The two people I most want to find about how their NFL career develops is Garrett Bolles and Gareon Conley. Lots going on in both their lives before they even play a down in the NFL. Garrett Bolles is an offensive linemen and he was drafted number 20 by the Denver Broncos. The 24th pick, the Raiders selected corner back Garceon Conley. Both players will bring the baggage of their lives to their new career once training camp begins.

Let’s start with Garett Bolles who was drafted out of Utah. His story is he found GOD. Yes the Broncos love drafting the religious bible thumpers as they drafted Tim Tebow. Now they have drafted the most talented offensive linemen they say in the draft. I’ve seen Dusty Baker use his kids as shields to help him defend off reporters. But Garrett walked down the stairs with his newborn son at the draft. I’ve never seen that as he has to be the first person to have done that. He looked like Doctor Claw from inspector Gadget petting his pussy cat. His dad kicked him out of the house when he was 18 because Garrett was the kind of person that walked on the wild side. Five schools later he finds himself at University of Utah and the good news is a family has taken him in. Plus he has found God. They showed his shoes from College that had all these psalms and scriptures written on them. I feel like some of his money will be going to the book of Mormans. He mentioned GOD a few times in the interview along with the kid. He looks like he has a mean streak in him as he has those wonky tonk crazy eye balls. The eyeballs that would snap your neck in seconds then quote a scripture from the good book. He then would feed his wild side with some Jack Links beef jerky while petting his son like Dr. Claw and his cat.

My Dad always told me nothing good ever happens after midnight. While my mum always said nothing good happens after last call. For Gareon Conley he was in Cleveland having a grand ole time after midnight, maybe even after last Call. He played for Ohio State and was in town working out for the Browns. He met a gal and then the next day the woman is filing Rape charges against him. The typical life of an NFL player. She says he wanted to have an orgy with his friends. What’s with these athletes wanting to share one woman? I guess she said no and she was raped personally by him. No charges have been filed against Conley. He had been cooperating with the authorities. You get drafted by the Raiders and the world finds out on the same day that you had a night out with a woman and you could of raped her. Does he think maybe she said no but her eyes were saying yes? If he just waited until Oakland moved to sin city. Then he can go hog wild with any of his sexual adventures. He can dress up as Betty Boop and be spanked. Plus then he could say things done after midnight in Vegas stay in Vegas.

Maybe Bolles can help Conley find his way in life with the Mormons or the Jehovah Witnesses. Denver and Oakland play each other twice a year so their paths might cross. It will be interesting how their career unfolds. Can Religion take away the football edge How will they balance that out? Will he snap and go down the wrong path? Will Conley avoid shenanigans after last call.? Will he end up in jail if the girl is right? The Raiders and the Bengals take any kind of projects so he will fit in. As long as neither unleashes their animal wild side and throws a snack sausage at the gas station attendant for not having hot dogs cooking for the after midnight snack.


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