MATCH UP                                   WINNER                                    COMMENTS




PACKERS AT LIONS                   LIONS                 WAYNE FONTES IS BACK IN 18

TEXANS AT COLTS                    COLTS                  PAPER BAG BOBBLE HEAD DAY


REDSKINS AT GIANTS             REDSKINS                         PATHETIC!!!!!





49ERS VS RAMS                            NINERS                   JIMMY IS UNDEFEATED

BILLS AT DOLPHINS                  BILLS                       ONE LAST PICK SIX FROM CUTLER







#1.NEW ENGLAND 11-3 Up one spot    Does Belichek use mind control over coaches in the last minutes of crucial games? To me other coaches get stupid. First Seattle in Superbowl chose to pass with plenty of time to run it up the middle with Lynch. Then Last Sunday, no timeout called. Big Ben throws it over the middle. Both these plays picked off. Plus what the hell is a catch in this league? My God Man, Jesse James caught the ball and was over the end zone line for hours before the ball came out.  Patriots get away with these stupid rules every time. The Raiders made Brady fumble in that blizzard playoff game years ago. They called that crap a forward pass. One day I would like to see the Patriots lose on some stupid rule in a big game.

#2. PITTSBURGH 11-3 Down 1 Spot      Mike Tomlin is a moron coach. First you could not figure what to do against the Bears in the National Anthem. This threw off the team on that Sunday a long long time ago. Last Sunday a crucial play gets reversed, you do not call a time out and come up with a plan. No you allow your quarterback to throw it in traffic to get picked off by a team you had beat a few times in this game. Call the time out and do a safe play. If you can not score tie the game and send it to OT. Patriots and Steelers I believe will see each other again in the AFC championship.

#3.PHILADELPHIA 12-2 Same    The Eagles have the best record. However this team is not the best in the NFC right now or the AFC. The defense is giving up too many points all of a sudden. Two weeks in a row where the Giants had to win it with a shoot out. Last Sunday was against the pathetic Giants. What happen to May the Schwartz be with you?

Maye the Hutt got a hold of Schwartz

pizza the hut

Just swallowed him whole.

eagles fans are starting to feel the sting

Philadelphia fans are starting to feel the pain of their season come crashing down

#4.MINNESOTA 11-3 Same   The Vikings rebounded nicely from the loss to the Panthers. They handled the bumbles with ease.

bumbles bounce

The Vikings made the Bumbles bounce. That game against the Bengals probably will bounce head bumble Lewis out of town. Vikings also clinched the NFC North.

#5.LA RAMS 10-4 Same  Rams went in to Seattle and gave the Seahawks an old fashioned butt whipping. A place the Rams have not had much success at. This was a game the Rams needed. They were up one game on the Seahawks coming into Sunday’s game. Plus they lost to them earlier this season. If Rams lost Sunday they would have also lost the tiebreaker with the Seattle. With Rams winning they are two games ahead of their arch rival and perhaps have knocked the wind out of their sails. Seattle might not even get to the playoffs this year.

hunter works for me

#6.ATLANTA 9-5 Same   Atlanta pulled off it’s second straight victory. Now they invade New Orleans which they beat not too long ago. The Saints are one game ahead of the dirty birds. With a Falcon win they control the tie breaker with the Saints and just have to worry about the Panthers. A BLAST FROM THE PAST: COACH JERRY GLANVILLE

jerry glanville

I used to love the game Pigskin for Sega Genesis. It was Jerry Glanville’s Pigskin they called it.

He was a fun coach. However he was the head coach when they traded away Brett Favre which is a kick in the teeth. That was like the Trail Blazers passing on Michael Jordan, not good.

#7. NEW ORLEANS 10-4  Same  The Saints rebounded nicely and came up with a win against the Jets. Now it’s the showdown of the year this Sunday. Saints versus Falcons in a rematch from a few weeks ago on a Thursday. Winning this tough division gets you at least one home game in the playoffs in which Saints thrive at home. Alvin Kammara will be the X factor if the Saints are going to beat the Falcons this go around. Kamara was hurt very early in the first game they played. I still think the Saints should have won that first meeting.  I think it will be a very Merry Christmas in voodoo town this weekend.


Santa’s sexy helpers will be delivering their presence..

#8. CAROLINA 10-4 Same    Who’s your Superman now? The Fig Newton or Rodgers from Green Bay? The Packers needed to win against the Panthers to keep their playoff hopes alive as Rodgers was welcomed back. While the Panthers are trying to keep up with the Saints. Carolina’s defense welcome Rodgers back with open arms, as they picked him off multiple times to seal the deal and send the Cheeseheads home for the Holidays.  The Panthers are in the thick of things. They do have a shot at division title. This week the Buccaneers and next week against the Falcons. Will the Superman Newton be the villain at the end of all of this? Will he turn soft?

newton superman

#9.JACKSONVILLE 10-4  Up 1 Spot     Do you Remember the days of Mark Brunell throwing to Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell? Those were the glory days of Jaguar football. They finally are back in the playoffs. A very crappy division helps without Watson, Luck, and a Mariota taking steps backwards. However they beat the snot out of Houston to clinch a playoff spot. I don’t know if that is something to write home to mom about. But they did beat up what at the time we thought was a pretty good Seattle team. Even the fans were involved. The Jags have a great defense. Love the weapons on offense. Bortles is doing better. This can be a start of things for the Jaguars. You may win that first round game and get beat the second round. Then do some tinkering in the off season and who knows. Bringing back Tom Coughlin was a great move as President of Operations.

#10.DALLAS 8-6 Up 2 Spots   Don’t look now but the Cowboys are on the rise. They have won three in a row. Is it too late?  Zeke is back. He was in Mexico for weeks training during his suspension. Like Rocky going to Russia to train before he fought the Russian Drago.

In Rocky he has a picture of Drago he keeps to focus on what needs to be done. Did Elliot have a picture of Pete Carol of the Seahawks as the head monster in Seattle? Now this Sunday Pete Carol will experience the wrath of Elliot and the boys on what they are going to do to his team. A team in disarray.

#11. LA CHARGERS 7-7 Down 2 spots    Everybody was excited in San Diego to see the Chargers fall to the Chiefs. They are deserters. Old San Diego fans even knew the Chargers were a fraud. They suck you in and then disappoint you. They looked like a great team. But then they played a team for all the marbles. A chance to have a home game in the playoffs was on the line. Wally the Walrus sunk the Chargers battle ship.

#12.SEATTLE 8-6 Down 1 spot  Just like the USC days Pete. Play the quarterback that obviously has a concussion. Some day Pete Carol will awaken on Dexter’s table.


#13.BALTIMORE 8-6 Up 2 spots Clearly the easiest schedule left in the league. Baltimore is eating it up like a Flacco in a Pac Man game. This is a team that will get in the week AFC wild card race due to it. Then voted off the island during the Wild Card weekend.

#14.DETROIT 8-6 Down one spot.     The Lions had an easy win over the Bad News Bears. They are still in the thick of things but still find themselves on the bubble. Too many better teams in front of them. I find them ready to throw in the towel soon like a good Decepticon and retreat to fight another day next season.

