The Chicago Bulls are on a mission from God as they continue to get the band back together. First thing first is they talked it out with Jimmy Butler as they had sat down and hashed things out. Yesterday rumors had Jimmy wanting the Bulls to trade him to the Cavaliers where he could play alongside the king, Lebron James. However the Bulls and Jimmy are back together again and back on the same page. Today D Wade opted in on his second year with the team. That’s 24 million going to an aging superstar that can’t stay healthy for the whole season. He can’t put up the numbers to get paid that kind of cheddar. It’s business as usual as Gar Belushi and Pax Elwood get their players back on the court in hope they see that playoff magic where they won the first two against the Celtics. It quickly derailed with the Rondo injury. The band will be back in the United Center this upcoming season. Will they have enough instruments to play the same tune they always play?

Next year will be the same old song and dance. The Bulls will make it to the playoffs with a .500 record and be ousted by the number one seed. Can the same team derail the Cavaliers in the East? We know they would not stand a chance against the Warriors in the west. Why bother doing the same plan that obviously does not work The Cavaliers might have one more year left in the tank before Lebron leaves town again. Another get out of contract clause. Yes he will head to LA or some other team he thinks is on the rise with some talent that can help him capture a ring. Meanwhile the Warriors will be around awhile before they go back to the drawing board. Do the Bulls actually have a plan? The big three in Rondo, Wade and Butler are not going to last a long time especially when Wade is on his last leg and Rondo is not the one who helped Boston win years ago. What should the Bulls do? BLOW IT UP!!!!

I know you can not get rid of the owner of the Bulls. If I could I would start there. However if he could just give the word we can send in the bulldozers in to remove the wreckage or carnage that John Paxson and Gar Forman have created.  New Orleans after the hurricane looked better than what these two mental patients have caused. I like John Paxson as a player. He came in and made some crucial threes that helped Michael and the Bulls win their first three championships. First thing get rid of Paxson and his side kick Forman. How many crappy draft picks did these two dum dums pick? How many feuds with coaches have these two been involved in? In 2012 Bulls assistant coach Ron Adams wanted Draymond Green who is a key piece of that Warrior team. Coach Thibodeau was on board with Green as well; it fit his defensive philosophy. Instead they picked Marquis Teague. He probably asks people now a days, “do you want fries with that?”

Dougey McBuckets he’s gone already too. It’s a shame Jerry Reinsdorf is so loyal to some of his former players. On any other team these two would of been fired years ago. Instead they still have more chances than a cat has in lives. They don’t even know what a good coach looks like. They had him. He was winning. The players would play hard for him. Yes Thibodeau is better than the puppet they have now. I don’t know which one has their hand further up Fred Hoiberg’s arse. But the players do not even listen to Fred. Because he’s best at being a College coach. He did get Iowa State into the tournament but he never advanced very far in the tournament. I’d rather have Freddie Boom Boom Washington from Welcome Back Kotter than Fred Hoiberg. Cut off the three headed monster is the first thing I would do. Then they need to hire someone outside the Bulls organization. Not another ex player to run the team. They need a guy that knows how to run a professional basketball team. Like a Theo Epstein type to be president of basketball operations. He’s the one with a vision and a plan. He will get the right people in the building. They need to find someone who can coach. Then with an established brain trust they can seek the right players with the right plan instead of doing it on the fly with the group that’s in place today. As long as they are on the same page and fish out the right talent a team rebuild from scratch will work.

I heard today on the radio that they should make Dwayne Wade the man. Make him the face of the franchise. Have him get the free agents. That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. I want nothing to do with Wade. He’s in Chicago for 24 million reasons… the money he will be getting. When he was one hell of player he wasted our time with a fake visit as he knew he was going to be playing with the King and Bosch on his Heat team. I don’t care if he is from Chicago, he’s a cockroach. Nothing good will come from him. He will  be paying all his buddies to play on the Bulls’ dime. It’s probably too late but I think the Bulls should cut Wade or trade him for anything (and I mean anything) even if i’ts the team cheerleader with gonorrhea, do It.

I would trade Butler now and get whatever draft picks I could get. Why keep him around? Rome was not built in one day and again the Warriors will be around for awhile. I would continue that with a midnight madness sale and trade away veterans I have on the team. Or if they have to keep some of them, get rid of them when their contract runs out. However if you can get something for the veteran… LETS MAKE A DEAL. I would build with the young players they have. Find out if they can actually play. Discard the ones that can’t make it in this league.  If Paxson and Forman drafted them, then they’re probably better off taking them out back of the shed and eliminate them now instead of wasting our time. I wish the Bulls would have done this already since the draft is this Thursday. It is a draft with some talent in it finally instead of other years. Build the nucleus from the draft. Nothing guaranteed by building the team from the draft. But if you get the right people in there they will not miss the Drayman Greens. Then when the youths get better playing together, add some veteran players to help take the team to another level. Maybe the level of being the new Warriors on the court. This is just a pipe dream because it will be business as usual in Bully land. Maybe Fred Hoiberg will give John Paxson a fat lip on this go around.