The Chicago Bulls organization reminds me of high school. The management would not be the principal or the teachers either. The Bulls front office is broken up into groups that can not get along. Your typical high school groups such as jocks, stoners, greasers, the socials, and your out casts. I see these groups walking the Berto center or even the United Center whispering the latest gossip. I see them trying to rough up some people in the bathroom for stepping on one group’s turf. In high school it always comes down to a gal where a fight will break out. In the Bulls world we can say a draft pick. As the semesters go on the more back stabbing is done at Bulls High. I can see two teenage girls saying, “Oh my god do you believe what Gar Forman was wearing?”

I really don’t want to know what that slut Forman was wearing. Right before the Bulls season tip off Bobby Portis and Nikola Mirotic were involved  in a fight. Probably two key guys you need on the squad in a rebuilding year. This was not your typical scrap that was broken up and swept under the rug. Nikola Mirotic is out 4-6 weeks with some broken facial bones. Meanwhile the league and the Bulls have to suspend Portis for 8 regular season games.


Yes the same John Paxson who had a throw down with former Bulls head coach Vinny Del Negro. This fight occurred after school by the bike rack where Paxson reportedly threw a few punches and actually choked him. Ladies and gentleman this is your President of Operations.

The Bulls are in a big time rebuilding as they traded their best player in Jimmy Butler. They had to buy Dwayne Wade out and send him on his way. Now the team has a lot of young guys and they were told hard work would be noticed and awarded. The young guys would show up and work out every day and practice their game. At the same time Nikola Mirotic was a free agent and he would work out but not participate in the basketball part of it. The Bulls finally signed Mirotic to a two year deal and they penciled him in as a starter. Plus Mirotic and the Portis feud has been going on for years as I take it they might be from two different groups.  Maybe one’s a jock and one’s a stoner who knows.

This has been going on for years so who has the responsibility to take care of this mess. I would say it should be handle by Fred Hoiberg. Known as the Mayor down at Iowa State. He went to school there and he became head coach of the basketball team. He played with the Bulls a long time ago as well. Mr. Popularity roams the halls as everyone likes him and he’s BFF with all because he’s the mayor. He has gotten Iowa State to the NCAA tournament however never advanced past the first round. He’s the puppet that Paxson and Forman can control. It seems like Fred sends his team mixed messages. This is not the first time someone has said that. It has happened last year. Maybe he says something which he thinks is right, but then has to look over his shoulder and change his answer when Pax Forman don’t like what he said. However Fred gives his assistant coach Jim Boylen power to handle the bad boys in class. Jim is one of Gar’s henchmen who I guess they would call the Jug master. Meanwhile Fred continues to high five people walking the halls so he can think about his three point attack offense with no defense.

Then lets not forget the GOOCH, Gar Forman. The Gooch was the bully you never saw on the show Different Strokes. He was the guy Arnold Jackson was afraid of at school. Gar Forman is the guy that smokes in the bathroom The guy that will settle his fist of cups in the stall where he will corner you and demand you do not say things about him or the Bull’s organization. Years ago when Jeff Van Gundy was announcing the game and stood up for Tom Thibodeau, his friend, and let the Bulls management have it. Rumors were swirling about how the Bulls could not handle Tom Thibodeau. They did not like how he won games and a guy like Bill Belichek on the Patriots kept his foot down on the pedal until the final buzzer sounded. They did not like his ideas in the draft room. He was the new guy at school and a free thinker. Did things his own way and they hated him for it. He was the John Bender of high school. Did not care what others thought of him. As Jeff Van Gundy is taking a leak, the Gooch sneaks up from behind on him. Very Bulls like.

Jerry Reinsdorf is like the clueless principal Mr. Weatherbee from the Riverdale High.  He let them fire the best coach since Phil Jackson in Tom Thibdeau. I predict you will see Minnesota Timberwolves get to the playoffs this year as Thibs has full control of the basketball operations. You will see him get his team farther and quicker to a championship than the meat heads you have running the Bulls now. If they ever get this boat afloat you will never see a big name free agent want to sign with the Bulls. The Bulls are the same organization that did not give Jackson and Jordan another year to defend their title until they actually lost in playoffs or a championship. It’s time to fire the little skirts you have running your team. Just because John Paxson played for three of the championships does not give him a life time job. I used to like him as a player but now he makes my stomach turn. His brother failed in the Celtics front office. They are not cut out for front office work. The Gooch should be put down at the pound. At least neuter him if he’s going to bite people in the bathroom. I do not know what it will take to pull the plug on the front office and current coaching staff. Right now they are the worst franchise in Chicago. Before I thought the Bears as they runs things like the Dinosaurs were still around. Only way things change is if people hurt their wallets and not buy overpriced tickets to watch a inferior product on the court. They might be the only game in town. However people will wise up.


