A long time ago in a season far far away the Bears had men like Bronco Nagurski, Dick Butkus, and Mike Ditka. Now they added Trubisky. Mitch Trubisky, the man from North Carolina and he’s a quarter back. The great Michael Jordan was from North Carolina University and look what he did for the town of Chicago, six titles for the Bulls. Could this be the answer to all of our prayers? Mitch Trubisky behind center leading us to the promise land? The Bears have not won a Super Bowl since 1985. The last time we have been there was 2006 with Dr.Jekell and Mr. Hyde. Good Rex Grossman bad Rex Grossman. Will Mitch be like Jim McMahon or like Rex Grossman? I hear the words the great Lovie use to say Rex is still our quarterback. Don’t even bring up Jay Cutler who is still sailing on his boat showing his bare bum to his wife.

I want to see the best for the Bears. I really want this thing to work. But deep down the gut feeling is saying DOOM. First thing I was shocked when they traded up and swapped picks with the Niners. I was thinking maybe they wanted Solomon Thomas the next best defensive line men after Cleveland got their junk yard dog. Quarter backs are so valuable in the NFL because its a league now a days with a sparse amount of good quarterbacks. I can see why they wanted one. But it seems like they were bamboozled. Like Pace traded the cow for the beans. Did the Bears have to trade all those draft picks just to swap picks with Niners? I believe if they let things stand pact they would of gotten Trubisky anyways at number three. Here we go again the Bears are bidding against themselves. For all of this they gave the Niners their third round pick, fourth round pick and in 2018 another third round pick. Like Hank Hill would say, “What the hell”.

This reminds me of the Rick Mirer trade which was another first round blunder. It’s like the time they did not franchise tag Cutler to see what his performance would be that year. Instead they were scared they might hurt his feelings and Jay would take his ball and go home. So three brinks trucks later and years of crappy quarter back play with extra tude the Bears were back at the drawing board. Before the draft they went out and got Mike Glennon and they gave him a lot of money. Which now Glennon has seen this before when he was in Tampa he was the starter and the Bucs then drafted Winston. The Bears were so desperate they even signed the butt fumbler Dirty Sanchez who sounds like a cheesy cowboy porn. Well this will give them options. But they will have lots of money invested in the quarterback position and we don’t even know if they got it right.

This year’s draft was a weak quarterback class. Mitch Trubisky is probably one of the better ones. People are comparing him to Ryan Leaf which that is crazy, But that’s the way the cookie crumbles for the Bears as they can’t get that position right. I hope John Fox has a good quarterback coach on his staff because they will need one. If the Bears had Tom Brady he would not be Tom Brady like. He would turn to stone and become a lawn ornament.

What I like about Mitch Trubisky is he is not Jay Cutler. He looks like he has a solid arm. I like the passing accuracy in the short game. He seems like a leader which has been lacking under center with the Cutler. His name is Mitch. The last Mitch we had in town was Mitch Williams who played for the Cubbies. He was nicknamed the Wild Thing. It was like in the movie Major league where the owner says, “that song I hate that song,” when everybody in the crowd would be singing wild thing,

I do not like about Mitch that he has only started 13 games since high school. He’s coming off not a good bowl game. He needs to be aware of his surroundings on the field of play, too many lapses like Grossman. His deep ball is not anything to bring home to mom.

But my stomach is still feeling Doom after this pick. I do like he can sit and watch the first season and soak it all in unless Glennon gets hurt. Then the butt fumbler will probably get booed off the field from the Bears faithful. Oh the fans will probably be chanting Mitch’s name all season until the Bears are backed into the corner and have to play him. Hopefully Glennon plays well and keeps Mitch on the bench. Then the Bears can take their time and build something special with him when it comes time when the new Wild thing takes the controls to lead the Bears over the Packers. DA BEARS!!!

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