#15.BUFFALO 8-6 Up 1 spot  They handled the Dolphins at home. Now have to face their Kryptonite, the New England Patriots.  They have a chance to get to the playoffs but the Patriots are the team that obviously gets in their way. The Gronk cheapshotted them last time these two have met. They could have prevented the Gronk doing that by drafting one of their own homegrown talents. In that draft they had two shots in taking him. Both players picked were nothing to write home about. Now Gronk makes it a point with the Evil Brady to destroy the Bills twice a year. Way to go brain trust of Buffalo!!!!

#16.KANSAS CITY 8-6 Up 2 spots  This is the another new beginning for the Chiefs. It’s another rise of Wally the Walrus. He won last week and now faces the Chargers to have the division to themselves in this week’s contest. This will lead his team to the playoffs. Everyone will then forget the roller coaster season. Then when the Chiefs are eliminated they will say Alex Smith is not the right quarterback to lead us through the playoffs.

#17.TENNESSEE 8-6 Down 3 spots   The Titans are sliding down the power rankings very slowly.

kevin james tennesee

It’s not SEXY either.

#18. SAN FRANCISCO 4-10 Up 5 spots   Jimmy has turned this team around. The man looks like he has been behind center for years than less then ten games as a starter in the league. Now he will play a quality defense. I think San Fran will be like the Redskins and franchise this guy this off season. Because they do not have him locked up yet and he looks like the real McCoy.

#19.GREEN BAY 7-7  Down 2 spots   It was Welcome Back Kotter for the packers. They were in hopes of Vinny or even Gabe. However only Arnold showed up.

kotter  arnold horshack

Rodgers threw three interceptions in the game. Now the white flag has officially went up high in cheese land as the stink is all over Wisconsin.

#20.NEW YORK JETS 5-9   Same   Jets are still playing teams tough even without McCown. You have to give the coaching staff some kudos. It was looking like a tear down.


However if they can draft the right people soon. They might turn in what they have into the devestator!!!


#21.OAKLAND 6-8 Down 2 spots Its time for the owner of Raiders to get a new hair do.

mark davis hair cut

I think Vegas is the only city to provide a dome for that head that is worked around the ole fashioned bowl.

#22.ARIZONA 6-8  Down 1 spot    Larry Fitzgerald has not made up his mind if he is coming back for another season. This team baffles me. The defense has been brilliant over the years. The offense has been breathtaking – they dazzled us and then you scratch your head like what the hell happened. They have some talent on this roster. I love the coaching staff. Palmer is ready for social security. Stanton has not been impressive like how he once was a pretty good option to hold the fort down when your number guy got hurt. Love to see Larry come back. But I think they need to rebuild the entire offense. They need backs and linemen. Mostly they need new blood behind the center. If they do not make the right moves in the off season, if I’m Larry I would be riding off into the sunset. Unless another team wants you and are very close to winning it all. Why go through another let down season in Arizona?

#23.WASHINGTON 6-8 Up 1 spot    The Redskins showing they are not a team that will be below .500.. They will show you they are a team that will be at the .500 mark at the end of the season. Maybe the fans will believe they have come together and have a team to recon with next year. A team on the rise. Don’t be fooled. Cobra Commander in GIJOE has lots of great ideas. He even gets his Cobra Army and plans to take over the whole NFL, so close you can hear the hiss in his voice. However then the plan backfires and it’s the same old song and dance. That’s why Serpentor took over Cobra for all Cobra Commander idiot calls to end failed missions.

serpentor redskins

The Redskins need a new snake at the head of the table.

#24.MIAMI 6-8 Down 2 spots    Jay Cutler was back throwing his regular interceptions. Maybe that game he had against New England was the ghost of Jay Cutler Christmas past. Maybe first year in Denver since it is Christmas. The guy originated in Santa Clause, Indiana. Where they probably think he is the lost soul of that town. Like what Whoville did to the Grinch and the kindness was so bad he went to the mountains. Cutler went for his smokes. No worries Jay, butt itching season is coming soon on your boat with your model wife counting your money you have stolen from all those poor football towns. Like the Grinch did to Whoville.

#25. DENVER 5-9 Up 4 spots    The Broncos have been on a roll with bottom feeders of the NFL as they are one themselves. The rotating quarterback has been the theme of the year. Denver had the real Santa behind center once upon a time with Manning. Before that Elway had the real Santa suit. They even did well with Hanukkah Harry Tebow behind center.

denver broncos honukkah harry

The mall Santa quarterbacks are not the answer in Denver this year.

#26.TAMPA BAY 4-10 Up one spot   Tampa Bay gave the Falcons a run for their money on Monday Night. It’s looking more like the Buccaneers will be the only team from their division not to make the playoffs. They will be at home watching the Falcons, Panthers, along with the Saints playing games after the new Years. Like in Lethal Weapon, Roger Murtaugh said to the hooker “All dressed up and no one to blow.” Just like the Buccaneers these days.

#27.CHICAGO 4-10 Down 2 spots     Bears play the Cleveland Browns in week 16. Will the Bears be looking at themselves in the mirror as they see the Browns? Will The Bears turn into the Browns?  They are not that far away from it. Both quarterbacks have resulted in many turn overs their first season. Both have shown some flashes of good stuff as well. But can both quarterbacks get better like Goff did in year two. Wentz has shown success right off the first snap behind center. Both teams have some pieces in place. However both teams have failed to draft good players consistently. Bears have drafted Kevin White a few years ago and the man is very fragile like the Christmas story leg lamp that was in the window. Meanwhile Gordon can not stay on the field do to drugs he likes in his Cheerios. Will the people upstairs get things right in the front office? That’s where they need to do some major house cleaning.

#28. NEW YORK GIANTS 2-12 Up 3 spots   Even though they lost last week to the Eagles I moved the Giants up because they played a great game. They played better than the teams behind them in the power rankings. The Giants are in line for a great draft pick for next year. Do they go for it? However one more loss in the next two games and they will make history. No Giant team has ever lost 13 games in a season. They play the Cardinals and the Deadskins. Those are two teams they could beat. Both are not playing for anything. If they win do they get a home version of the game like in the game shows?

#29.INDIANAPOLIS 3-11  Up 1 spot  Since it is Christmas time I will sing the song, All I Want for Christmas is YOU!!! Reuniting Jim Harbaugh with Andrew Luck like the ole Stanford days is what I want in my stocking as a Colt fan. Maybe a new owner, now that is a pipe dream. However Colt fans should be on the nice list according to Santa. However they might be skipped over since they are a city of misfits. Plus Rudolf is on a bender this year and is in rehab. Will Santa be able to find the Misfits and help them with new toys?

misfit toys

Well at least the Indianapolis still has the Superbowl car race. A bunch of hicks making left hand turns.

#30.CINCINNATI 5-9 Down 4 spots     The Bengals got bad when they let Marvin Jones walk. Even Sanu leaving they never replaced those receivers. If you take AJ Green out of the game it’s simple to beat the Bengals. Check all the Bengals players, they have toe tags tied to their toes. They are flat and already counting the days down to their off season vacation plans. The head coach will be the first to go. It is time to get some new blood leading that team. It better not be a blood or a crypt from the county jail. Enough of the bad citizens, trade them all to Seattle the Bumbles of the NFC.

