deck. They might have not been working with a full deck for years. When you start losing too many kings and queens, you start thinking you can jack a wolf.




The New Albanian Brewing Company


I love this label because it looks like a robotic Donkey Kong. With the name Hoptimus, it reminds me of Optimus Prime from the Transformers. I like all the gears on the label as well. This is my new number one for best art on a label.

optimus prime

Two cool beer labels submitted so far in beer label art of the week.


RANKED          NAME OF BEER                                    SUBMITTED

#1                        Hoptimus Imperial Pale ale                 3-7-17

#2.                      Space Station Middle Finger                2-26-17



That damn song is already being played to make my ears bleed. Go Cubs Go. I’ve heard it being played at a local parish function. The Cubs already brain washing the youth. Maybe that’s how Hitler got the whole country of Germany to say “Hail Hitler.” He had to have spiked the water. Can you imagine if people had to hail Trump? The civil war part two would take place. The song is back spring training is here. Now the Cubs are getting geared up to defend their World Series title as no drought here no longer. Will they repeat?

In baseball and even in any sport, it is very hard to repeat. In Cub land they have a loaded roster once again and they might be able to repeat. Right now everything is hunky dory but as we know championships do cost money. Right now the Cubs core, the position players, are locked up for a few years. What about their pitching though? Do they have any big pitching prospects ready to come up to the major league level? Jon Lester and John Lackey are aging. Then you have the man, Jake Arrieta. Some will say he is the Cubs number one, Some will say Lester is your number one. Jake Arrieta’s contract runs out after this season. His agent is Scott Boras and you know he will want a few Brinks trucks for Jake, especially if he has another great season this year.

Jake Arrieta came over from Baltimore. It’s like the Cubs gave the beans to the Orioles and they sent the cow back to Chicago. Jake has won the Cy Young in 2015. In 2016, he had two no hitters. He won the silver slugger as he was the top hitting pitcher. He was also a gold glove finalist last season as well. All of that and he is only 31 years old. Will Boras want to get him a similar deal to what Max Scherzer got from the Washington Nationals? That was seven years at 210 million. Could he still be pitching effectively at 38 years old when the contract runs out? Theo, Jed and company will have to make some big decisions next off season.

The Cubs have plenty of money – look what they invested in Heyward. He was horrible last year. However you don’t want to go down the same road when you overpay all those guys like Soreno and Aramis Ramirez. It took awhile to get out of those back loaded contracts and you had to pay teams to take them off your roster. Having one big contract that the player sucks is OK, having two it gets to be really hard. Plus you have to think about your core, they will need to be paid and they will want big money at Menards. Jake seems like he runs out of gas towards the end of season anyways. Some say he’s on or was on some kind of steroid that suddenly made him so dominating, especially in 2015. Now he reminds me of the Russian boxer in Rocky. Once Rock got a solid punch in to make him bleed he fell apart. I think teams had found that if you rattle Arrieta, he will fall. Let the buyer be aware that it might be OK to pass on Arrieta after this season. Especially the kind of money he will demand. I do not see him up for the long haul of his career.



Michonne and Rick’s excellent adventure in search for guns. This was a zombie apocalypse road trip date between the couple. They lived in a van down by the river, well forest for this road trip. Every place they searched they would scavenge through people’s houses and take whatever goodies they could find. After slaughtering zombies all day they find time to get it on. With all the DNA flying around from all the zombies they kill, does this equal the same amount of DNA found in Charlie Sheen’s bed?

Rick Grimes pulled out all the stops as he took her to carnival. Where she played the shooting game from long distance. Rick even made her dinner – chili mac and cheese as they found boxes of food in the school. That sly dog, he would buy her a Big Mac meal deal and perhaps supersize it for a date in the real world. They even made love in the school as they looked at the moon from the gigantic hole in the roof which caved in on them when they found the school. That old smoothie pulling out all the tricks in dating in the zombie apocalypse.

Meanwhile the carnival had many intriguing zombies walking around. They had zombies with their hands tied in front of them. They had lots of military zombies still holding their weapons walking around. One military zombie walked in to something that hit the trigger on his weapon he was carrying and he opened fired on Rick and Michonne. They made a daring escape from the car they were trying to use to block the fence. No brakes in the car and a zombie firing at them they were trapped inside the car! I see sun roofs are very valuable in the zombie apocalypse for the quick exit.

soldier in car

This is my zombie of the week. GI ZOMBIE TRAPPED IN THE CAR WINDOW

Rick almost got himself killed as the Chili Mac and Cheese was not quite filling. He saw Bambi’s sister walking around so he was going for the kill to have venison steaks that night.That would shown Michonne she can expect more than a value meal. He was climbing carnival rides looking for the perfect shot. He fell and she thought he was dead when the zombies were feasting on the deer. He was able to dodge the zombies in one of those cages for the carney rides. It all worked out at the end as they were able to kill all the zombies, collect the weapons and supply  the group they met at the dump who will help them eventually fight the Saviors.

My two questions from this episode:

Will they invade the island of misfit lesbians for their guns?

Will the girls got to have fun sniper Negan?

I think Zartan and the Dreadnoks from GIJOE would do very well in a zombie apocalypse.


Zartan could blend in with the zombie hordes by changing disguises. They live down by the swamps. They have swamp boats. They have motorcycles. They have wild biker parties. They have weapons that can kill zombies. The blow torch.The gun chainsaw. Plus all the explosives they carry. This type of gang probably could be scarier than the Saviors.



