Looks like Jay Cutler’s broadcast career is on hold for now. You thought you saw him throw his last interception. Jay Cutler has won the lottery again. He might of earned a million or two for his football insight on Fox Sports. However this week he pulled the lever of the slot machine and has bumped his salary this year up to ten million. Yes, HE’S back and he will be playing for the Miami Dolphins on a one year deal.

Jay Cutler has the life of Reilly. Seriously he has won the Chicago sweep stakes as the Bears have paid him big bucks for what. He has only gotten 117 million dollars in the last 11 years. He has a model wife. He can scratch himself on his boat and his bum is the top story of the day. Oh and he lives in Nashville. Enjoy some honky tonk music and some great BBQ in Music City. He nails an audition for Fox. They hire him. Then the man with the horseshoe so far up his behind gets the best football situation to revive his sorry ass career.

This is how it went down. Last year Dolphins won ten games with their new coach Adam Gase.  He was one of Cutler’s many offensive coordinators in Jay’s career. However Adam Gase got the best out of Jay Cutler. That kind of job was enough for the Dolphins to make Adam their head coach. The Dolphins thinking this guy did the impossible to get someone who just does not care to do well is worth it. Year one Adam Gase gets the Dolphins into playoffs winning ten games. Then it’s like Jay Cutler, Tonya Harding, Ryan Tannehill’s knee (the Dolphins starting quarterback) who went down with a knee injury. Tannehill needs knee surgery and is probably out for the year. Then Cutler has his feet up on the bar stool next to him rocking to some country when he gets the call. Ten million smackers is a lot of cheese. He agrees and like a cockroach who survived a nuclear holocaust apocalypse Cutler will be wearing a fish on his helmet looking to take the money and run.

Could this be a bad move on Adam Gase’s part? Putting all his eggs in the Cutler basket. First of all they only gave Cutler a one year deal. Unless they are like the Bears after he plays very well his first half of the season, and give him an contract extension. However the Dolphins are not that stupid. If this thing fails they can quickly cut ties with the bum and send him packing back to honkytonk town. If this situation goes south and Dolphins go down in a firing wreckage on South Beach, Adam Gase will be criticized. But I think he gets a life line because Tannehill went down right before the first preseason game. Not much available in the dollar bin. That leaves the poor old dusty old Kaepernick model still kneeling there. He must feel like he was picked last in gym class.

If this thing works, Gase will look like a genius. However the Dolphins will have to be buyer beware if they want to risk Cutler again if he has a solid season. It’s like playing the devil at a card game. Jay might understand the Charlie Daniels Band’s song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” Playing your fiddle for your soul type of deal. Meanwhile if Jay Cutler does well then he revives his football career. Plus he might win the lottery again with another big payday on the horizon.

Dolphins have an excellent running game. They have some play makers at the receiver position. They have a decent offensive line that could probably keep Jay Cutler standing upright. With new scenery. With a new cast of characters. With some old guidance this perhaps has a recipe of success. Usually players that leave Chicago always come back on another team and do very well. However this is Jay Cutler we are talking about and the Patriots are probably licking their chops on defense as Christmas came early this year -pick sixes for all of my friends.

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