#31. HOUSTON 4-10 Down 3 spots     Does a clown name Jadeveon Clowny have the right to trash talk after his team was killed by the Jaguars 45-7? Seriously he called Bortles  trash after the game. Look in the mirror… to me you have a guy named Savage playing and taking most of the snaps this year. Even Yates is not affected. Plus you and your defense suck. People like Clowny should not trash talk when you’re up to your arm pits in shit. So the Jaguar fans are sending garbage cans to Clowny at his workplace.

houston trash cans


#32.CLEVELAND 0-14 Same   Can the Browns get their first win against the Bears this Sunday? Bears looked flat last week. Maybe the should call this contest between the Bears and Browns MISTAKES BY THE LAKE BOWL.. Each player gets a participation ribbon for playing. So they can bring it home to Christmas and put it on the fridge. This game should be a Festivus celebration. Both teams should gather around the pole in the middle of the field and air their grievances. Have John Fox wrestle Hue Jackson at mid field to determine the winner out this crappy football game. All’s the DAWG pound wants for Xmas is a win. In 2016 on Christmas Eve, Santa delivered for the Brownies. The Browns got their only victory that year on Christmas Eve against the San Diego Chargers. No wonder the city of San Diego did not want to buy the Chargers a new stadium.



MATCH UP                        WINNER



MATCH UP’S                         WINNER

BEARS AT LIONS                  LIONS



MATCH UP                                       WINNER


RAVENS AT BROWNS                    RAVENS



TEXANS AT JAGUARS                       JAGUARS

DOLPHINS AT BILLS                          BILLS

JETS AT SAINTS                                    SAINTS

EAGLES AT GIANTS                             EAGLES

RAMS AT SEAHAWKS                         SEAHAWKS


TITANS AT 49ERS                                 49ERS

COWBOYS AT RAIDERS                       COWBOYS











Week 15, we did not hold back anything. Promise you we have all great things to say about Jay Cutler. Will the Evil Empire strike back? Pete Carol’s team goes Hanson brothers on the Jaggy fans.  All good stuff. Pull up a chair, set your bottle of WHISKEY down and pour yourself a few shots while we go through the NFL, the WILD SHAMROCK WAY!!! You might want to have two bottles just in case. It’s that good….


#1.PITTSBURGH  11-2   Up 2 Spots.    I’m going to say the Big Ben is the number one clock in the world. Way to go Great Britain!!! Right now the Steelers have home field in their hands. They continue to win close games. The last two weeks the Bengals and the Ravens and you can say three weeks, the Packers, all have been dog fights. All records now are thrown out the window. This week they play the Patriots.

evil empire

The Steelers do not have a very good track record. This is the team that is constantly in your way. Tom Brady has not thrown an interception against the Steelers in like a billion pass attempts. Brady has carved up this team like a Thanksgiving turkey every time these two teams face off. Sounds like it will be a great match up. but the Steelers will lay an egg this Sunday. Especially after the Patriots got beat by the butt scratcher in Jay Cutler on Monday night. That Steel Curtain defense was doing well this year. Now it’s like a shower curtain in and out nobody wants to see any of the naked people behind the curtain.

#2.NEW ENGLAND 10-3 Down 1 spot     Jay Cutler was like Luke Skywalker making that lucky shot firing at the small target to blow up the Death Star. Knowing Smoking Jay, he probably did not know does not care. Now Bill Belichek probably built another death star in less than a week and now will aim it right at Pittsburgh.

patriots have a new death star

Yes, the Evil Empire will strike back hard this weekend. With Gronk back this week,  all the storm troopers will be attending. Pittsburgh will hand over the home field advantage while Big Ben falls in a light saber fight at the end.

#3. PHILADELPHIA 11-2 Down 1 spot   The Eagles are not Taking It Easy as they lost Wentz for the year which is a big blow to their team. The defense has also been allowing lots of points as well, not a good thing. Nick Foles is the back up and he did help lead the Eagles over the Rams last Sunday and that afternoon shoot out. Foles who was a starter in the league for a few years can be a good go to guy. He has had some success as a starter. However things got very bad and he almost retired because of his poor play. I can see Foles leading the team the rest of the way in regular season. But how far will he get them in the playoffs? Especially with the NFC stacked with many great teams. You never know though. Phil Simms went down late in the season like Wentz and the New York Giants had to rely on Jeff Hostetler. Well he got them to the Superbowl and then paid Scott Norwood to miss the kick and the Bills kicker did that.

#4.MINNESOTA 10-3 Same   I say this team is for real last week and they lose to the Panthers last Sunday. I will let that game slide as every team in the NFL hits a bump in the road. But come on a fig Newton beat you. He’s been only beating teams with losing records. If  they slipped in my power rankings they would find a way to get back in the top four. Besides Lou Grant is giving the pep talk this week before they play the Bumbles to get back on track.

lou grant


#5. LA RAMS 9-4 SAME    The Rams have been on a very tough stretch where they have played the Vikings, Saints and then the Eagles last week. They have gone 1-2 against those tougher opponents. This week is huge for the Rams. It’s Rams and Seahawks. They lost the very first meeting against their hated rival. They are one game ahead of the Seahawks right now. If they lose they will probably lose the division as well. They might still be able to get a wild card if they take the loss. However if the Rams win, they can derail the Seahawks playoff hopes and have a home playoff game with the division title. This NFC race is going to be very interesting. We know Russell Wilson comes up big in these type of games. I’m interested to see how Goff does. This could be the beginning of a legend in Goff with a win this weekend against a team with the history the Seahawks have had over the last several seasons.

#6.ATLANTA 8-5 Up 1 Spot    Atlanta rebounded nicely after their loss to the vikings with a big win over their division rival Saints. The Falcons still have a great shot of making the playoffs and defending their NFC title. On a short week they were able to beat the Saints even though Ryan was not on target. He will have to clean that up and playing the Buccaneers is a good place to start. This is a game they can not overlook with a meeting with the Saints the week after in a rematch and it could be for the division title and a home playoff game. It’s all division games the rest of the way for the Falcons. If you can beat the teams in your division then you always have a chance to make it to the playoffs.

#7.NEW ORLEANS 9-4 Down 1 spot   Alvin Kamara is expected to play against the Jets this Sunday at home. Saints should be able to quickly rebound against the Jets minus McCown. They better not overlook them with their rematch against the Falcons next week. It would be good to get Kamara some work on Sunday. Hopefully in their minds they can use him part time this Sunday to get his mental state back and then he can focus on redemption against the Falcons who sent him into concussion protocol last week. The way Kamara breaks tackles, it reminds me of the Iron Head Heyward who used to break tackles right up the middle.

iron head heyward

Kamara will be the X-factor for the Saints in the playoffs.