Last Call softball could sign their biggest free agent ever. Negan!!! He looks like a great clean up hitter. As we know he can swing the bat. In that picture above he can put fear in the opposing  pitcher with his stare back to the mound.


I pick my group based on why I think they would be valuable in a zombie apocalypse. I will not use real names. However they might know who they are.

My first pick will be The Wilderness man. This guy will be the leader of my rag tag survivors. The Wilderness man builds trails in national parks out west. He is familiar with the outdoors. He has camped outdoors in all kinds of weather. He has been a forest fire fighter as well. He has a beard so he plays the part very nicely. He drives a big Dodge Ram. He is very familiar with guns. Plus very importantly, he can brew his own beer. Plus he likes to drink beer. He would know how to survive so he would be the first person I’d call in a Zombie apocalypse.

Next week I will add another member. Plus I will have some ideas where we should hold up during the Zombie Apocalypse.






(3-5- 17) ZYWIEC





This weekend I went to a Polish pizza place called Flo’s & Santo’s. I went with the Polish beer called Zywiec from the keg. I’m not the type of person to go oversees and go to a McDonald’s restaurant or order a Budweiser from the pubs. I like to get the local flavor. Even though the place is in the south loop of Chicago, they had the Polish menu.They had a large menu of beers to choose from as well, but this weekend I went with the lefty from the bull pen and called on  Zywiec.

I had the choice of the pint size or for a dollar more, the monster size 22 oz. I went with the monster size as I worked up quite a thirst. I did like Zywiec, it went down very easy. I had to order a second one. The pour was fantastic as the golden color glistened from the dim lighting in the restaurant/bar. The smell was sweet like a fruity blend aroma. The taste had a lot going on. It had a sweet, fruity hoppy taste. It had some bitterness but not overwhelming. I would definitely order this beer again as it went down smooth.

When there, I had the flying pork wings in BBQ sauce that were very tasty. I then indulged in one of their specialty pizzas which I will have more on in the next pizza entry. Overall I was satisfied with a great drink and food combo.


RANKING/ DATE       BEER                 STYLE                                   BREWERY NAME

#1.         2-27-17     PIN BALL           AMERICAN PALE ALE            TWO BROTHERS

#2          3-5-17         ZYWIEC             EURO PALE LAGER                ZYWIEC BREWERS

Pinball remains number one. Zywiec was good but Pinball was better.


This is not an easy thing to fix. The Bears need to improve the foundation. The walls can crumble at any time.The first thing is address the quarter back position. In Football, in my opinion, this is the most important position on the field. Love to have a new owner. However that is not going to happen.Love to have the Blackhawks or Theo and Jed from the Cubs run the Bears. Yes, John Paxson and Kenny Williams, I’m not talking about you. They should be fired ASAP in my opinion. As we know the Bears have a top pick in this year’s draft. If the quarter backs were Manning and a Leaf, the Bears would pick the Leaf. I do not trust the Bears picking a quarterback in the first round. If you told the Bears, you have to pick a good quarterback out of a hundred good quarterbacks or the world would blow up, the world would blow up.

The first thing will be dumping Cutler. I tell you I will have an extra few beers on that day when that is announced. The second  thing I would do is sign Brian Hoyer and make him my second string quarterback. He is capable of winning you some games if the number one gets hurt.Then I would avoid playing poker with Bill Belichick to try to land  Jimmy Garoppolo. It will cost you too much. Plus he has only played three games. The Bears could end up like the Houston Texans and giving 70 million to Brock Osweiler. I put my sights on free agent Mike Glennon, former Buccaneer. He lost his job because Tampa Bay drafted James Winston. Glennon has two seasons under his belt. Plus he had some time to watch and learn. He’s only 27 years old so he has some time to develop into something special, of course under the right circumstances.They need to protect him and get him more toys to play with. He would have a good running back already in place. His career QB rating is 84.6 which he has gotten playing on bad teams.He’s a tall guy at 6’7″and he has thrown 30 TDs in 18 starts. Plus he can be there for the long haul, not like other choices on the market. Plus you still keep your top draft pick because Glennon is a free agent.

Now in the first round you can draft an impact defensive player. You can also address the offensive line with an impact player. The Bears never seem to have a young QB that they are grooming for the future. In the later rounds I would draft a QB. He can stand on the sidelines and just learn for the first year. I think you can snag a guy like Chad Kelly from Ole Miss. First he is Hall of Famer Jim Kelly’s nephew. That’s your QB coach. You know Jim will talk sense into the troubled youngster who has been in a few mishaps in College. However he is not Johnny “no football” Manziel. This might not work because again the Bears have not drafted a guy that can play well at that position. Chad Kelly’s stock has fallen, but this guy will be a sleeper in this year’s draft. He has a big arm and he has beaten some big programs over his college career.He has beaten Bama in Alabama. I love the way he can sling the ball down the field. I would feel confident being down by a few touch downs and this guy has the talents and moxy to bring you back in the game.

I know it’s easier said than done. But my way I have Mike Glennon as my number one. Then Brian Hoyer as my number two. Then my sleeper waiting in the wings, Chad Kelly. The Bears still would need to fix the offensive line. I want another tackle. I would like to see them get another tight end that can catch as well as block.Then in free agency or draft, another wide receiver because they are very weak at that position.Kenny Stills or Terrelle Pryor would be good fits. Then keep adding to that defense that has shown some signs they are an up and coming unit. I would try to add a shut down cornerback. I would look at Buffalo Bills Stephon Gilmore. The Bears have money to spend with a lot of wiggle room under the salary cap. If they do it right they might be able to get back to the playoffs.