I continue to hear people that are shocked that Colin Kaepernick is not on someone’s roster. I have seen lots of articles claiming the same thing that somebody should add him to their roster. However you never hear the reporter say I want Kaepernick on my team. But sure they want to see him on another NFL team. But How come not your team that you root for? People think he is getting blacklisted from the NFL because he did not stand for the national anthem. What about his play on the field? He has the right to protest. But if his QB skills are declining does he deserve to be on a team? Do the teams in the NFL have to consider taking him? Could it be the baggage off the field and his decline as a productive player?

Football is a team sport. It takes everyone on the field to gel like a well oiled machine to be successful. The quarterback is the most important position on the field as he is the leader of the well oiled machine. He is usually the face of the franchise. He usually gets paid the most money on the field. He is the one that will lead the troops to the promise land. The team leadership Kaepernick has is he wants to protest against police brutality on his team’s time. He started sitting for the National anthem. He wore socks with pigs on them taking a poke at Police officers. He has his own agenda going on and you know it  split the locker room. He had some followers but it was only a handful. He had some more followers around the league, but only a handful. Would you see Rodgers, Breese, or Manning or Brady taking their own personal stand on team time? Now some people were probably gunning for him during the season so everyone has to even play harder to protect him. Some of his own teammates probably did not want to protect him. He could of easily made his stance as a celebrity off the field. I remember people got mad at Brandon Marshall on the Bears because he flew to New York to be part of one the football shows every week. People were critical of him because they thought he should be resting his injury. Even the same year Lance Briggs took off practice for the Bears to fly to Texas and be a part of his restaurant opening. These things made it tough on the team. Kaepernick made it tough for his team.

I would not want him on my team because the NFL has figured him out. He can’t throw the ball down the field like most running QBS. RG3 and Mike Vick were guys that had some success in the NFL but they  took too many hits. Vick had some decent years throwing down the field or throwing on the run. He had one last good year when they let him out of the dog house after sending multiple dogs to death in his back yard in his dog gladiator fights. Kaepernick is the same way. He helped the Niner’s get to the Super bowl when he replaced Alex Smith. After a few good seasons the wheels came off Kaepernick and the niner’s. Jim Harbaugh knew that Kaepernick was not going to be the next Brady. Fighting with the Niners management as well he knew that San Francisco was on it’s way to being a pile crap on a hot summer day. Michigan called and he was on the next flight. Colin Kaepernick can complete short passes and can run the ball. But defenses are prepared to make him throw the ball down the field and he cant. Steve Young is the best running QB I have ever seen. Because he can beat you with his feet and his arm and he had accuracy deep down the field.

Why would your team sign Kaepernick? He can not be the face of your franchise. Unless you cater to thugs or if the Reverend Tim Tom and his squadron of Gospel disciples will make a big stink if he’s being mistreated. You would have to have a head coach that could deal with him and make him tow the company team line. You would need a smart offensive coordinator to make another special offense for him. Then you will have to deal with is he or isn’t he going to stand for the national anthem from all the reporter questions that will be launched at the coach and the team’s front office. Then will he ever get that stellar quarterback play he for a season and half? He’s like Vanilla Ice, a one hit wonder. If the Bears signed him to replace Cutler I think Chicago would of rioted in the streets. They would be begging for Glennon and Trubisky who they drafted in the first round. Plus the biggest thing is he would never be able to lead a team. I can’t see him winning over a locker room and I don’t care how many suits he gives people at the homeless shelter or people that get out of prison. That’s how he should of started his stance against police brutality in the first place. Then he might have a job right now.

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