#8. CAROLINA 9-4 Up 1 Spot    The Panthers rebounded nicely beating a great team in the Vikings last week. Only three games left and they face a Green Bay team with Rodgers back in the fold. Two desperate quarterbacks going at it. Rodgers trying to pull a miracle out and coming back from an injury. Newton will continue to battle the demons in his head. How he is the best on the planet and no one sees it that way. How girls should only be in the kitchen. How dare that reporter ask me about that pass I threw on that route. Where’s Waldo? Why is an orange called an orange and a banana is not called a yellow.?

#9.LA CHARGERS 7-6 Up 1 Spot I wonder what’s going on in San Diego sports-wise. Some Gull hockey. The Padres just got a guy back they used to have from the Yankees. In LA perhaps a soccer game is going on where the Chargers play temporarily. Chargers and Chiefs in KC for first place in the AFC west is going down. Can The Chiefs win two in a roll after losing a ton in a row? Now the Chargers are on a roll. It’s a streaky division but it’s very interesting at the same time. Chargers defense is something special. Keenan Allen is still healthy at this time of the year. Rivers is playing well. Can this team win this division? Can they make noise in the playoffs if they make it? Stay tuned to the same bat channel at the same bat time and we will know if the Chargers are an actually top ten team or a pretender.

#10.JACKSONVILLE  9-4  Up one spot    The Jaguars with a big victory over the crazy farm Seahawks. That’s no fluke team they beat. This victory is a big signature win as well. It looks good for the Jaguars as they can see the light at the end of the tunnel which will be their first playoff berth in a very long time. Tennessee has been struggling which should get this thing wrapped up quicker. Looks like Dougie Marone might be a good coach after all . Almost had the Bills to playoffs. However he quit the bills like they were a bad habit. It took him a few years to get another opportunity to be the head guy. He took over as when they got rid of what’s his name. So many coaches in and out of Jacksonville. He has turned things around quickly.

#11. SEATTLE 8-5 Down 3 Spots   Jacksonville fans wanted to drown your sorrows after your loss against their team. Quenton Jefferson who was ejected is not a beer guy as he was doused in hopefully it was light beer. You pour out an import or a craft beer on Seahawk that’s alcohol abuse. Dont waste the good stuff on thugs. However Quenton wanted to go up in the stands as he started to scale the wall. It was like Slap Shot when the Hansons went into the crowd.

slap shot

This all started because the Jaguars were trying to kneel down to close out the game. Seahawks had no chance to snake the ball. Pete Carol’s thugs were all frustrated and are a  bunch of sore losers. They were jumping off sides and probably had thrown down a few cheap shots in the process. Marty Bennent’s brother is the head douche bag. It runs in the family. Pete Carol is just the buddy buddy warden being paid off as the inmates run wild. Hope this game is the one that costs Seattle the playoffs.

#12.DALLAS 7-6  Up one spot  Remember when the Dallas Cowboys and Oakland Raiders played each other, it was going to be a great game. Cowboys are back on track while the Raiders have been swallowed up by a sink hole. One more game the Cowboys play without Elliot.  Looks like Elliot trying to make some of the money he lost being suspended. Making a bet with former all pro Eric Dickerson that when he comes back he will gallop for over 200 yards. Pete Rose wants a part of the action.  Looks like that will be against the Seahawks.  I do like that idea. Cowboys still need to win out and get some help from other teams to get in the playoffs.


pontiac silver dome

That picture represents the beginning of the lions season.


failed attemp to blow it up

That picture represents the Lions teeter tottering with a 500 record. Is this going to work one week, but may not work the following week.


in rubble


Detroit does lead the league with old stadiums still up or in rubble. Just can’t let go of those Wayne Fontes days.

#14.TENNESSEE 8-5 Down 2 spots  Those Tuxedos are starting to feel their feet underneath them slipping. They fell to the Cardinals last Sunday and now have the reborn 49ers with Jimmy behind center getting the job done. If they do not play in the Titans division most likely it will not be a win. After the niners they have the Rams and then a rematch against the Jags. At that time, they could be on life support. Mariota is regressing. They just don’t look like a playoff team. They have lost their tube snake boogie in the Music city and I do not see them getting it back. Poor Johnny Cash, all’s he wanted for Christmas was a country girl with outrageous knockers  and the Titans in the playoffs. They still have the Music City bowl.

#15.BALTIMORE 7-6 Same  Baltimore hung with the Steelers last Sunday night. It was not a defensive game, instead it was a shoot out. Flacco and company all of a sudden have been able to put points up on the board. Ravens play three lemons at the end of their schedule. With that in mind they have a great chance to get in the playoffs when all is said and done of 2017 regular season. I’m not impressed with the Ravens. I think one of these clunker teams will upend them. This week in Cleveland could be a let down with Gordon’s first home in years. If the Browns win, Gordon is buying beers for all at the local pub. This is new browns against old which you know the dawg pound keeps track of this stuff. If Ravens win Ray Lewis will show us how to cover up a murder at the local night club. Some towns have Ghost tours. Baltimore has the Ray Lewis cover your tracks tour. It’s all on the up and up.

#16. BUFFALO 7-6 Up 1 Spot    They were able to beat the Colts in overtime in a blizzard with their 3rd string quarter back. This week who will be their starting quarterback? It’s like who’s on first? I never thought I would say these words… please let it be Taylor. He’s their best chance to win. Now the hot Dolphins are coming to Buffalo in hopes they will cool down. Will Cutler be able to light his cigarette in the Buffalo snow? Bills have two with the Dolphins in their next three games. They have the Evil empire as well. Very important they sweep the dolphins if they want to have a chance to make the playoffs this season. Dolphins have won two in a row. However weather could derail Cutler’s buzz. Hope Frosty the snowman has his Bills stocking hat on this weekend, it could be another wild one.

#17. GREEN BAY 7-6 Up 5 spots       We thought the cheese heads had been grated. They find themselves in a tough situation. However their Super Hero Aaron Rodgers is back this week just in time to play the Carolina Panthers. The Packers could make it to the playoffs even though they have a difficult road to go. However it is not that far fetched. They established tie breakers already with Seattle and Dallas this season if the race comes down to same record. If they beat the Panthers they would have a tiebreaker with river boat Ron’s team as well. They obviously need to win out as well for their best chances. This week on the menu it’s the Cheese Whiz versus the Fig Newton. Put them together and that’s pretty gross. But someone in Wisconsin has been having that Combo for years. They call them the figwhizzes. Remember cheese goes on everything.

#18. KANSAS CITY 7-6 Up one spot    Wally the Walrus finally got his team back on track last Sunday with a win in Oakland.

wally the walrus

None of the Chief players threw any of their own flags or the ref’s. Faced with a three way tie in the standings last week with the Raiders and the Chargers. They took care of business against the Raiders last week to end a horrible losing streak. Now they have a chance to knock down the Chargers a peg this Saturday night to take full control of the AFC West. It would not surprise me if the Chiefs go on a late surge here at the end of the season. Andy Reid has been down before and always seems to get back up and show the league the respect he always gets. The Mahomes era is still on hold. However stay tuned for more on him after these messages.

