This smell was not coming from the urine in the garbage cans. Nor the puke in the sinks. This bad smell was not even coming from the kick that sailed not even close to those yellow uprights. This stench was coming from the Bears brass. Ryan Pace. I will even throw Coach Fox under the bus too, as that stench is clearly coming out of his pores. The stench of failure. The stench of we have no idea on how to stop this uncontrollable bus out of control we call a football team. Yes, if the Bears go under 50 mph, the bus is going to blow up to kingdom come.

Why was Connor Barth still on the team against the Lions? He should of been gone before the season even started. Finally the Bears send Barth back to Wayne’s World where he can watch the rest of the NFL season from his couch with his buddy playing the air guitar. Connor Barth came off his worst year of kicking in 2015 with the Buccaneers. He was no good last year as well. He was 11-15 before he shank the 46 yard attempt last week with a chance to tie the game. He was 2-6 for the year from 45-49. He had missed 5-15 kicks.

At the end of the 2015 season, the Bears cut their all time leading kicker who was Robbie Gould. He was Mr. Reliable when it came down to a game winning kick or even a game tying kick. Robbie Gould kicked it through the uprights. He was a fan favorite and he got the job done. Especially the conditions he kicked under. Kicking at Soldier field is far from kicking in Denver or in a dome. However, he managed to get a high percentage through at Soldier field battling cold frigid temperatures along with swirling winds. So why did the Bears cut him? He was not the highest paid kicker in the league, but he was paid pretty well. During his last years in a Bears uniform, he was struggling at the end of the season. Overall he finished the year with a pretty good percentage, 84.6.

It’s clear the Bears do not think a kicker is that important. How about ask the Buffalo Bills back in the 90’s when Scott Norwood’s heart wrenching kick went wide right? Look at the Patriots with their dynasty going on when they had Adan Vinatieri, a great kicker. Then they replaced him with another great kicker, Stephen Gostkowski. Bears are shopping the Target dollar bin or haggling for a kicker at the local flea market. Especially having a rookie quarterback like Mitch Trubisky. He ran for his life on that play that got the team into field goal range to tie the game. Instead of watching Mitch engineer a game winning drive in overtime, Barth misses the kick. For christsake you give him no receivers and a crappy kicker. What do you want from Mitch?  A one man army? The more wins Mitch gets this year and the more overtimes he has success in, the confidence will sky rocket.

Meanwhile Robbie Gould last year was perfect with the New York Giants. This year Robbie is playing for the crappy 49ers in which he is 19-21 so far this season. He is 14-15 from 40 yards or more. He is 6-7 from 45 yards or more. Plus Robbie is 2-2 from 50 yards out. The Bears are lucky Watson got hurt from Houston. Lots of conversations were getting to the boiling point on how the Bears could have gotten Watson without trading all those draft picks to the 49ers for Trubisky. Before Watson got hurt he looked like the better quarterback than Trubisky.

It’s tiresome seeing the Bears shop for players at the Tampa Bay Costco. They have failed miserably at that store. Totally back fired in their face with Mike Glennon this year. The last two years with Connor Barth. They even had the kicker who Tampa Bay cut. The Buccaneers drafted Roberto Aguayo in 2016 very high. He was a total bust. Then immediately Ryan Pace swoops in to pick up this guy who was out on the curb.  He competed with Connor Barth in the preseason. Roberto Aguayo is probably washing dishes somewhere as he was a disaster that only saw the preseason. Shocking they could not find a better kicker then Barth all these weeks. Finally they signed Cairo Santos who’s not from the Buccaneers. Hopefully the X Chief can help. Hopefully someone realizes higher up that they need a cleaning crew to get rid of the bad B.O that is clouding up the skies on Lake Michigan.



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