Jay Cutler will always have a cult following. People still believe he was the best quarter back in Bears history. Yes indeed he has all the stats to prove that he’s the best. People probably would like him leading the squad in 2017. Even Hall of Famer and former Bear Dan Hampton last weekend said to a crowd if Cutler was the starting quarter back in the 80’s the Bears would of won four titles. Jay Cutler has left his imprint on Chicago as people will talk about this guy for decades to come. Either hardly good, bad or ugly Jay Cutler will be bar stool conversation in Chicago. I figured the next time we were going to discuss Cutler was how he will handle himself in the broadcast booth. My opinion on that is he will probably do well. We know we will get him doing plenty of Bears games as well which will be interesting on what he says. Would you be mean to the people that gave you a few brinks trucks of cash? For right now would he have won four titles with that great defense in the 80’s?

It is not a secret that Dan Hampton has disliked Jim McMahon for a very long time including when they were teammates. I can see people disliking the Punky QB. Especially a straight laced defensive lineman. Lots of people hate the quarter back because they get all the pub and fame.While a Dan Hampton type of player works the trenches does all the dirty work and people want to know what Jim McMahon’s thinks about the game. However they both played the game and as teammates they both won a lot of football games. People always say why didn’t the Bears win another title. Putting hatred aside could Dan be thinking it was the QB position that costed them a chance for another title.

People say if Jim McMahon stayed healthy they would of won another title easily. I do think a lot of factors come into play why the Bears did not win another title. McMahon being hurt was one of the reasons. Especially with the hits he took back then when now a days you can not get away with the crazy hits especially  helmet to helmet contact. The Green Bay defensive lineman body slammed McMahon to turf that lacerated the man’s kidneys. His injuries definitely did stall the team. That team had to many egos. Especially the head coach Mike Ditka and Buddy Ryan who hated each other. It seem like it was the tale of two cities. Ryan had the defense Mike had the offense. It did work for one magical season. However Buddy Ryan left after they won the Superbowl to become a head coach and it did not help. The defense loved Buddy Ryan. Even though the defensive unit still played well after Buddy left it still was not the same. These two coaches would only thrive working together, not on separate paths. Then eventually losing Wilbur Marshall. Wilbur is one player on a defensive team of superstars. However he somehow always came up with huge plays at the most important part of the game. Plus his huge hits on quarterbacks was masterful. I still remember when he was in a skins uniform, the lick he put on Troy Aikman.You can’t keep everybody but he would be the one they should of kept. Then everyone seemed to have their own endorsement and their own key to the city. Like in Rocky, he lost his edge. The Bears did well but they did not have the eye of the tiger to repeat.

As a starting QB in the NFL, Jim McMahon was 67-30. That’s 37 games over 500 when McMahon is the starting QB. Jay Cutler finished his sorry ass career last season and his career record as a starter is 68-71. Three games under 500. Cutler has all the tools of a starting QB. So did Jeff George. Both QBs didn’t live up to their hype. McMahon was the leader and he’d find a way to win the game. He showed grit by doing the unthinkable. He had fire in his belly to make the extra yard. Like the game he came off the bench on Monday Night football, the team was down in the second half by a few scores. He brought them back in amazing fashion and the Bears went on to win that game. When McMahon made a mistake he would be pissed off. He would come back to correct his mistake. In Cutler’s world the biggest key of evidence is why Jay would not be able to win four titles even with the 80’s defense. Cutler does not care as he nonchalants his butt to the sidelines after a mistake. He probably thinks about his model girlfriend and what they are having for dinner instead of coming back the next series and making something good happen. Game on the line, McMahon would come up with the big play to seal the deal. While Cutler would make the biggest boneheaded mistake of the game. Maybe Dan Hampton thinks he could guide the poor Cutler and lift his spirits and help make him a better player. Not in the cards because you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and Cutler is a dog. McMahon played with heart and guts. They really did not have anybody else to help lead them when McMahon was injured. Remember Cutler had lots of injuries as well. I think Dan has lost his marbles putting all of his eggs in Cutlers basket. Hampton is probably right – if they had a stable quarterback at that position they might have won multiple titles. If you had Dan Marino, Jim Kelly or Joe Montana they would of been the Bulls and won a six pack of championships. Let’s remember these are the Chicago Bears and they really have no clue what a good quarterback looks like.

If I had to pick a quarterback, the Bears actually had to lead the 80s Bears, only one comes to mind that would do well. Actually Kyle Orton would of been a great quarterback for that team in the 80’s. With that defense the Bears just needed a game manager. Kyle stayed healthy most of his career so he would of kept the quarterback position stable. Kyle never made the big mistakes Cutler has made. See how easy it is to throw Cutler in another topic. The topic in which he arrived in Chicago in the first place. Orton to Denver and Cutler to Chicago is how it all started. At that time almost everyone loved that trade. Now watching that disaster unfold I still can’t believe how many people still stick up for Cutler and make him sound like he was the best ever when he really is just a cancer that ended up getting many people fired. Someone give Hampton some smelling salts to wake up his brain from a deep slumber. He is right about the position not being stable but he’s away with the band with his choice of the guy behind center if it worked out that way.


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