#19.OAKLAND 6-7 Down one Spot  Oakland was in a three way tie last week for the division. They lost to the Chiefs, now they are in second. With Denver on the rise all of a sudden, the Raiders might plummet down to the bottom of the standings. It’s like the tales of two cities the last two years. Last year made the playoffs breaking a drought but the injury to Carr before the playoffs you were one and done. Then thinking you will come back the following year make it to the playoffs and go further. That’s the way the NFL is these days. One year you’re good, the next year you suck. This year Raider Receivers lead the league in drop passes. The defense has not been like last year. JUST CAN’T WIN BABY!!! At least Vegas has a good hockey team to take their minds off what disaster is heading their way.

#20. NEW YORK JETS 5-8 Down six spots  The McCown run is over. Broken hand and he is done for the year. Now the Jets can go back to trying to get a higher draft pick and get the full rebuild into action. The Jets will now slink down the Chutes and Ladders slide of shame and hope to find a future quarterback. Should they make a trade for Teddy Bridgewater in the off season? Who knows what they will do. While they were winning they probably found out about players they were not quite sure about. Players that have a future with the team. It might not have to be a full rebuild. But the McCown run was very exciting this year. Teams like the Texan,s the Bills, and many more should sign him next year to be the back up. Besides it is McCown’s goal is to play for all the NFL teams. His daughters collect his jerseys.

#21.ARIZONA 6-7 UP 2 SPOTS Well we know the Cardinals can beat the 49ers of course without Jimmy behind center. Now we know they like to beat AFC South teams as they have been beating the Jags and the Titans. They have a win one week, and lose the next week. Spanky Peterson is out the rest of the season. Will this affect the Alfalfa signing the Cardinals are eyeing as their next quarterback? Will this be the end of Peterson’s career? He will have lots of time to go belt shopping.

#22. MIAMI 6-7 UP 5 Spots  Someone is looking for another lotto ticket for next year. Cutler and the Dolphins knock of the Patriots on Monday Night. I’m speechless. Cutler now has won two in a row. This is why people will give him money to play quarterback. He has flashes once in a great while where he has big games and he can’t beat anybody. Now next year someone is going to give him another ten million to play quarter back for them. Every Coach thinks they can get the best out of Jay Cutler. It’s like Joe Maddon thinking he get the Cubs to the World Series and win it. He did that. He beat the goat. If you can change Cutler and have him win you a Superbowl, do you have to slay a dragon and sell your soul to the devil. Cutler might be just going out on a high note. Let’s just hope spot the dragon from the Munsters just swallows Jay Cutler whole and brings him under the stairs for good.

spot from monsters

It’s fair to say Jay Cutler will go down as the Jeff George of his era. They had the arm. They had all the mechanics. But they just did not give a shit….

#23.SAN FRANCISCO 3-10 Up 3 spots   Jimmy is now 2-0 as the starter for the 49ers. I know it’s only been two games and both against clunkers so do not set up the parade route yet. Jimmy has a chance to make three in a row against a Titan team that has not been too impressive of late. If they would of put Jimmy in way earlier they might be in the playoff hunt. Kidding on that. Coach Shanahan’s ultimate revenge would be to get the 49ers to the Superbowl against the Patriots. It would play out Jimmy versus Brady. Jimmy wins!!! Shanahan gets his revenge from the super bowl, he was Atlanta’s Offensive Coordinator and they let those bastard Patriots back in the game and steal the game. Sorry Falcons get nothing out of this pipe dream.

#24. WASHINGTON 5-8 Down 4 spots  I feel Kirk Cousins is being held hostage by the Redskins. It’s like he was kidnapped when he was younger and set up with different parents. They will not give him a long term deal. However they franchise tag him year after year. They need to send in a hostage negotiator and talk them down in Redskin Headquarters. The Redskins continue to make stupid personal moves year after year. This team is in shambles. Sign Cousins long term and then trade him. Get a high draft pick and rebuild if you will not let the man have his FREEDOM!!!!!


#25. CHICAGO 4-9 Up 3 spots   Mitch Trubisky had his best day last Sunday in his rookie year. He led his team to a season high of 33 points as the Bears demolished the Bengals. I see some flashes of Mitch being a pretty good quarter back. Love to see him throw more in these last few games as they should open up the play book and let it rip. Inman from the Chargers has been a nice addition. Wright has done some good things. But the Bears need to get Mitch some receivers. You can only do so much with your hands tied behind your back. Your leg shackled to a pole. Love to see them get rid of Coach Fox at the end of this season. Find someone who knows how to develop a quarterback. Bears still have not rebounded since they got rid of the Honey Bears in the 1980’s. It might be asking too much to actually see them develop a quarter back.

honey bears


#26. CINCINNATI  5-8 Down 5 spots      The Steelers might of did more to the Bengals then just win the game last minute. They let the air out of the Bumbles sails. Because that was a lack luster performance against the Bears last Sunday, a team that has been lackluster lately as well. The doomsday clock is ticking closer for Marvin Lewis and others. It will be soon when they walk the Green Mile.

green mile

#27. TAMPA BAY 4-9 Down 3 spots

weakest link

The Buccaneers find themselves last in their division. Plus everyone else in their division may make it to the playoffs. That’s like getting kicked off the show survivor first. Love to hear the English lady say to Winston. “You are the weakest link, goodbye.”

Right before Christmas she can say that to all the misfit toys on the Buccaneer roster handing out pink slips in their stockings. It will be a very Merry Festivus day around the Buccaneer headquarters. Winston and Jackson can air their grievances around the pole.

#28. HOUSTON 4-9 Down 3 spots   Bill O’Brien’s lucky horseshoe up his rear has not panned out this year. He has made the Playoffs with Hoyer and the 70 million dollar man Osweiler who they probably thought they fleeced the Broncos to snag him away from Elway and his big teeth. He had the defense playing lights out. This year he gets a franchise quarter back. Well it looks like Watson played the part however the Texans hit a sink hole when he got injured. But before the injury, the Texans defense was not playing like rock stars. The Texans have a great core of wide receivers. Was it smart to go into the season thinking Savage was the starter? O’Brien got to see Savage last year. However they still rolled the dice on him and now this is the position you are in. They can find great wide receivers. They can find great defensive players. However they are rolling the dice on their quarterback positions and keep losing. They have found 1 guy out of how many quarterbacks that have started for the Texans since O’Brien has been there. That is Watson and that is a given. Anybody could give him a play book, hand him the keys, and he’d find a way to get the ball in the end zone.  I think O’Brien will flee the Houston area and find another warm and cozy spot to set up his new camp.

#29. DENVER 4-9 Up two spots       Broncos have broken it seems like an eternity of a losing streak. That was the team’s worst losing streak since 1970. The defense showed up in this contest shutting down McCown and the Jets high powered offense. McCown left the game with a broken hand. I think Denver did not do this to McCown. With the Jets scoring all these points this year, in a year that should have been very bad. I think the bookies lost lots of money on McCown. The Jersey boys named Rocko and Socko Robot broke his hand before the game as their way to say the house is done paying out because of the Jets. Broncos now this Thursday play in the my little pony bowl with the Colts, yeah how fun!!!