It was supposed to be the year of Mike Glennon. He even said that “it’s my year”.

The 2017 NFL season was going to be like the summer of George in Seinfeld. Glennon signed a three year deal with the Chicago Bears in the off season. Eighteen million big ones guaranteed in the bank. This is his big chance to be a full time starter in the NFL. Finally get out of backing up number one draft pick Winston in Tampa Bay. Life was looking good as Mike was probably whistling Dixie. Getting another opportunity to start and show that he can be a full time starter in the NFL. The games he has already started, his numbers were very respectful. Way more TD’s thrown to interception rate. He was a guy with a reputation that did not turn over the ball. He was replacing Jay Cutler who was a turn over machine. Glennon was probably the best available in the off season which helped get a nice payday for the former Buccaneer.

Then in April, Glennon is invited to the Bears draft party. He’s meeting all the higher up in the front office. Hanging out probably with former Bear greats as well. In his mind he’s probably thinking, “What am I going to get from Santa Claus?” Will it be a tight end? How about a receiver. He will learn later on that the Bears don’t know what a Receiver looks like. Maybe he did not remember ex-Bear Muhsin Muhammad saying “Chicago is where Receivers come to die”.

If he did think about Muhammad’s words he might of thought that was all in the past. The Bears have the right people in place nowadays. That thinking was probably Glennon’s first mistake. The Bears front office has been off the charts horrible. Saying they hired Dave McGinnis when he did not accept the job was mind boggling and that was years ago. Then passing on Bruce Arians to hire Mark Trestman was all time dumb. As the night goes along, Mike Glennon probably laughing it up hoping for an offensive tackle to protect his bum. Then the Bears announce they have drafted Mitch Trubisky. GUT PUNCH!!!!  The Bears moved up one spot and gave away some draft picks for moving up one peg. Yes, another year with out a wideout, the Bears Christmas party theme will be.

So now in Mike Glennon’s mind, no worries I’m still the starting quarter back. The better I play, the number one draft choice will sit. He could of been thinking if he does play well he could start for another team after the season is over. Because you know the writing is on the wall. The media, the fans… would be asking when Mitch is going to play. The Bears probably hoped Glennon played well so they can use him as a trade chip. Plus have Mitch sit for one and soak in all the knowledge, was probably the plan of the year for the Bears brass. They were probably high fiving and patting each other on the back, saying “How do like us now bitches?”

However, you know and I know the wheels on the bus are going to start coming off in Bears world. In preseason, Glennon was not doing well. He had some good drives but he was showing us his imitation of Jay Cutler with picks six to other team. We’ve already seen that show. Somebody switch the channel to Barney Miller or WKRP because that Cutler show is very very bad. Then Mitch Trubisky showed everyone what a quarter back looks like in his preseason play. It was like seeing the eclipse. It was like seeing Haley’s comet in the sky as you have no words you just enjoy the moment in hope of seeing again.  Now that opened up the biggest can of worms and the biggest amount of pressure for Mike Glennon.

Then Glennon played decent in the first game of regular season. They actually should of won the game. However the Bears wideout comes into play. You run the pattern and then you catch the ball. However the Bears wide out can run the pattern but can’t complete the sequence in catching the ball. Then Glennon played awful in the next three games. It’s like if Cutler took over his body awful like. He did win against Pittsburgh. I think Pittsburgh was still confused on what the team was going to do for the National Anthem that game. The confusion spilled out on to the field as the Bears ended up winning. Early Christmas gift from the steel curtain.  Then finally the Bears are making the switch as Trubisky will be the starting quarterback this Monday night.

Did Glennon get a raw deal? YES. However it shows me one thing. With all that pressure on Glennon, how would he do in the playoffs or the Superbowl? He would go into a fetal position sucking his thumb as the other team walks all over us. I know it would be close to impossible to lead the present Bears offensive to the playoffs. Even though overall the whole league is watered down. If Glennon showed me toughness and not turn over the ball. If his leadership skills help his unit stay in every game. If he made the team around him better then I would say he’s a quality quarterback. However when he played in Tampa Bay those years before Winston, he had no pressure on him. They were a losing team. Lots of players can play better when they are out of contention with nothing on the line. He had a good opportunity. Maybe it would have been better for Glennon if they did not draft a quarterback that high. But it showed us that he is not the guy to lead the Bears to the promise land.