#30. INDIANAPOLIS  3-10 Down 1 spot     Last week the Colts shuffled off to Buffalo and played in an epic Snow Bowl game. The Colts lack the mental toughness as is Jack Doyle, the snow angel. He scored the only Colts touchdown.Then attempted a snow angel for his celebration. Did just one single snow angel motion then got up and headed for the side line. That’s bad coaching. They should have left head coach Chuck Pagano in Buffalo.

chucky for colts number 29

Colts fans, triple dog dare you to win the division…

#31.NEW YORK 2-11 Down 1 spot   Eli back under center. Same results. Davis Webb come on down this might be your lucky week. Should the Giants re-bench Eli and see what Davis Webb can do At this point, what does it matter? Eli might still have hurt feelings. The Giants do not even have a name yet for a GM replacement. Simply hire the Green Goblin as your new GM.

green goblin

He can quickly blow it all up. In the Spider man movie with Toby Maguire, the Green Goblin calls up Spidey’s aunt house to ask, “Can Spiderman come out to play?” Put Davie Webb in and see if he can play. Could be a useful back up or bridge quarterback next year but you need to find out. You draft a quarterback with the second pick. Then the Green Goblin can blow up the rest of the team and rebuild. Brandon Crazy Marshall would be top of my list. Blow him up so bad he’s out of the league. Way to go Green Goblin. Then Green Goblin can send  Eli to Jacksonville. In the meantime Eli will let his daddy know what he is feeling. Maybe if not football he can get a better insurance commercial than his brother Peyton.

#32.CLEVELAND 0-13 SAME     This Sunday will be Welcome Back Kotter day at the Dawg Pound. Josh Gordon will play in front of the home crowd for the first time in three seasons. Josh and Johnny Football were too busy doing their own reality show that not quite got picked up. Then every time the league wanted to test Josh, the stuff he did turned him into a older white dude. The words that came out of his mouth were always “I picked a bad day to quit.”

If Josh Gordon could have stayed on the field for all these years, what he might have been. In two games, 7 catches, 154 yards and a touchdown. Plus the Browns almost upset the Packers last week. When the Browns play a close game, they are like an ant carrying the food up the hill. Right before he can get the food to the top of the hill, someone steps on the ant while wiping out an insect’s home at the same time. That’s what the Browns do in overtime or have any type of lead in the last two minutes. It’s like someone shines a magnifying glass that melts off their wings. Then it drives Josh Gordon to go home and toke it up.













MATCH UP                                          WINNER

BEARS AT BENGALS                            BENGALS


PACKERS AT BROWNS                          PACKERS

COLTS AT BILLS                                      BILLS

VIKINGS AT PANTHERS                         VIKINGS

RAIDERS AT CHIEFS                                CHIEFS

49ERS AT TEXANS                                     49ERS

COWBOYS AT GIANTS                              COWBOYS

JETS AT BRONCOS                                      JETS

TITANS AT CARDINALS                            CARDINALS

REDSKINS AT CHARGERS                         CHARGERS

EAGLES AT JAGUARS                                  EAGLES

SEAHAWKS AT JAGUARS                          SEAHAWKS

RAVENS AT STEELERS                               STEELERS

PATRIOTS AT DOLPHINS                           PATRIOTS










Week 14, we have babes and lots of hard hitting stuff. We are not holding anything back, as teams should be aware, we have the opinions.


#1.NEW ENGLAND 10-2   Up 1 spot   The darkest day of the year has arrived. New England is number one in the Wild Shamrock NFL power rankings. It’s like the old Pace Picante salsa commercials when the cowboys look at the other brand of salsa, read the jar and say, “this stuff is made in New York City.” Then the rest join in, “NEW YORK CITY?” Then one guy says, “get a rope.” That is what we are thinking. When we read  New England Patriots please someone get a rope. I feel like I’ve been hit in the back while I was down taking a nap. Back of my neck FELT LIKE AN ELBOW.  Who would do such a thing? Blame it on the refs. Not Gronk’s fault. The dirtiest hit of the year and that coward is only suspended one game. Of course it is against the Dolphins, the game he will miss. Half the team could miss that game and Cutler will find a way for the Patriots to win. Why didn’t someone from the Bills knock him into tomorrow after what that beast did to one of their guys? Rome eventually fell. The Nazi empire came down as well. The rebels will take down the Dark Side when the last Jedi suits up at quarterback. The day will come for Brady and his group of psychos that call themselves tight ends. Hernandez, Bennett, and now this coward they call Gronk. GET A FEW ROPES WE ARE HUNTING PATRIOTS TONIGHT!!!!

#2.PHILADELPHIA 10-2 Down 1 spot     Last Sunday the Eagles felt a bump in the road as the Seahawks beat them on Sunday Night. Now they have another tough match up against the Rams, another playoff team that is seeking their division which is not quite done yet. Plus the Rams could jump in front of the Eagles for home field throughout the playoffs. Eagles find themselves backed in the corner from the loss to the Seahawks. The Eagles have their own division in check but now others are gunning for their promising position. Not a good time to hit a slippery slope. This could help them play big games now before the playoffs. A win this week is huge. I think they can overcome their loss. I think the loss against the Seahawks could wake this team up and get the hunger back. I do like the contract extension for Alshon Jeffery who is fitting in nicely. The Wentz Jeffrey combo should will be a successful for years to come. I like the tall receiver in the red zone. Carson can just toss it up in the air and see Jeffrey win the jump ball for it.

#3.PITTSBURGH 10-2 Same  Nothing looks easy for Pittsburgh. They played a tough one against the Cheese heads. Then they had to fight tooth and nails just to come back against the Bengals. Then the emotional loss of one of their own in Ryan Shazier who was carted off the field and rushed to the hospital on Monday. Who has a severe spinal injury which will be weighing on all the Steelers’ minds. Now you have to play the Ravens. The  rivalries the Steelers have in their own division with Ravens and the Bengals are games you feel it when you watch and hear the collisions that occur. This injury could motivate the Steelers to win it for their fallen comrade. Or it will hurt them as the image will haunt them inside their own heads.

#4.MINNESOTA 10-2  Same     This team is for real. The way they came into Atlanta and shut down the Falcon offense like that. The Falcons were a hot team coming into this match up. The Falcons offense is not as it was last year but it still is one of the tops in the game. Then to go into their place and put a stop to Matt Ryan’s 30 game streak of throwing for at least one touch down pass is very impressive. This might be the newest version of the Purple people eaters. Remember great defenses always shut down great offenses.

                      purple people eaters

#5.LA RAMS 9-3  Same       Do you remember Montana versus Marino? Sounds like the clash of the titans. This week it’s Goff versus Wentz. Both quarterbacks were drafted in the same year. Both drafted in the first round 1&2.  Both are playing very well. Both now will finally play against each other this weekend. Both teams are doing well. This could be another playoff preview. This could be like a Manning against Brady for years to come. Plus home field throughout the playoffs is on the line in this contest.

#6 NEW ORLEANS 9-4 Same    The Saints stayed the same as they won last Sunday against the Panthers. However they lost a game last night against the Falcons which they could have won or at least have gotten the game to over time. Plus they lost Alvin Kamara early in the contest to a concussion. Kamara who can break all kind of tackles and can get the team a bunch of yards after the catches as he comes out of the back field and makes short gains into big gains. The Saints have a lot of weapons. Playing on a short week against a tough division rival is also tough. Plus they played a tough division rival in the Panthers last Sunday. They play the Falcons again and I think they will defeat them at home and eventually win the division. Last night’s loss may hurt their pursuit for Home field advantage throughout the playoffs. However they could still get a home playoff game maybe even a first round bye.

#7.ATLANTA 8-5 Up 1 spot The Falcons could not muster up a lot against the Vikings last Sunday. However many teams have the same problem. They did come back against the Saints yesterday on a short week. A much needed victory that keeps them in a wild card spot. Plus they are closer to regaining the lead of the division they won last year. I’m worried about Ryan though. Far too many interceptions. In a way they were really lucky they won the game yesterday. At the end of the first half the Saints could have easily ran the intercepted pass back for a TD. However the Falcons are still on a roll winning 4 out of their last 5 with three division games left including one more against the Saints.

#8.SEATTLE 8-4 Up one spot   Pete Carol is another person that does not go away like his Seahawk team that won big last Sunday night against the Eagles. They still remain one game behind the Rams. With a defensive secondary that has many injuries they are still playing well on defense. Russell Wilson continues to come up with big plays as he is the biggest reason why this team is still very good and very dangerous and are not going away. This week we will see if the Jags are a real contender. But the week after that it’s a big rematch against the Rams. The Seahawks still have lots of work to do.

#9.CAROLINA 8-4 Down 1 spot         Carolina has been beating teams they should beat. Last week the Saints kicked the Panther’s bum around the field. This week the Vikings will probably prevail over the Panthers. Panthers could use a big victory especially against a quality team. Panthers defense has been pretty good. But this all comes down to the Fig Newton. He has to carry the load down the stretch if the Panthers want to make it back to the playoffs. That is the major problem they have. Newton is not a Russell Wilson. His leadership skills are terrible. If they are down a few scores I do not like the panthers’ chances of coming back. Newton is too soft. He needs to be a Chips Ahoy, a cookie with some chippyness in them.

#10. LA CHARGERS 6-6 Same      Chargers won against the hapless Browns last week. I have the Chargers at number ten. Chargers beat the Browns only 19-10. Were the Chargers thinking, let’s not run the score on the Browns? The Browns are only junior varsity so let’s go out this week and have some fun. Now they are tied with the Raiders and the Chiefs at top of the AFC West. They have a meeting with the Redskins at their soccer stadium this Sunday. They could make it 4 games in a row with a win over the skins. If they have a let down this Sunday I will say Chargers are pretenders.

#11.JACKSONVILLE 8-4 Same   Another team that could be a pretender. They only beat the Browns 19-7. However Rivers is no Bortles. The Jags find themselves in an easy division. They had a nice easy victory over the Colts last week. This week we will see how they stack up against the Seahawks. Can Bortles make enough plays to beat a Seattle team? I would like to see what Russell Wilson can do against the stingy Jaguar defense

#12.TENNESSEE 8-4 Up 1 spot      Titans have won two in a row now as they face the  Cardinals this weekend. Which Cards team will show up? If they can take care of business while the Jags have a tough one and might lose against the Seahawks. Then Music City will have the division by one game. We know what the Titans wanted for Christmas and got their presents early. They should be thankful that Luck and Watson are hurt. Because they have an easy division. Then the Jags still have Bortles as their starting quarterback. So Mariota is by far the best QB in the NFC South.

#13.DALLAS 6-6 Same    Wherever you go it seems like the Cowboys are a team that they play in your market no matter what. If you’re a Cowboy fan you most likely do not need Direct TV as the Cowboys prevail over games that mean something. Seriously I will be wanting to watch Seahawks and Jaguars.Or want to watch Rams and Eagles. Instead the networks will force Cowboys and Giants, two teams not going anywhere. Did the Giants put Eli back in the starting role because they are playing their rival Cowboys?

#14.NEW YORK JETS 5-7 Up 7 spots  Do you dare to get in an offensive shoot out with a McCown led Jets team? McCown has this offensive looking like one of the best in the league as they put up 38 points against the Chiefs last week. McCown does not make a lot mistakes. He is a gunslinger not scared to make a mistake. He even scored two touchdowns last week. The man is a bring your lunch pail to work type of guy. This week they play a bad Broncos team that he can light up and improve the teams record to 6-9. Can you name any other players on this team beside X bears Matt Forte? A team that was kicking aside all their high price veterans to the curb in the off season. Very impressed.

#15.BALTIMORE 7-5 Up 4 spots  Ravens right now have a wild card spot. The AFC is so terrible this year. They should not even play the playoffs, just send the Patriots there every year until the rest of the league can rebuild and maybe when Tom Brady turns 70. You can not pick your schedule but the Ravens are beating the clunkers that are on their schedule. Finally Flacco put up some good numbers against a sorry Lions team. Now they turn their attention to the division leading Steelers this week. Lets see where they match up with them. Which will be another close one with the Steelers winning by one score.

#16. DETROIT 6-6 Down 4 spots  Ravens’ offense came to life against the Lion defense. What did you expect out of an ancient Dwight Freeney you just picked up from Seattle a few weeks ago? One persons trash another persons treasure. Stratford hurt his hands in the Ravens game. This week you have the Buccaneers. However your time is running out. It’s time to pull the plug on Caldwell. Time to find some more Decepticons from Cybertron as you had some luck down that road before. Lions is another team that has too many teams in front of them to grab a wild card. Besides most of their wins came in the early parts of the seasons.

#17. BUFFALO 6-6 Down 2 spots   WHY DID THEY NOT HIT GRONK? You know you are going to lose to the Patriots anyways. Your Conrad lays on the field and you see the big gigantic amazon go wrestle mania on one of your guys and they do nothing. They should have sent a message and gave the Gronk a beat down. The beat down could have been a turning point in the season. Come together as a unit. Bills have a chance to make the playoffs. They played New England tough on defense only giving up 23 points. When are they going to get a quarterback? Taylor is no answer. Peterman is probably scarred for life and sucking his thumb in a dark room. I remember when Kyle Orton almost guided them to the playoffs. They went 9-7.They had a hiccup towards the end of the season. But he was a guy that threw the ball down field and did not make mistakes. He was way better than what you had. And still is. Call him up and get him to play the Colts this week.

#18.OAKLAND 6-6 Same   Raiders find themselves in the thick of things. Fire the defensive coordinator. Play the Giants with Geno Smith behind center. Now you have a chance to win your division. First things first, you play the Chiefs and you were one of teams this year to help them in their downwards slide down the long slide in chutes and ladders. You beat them with seconds remaining on the clock. Now you can really rub their nose in it by sending them to second place with a losing record. Can the Raiders make it back to the playoffs? They are lucky they play in the AFC west. Let’s make sure Crabtree tapes his jewelry to his chest so he does lose his purse the next game.

#19. KANSAS CITY 6-6 Down three spots. Kansas City is like that big turd that is going through the spins around the toilet but needs more flushes to get rid of it. They however are tied for the division lead still after starting off 5-0. One more flush will probably do it. That will begin the Mahomes era. Maybe end the Walley the Walrus era at the same time. Last year Kelce threw his towel at a referee as he mocked a ref for throwing a flag at him, he threw his. Then last week the Chief defender threw the ref’s flag into the stands. Then you see the jersey shore taking selfies with it in the stands. So the Ref threw his hat after the player seized his flag. It was Marcus Peter who is the flag thrower for the Chiefs. He gave himself a time out, left the field and went inside the locker room. He came back because he was not ejected from the game. The Chiefs gave him a one game suspension. The league only gave the Gronk one game for his dirty play. Maybe the Chiefs need to police the league.

#20. WASHINGTON 5-7 Down 3 spots  I think I found a new quarterback for the Skins.


Mark Rypien’s daughter. Would they still call them the Redskins? You know they would want to play skins and shirts in practice. Maybe sign the whole lingerie league to one year contracts of course. No long term deals will lead to the boobie prizes.

#21.CINCINNATI 5-7 Down one spot    They should have won on Monday night against the Steelers. They had the lead but Big Ben came back and the Steelers leave Cincy with another victory. I wonder where all the Bengal scouts are at right now. Most of the leagues are at the college football games looking at players. While the Bengals search local prisons for their roster spots. Like Pac Man Jones he had to come from some sort of penitentiary. They watch those guards against convict games dreaming of a prison break for some guys name Inky, Blinky, and Cylde, the new defensive line in orange stripes. Maybe they need to work on work release program with these prisons.

#22.GREEN BAY 6-6 Same     The Packers beat the Buccaneers last Sunday in over time. But that is nothing to brag about. Now you play the Browns this week which will quietly get you 7-6. Could Rogers come back to lead the sleigh team to the playoffs? I still do not think they will make the playoffs even if they win out. Too many teams way ahead of you going into this week. You have the Falcons, Panthers, and Seahawks with more wins then the Packers and those are teams that could win their division as well. Packers have no shot at their division. Green Bay fans have the Badgers they can root on in their bowl game. They have their ice holes they can jump in if they are not liking the Pack being kept out of the playoffs. Please pass the fondue.

#23.ARIZONA 5-6  Same 5-7    Typical Arizona. Who will you be next week, Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? Last week’s loss to Rams might mean troubles for the Titans this week. In Batman, the villain Two Face flips the coin heads that Bruce Arians will keep his job next year. While tails and you know Spanky Peterson likes tails, he and Palmer are out.

#24.TAMPA BAY 4-8 Same     It was supposed to be a good year for the Buccaneers. They made some great strides last year. They even added some more fire power through free agency and the draft. However a Jameis Winston run offense is only scoring a whopping 18 points a game. The Bucs defense has not been really impressive either. The back up for the Packers was able to beat the Buccaneers in overtime. Is it time to for a new head coach and another system as the Bucs owners are very impatient? I would say bring back the creamsicle uniforms if you’re going to hang out in last place. Might as well be comfortable.

#25. HOUSTON 4-8    Same        Houston played tough against the Titans last week. Even had a lead for awhile. This team suffered too many injuries. They will still play crappy teams well the rest of way. They have a battle with the rising 49ers this weekend. Now it’s audition time for the Texans. Who will still play hard during this season which has been written off? Savage is playing for a contract next year. Perhaps another team. However he will not start for anybody. Will the Texans go with Savage as a back up? Or will they look elsewhere just in case this injury bug comes haunting this team again. They should upgrade their offensive line. Plus get a QB like McCown as a back up. A guy that can win you some games if Watson is snake bitten by the injury bug.

#26.SAN FRANCISCO 2-10 Up 5 spots  The beans don’t burn on the grill. The 49ers finally got a piece of the pie. As they are finally moving up to the deluxe apartments in the sky. Jimmy Garoppolo is George Jefferson and the 49ers finally played a guy that is well seasoned. Can you imagine a guy that can throw the ball down the field? He did not throw any touch downs last week against the Bears. But they moved the ball down field and the Niners looked like a whole new team. Besides it was all about Robbie Gould last week. Can this continue? I think they might screw themselves in the draft order. However they will still get a very high pick. Plus they still have those extra picks that they fleeced from the Bears last year.

#27 MIAMI  5-7 Up 3 spots    Cutler threw two interceptions last week and was able to guide his team over the Broncos. All’s we can say is Denver is very very bad. Miami now has 5 wins. They still have some players on this team that are able to beat the bottom of the bottom teams in the NFL. Which most are hot garbage. Curious to see what boat Cutler is scratching his ass on when he finally hangs up the spikes for good.

#28. CHICAGO 3-9    Down 2 spots     Is there such a thing as a revenge game for a kicker? The Bears cut ties with Robbie Gould in early parts of the 2016 season. Then he comes back to haunt his former team with 5 field goals to lift the 49ers over the Bears. Now that is the biggest kick in the head for the whole weekend. Since Gould left Garth from Wayne’s World, it has been horrible. Then they signed Santos who hurt himself as he could not even do kick offs as the punter was taking on those duties. Then what could have been. To see Jimmy Garoppolo, a Chicago area guy, come in to Soldiers field his first start as a 49er with dummy playbook look that calm cool collective and able to throw down the field. A guy they probably could have gotten from the Patriots, instead they traded the farm to move up one spot with again the 49ers to get Mitch Trubisky who they probably could have gotten if they stayed put or gotten Watson. Mitch still not throwing down the field and it’s week 14. Put up the for sale sign we need a new owner.

#29.INDIANAPOLIS 3-9 Down two spots      The bad teams are starting to make their way to the basement of the standings where they belong and camp out for the better draft pick. The Colts – it’s time to see what you got with some of the players that have not played other than special teams. Luck has already left Indianapolis for Europe to get some treatment on his shoulder. Can you say Swedish bikini team?

swedish bikini team

I bet their team could do better than the Colts on all levels. If travel agents still exist I would be waiting outside the Colts facility and get them booked for their summer vacations.

#30.NEW YORK GIANTS 2-10 Down 2 spots      If you have an issue grab a tissue is what is going down in G-SPOT land. Archie Manning telling his people his son has hurt feelings from his sudden benching last week. Last week the G-MEN went with Geno Smith as their starter. Which that is a kick to the head if you are Eli. Only way Geno is getting the nod in my book is if the Zombie Apocalypse happens and the rest of the QB’S turn. Then the Giants fired Ben McAdoo and the GM. They played tough against the Raiders which is not something to brag about. They have a ton of issues over there as well. Giant land needs a huge make over. Ben McAdoo was only there for less than two seasons and did get these guys to the playoffs last year. Too many personalities on this team. Too many me me first. You need a license shrink to figure out who gets the ball the most. Even Frazier Crane could not mend these minds on the couch at his office or on the radio.

#31.DENVER 3-9 Down 2 spots   This team in my opinion has had the biggest collapse of any other team in the league. They are the only team in their division that is dead as a door nail. The rest of AFC west is alive and tied in the standings. The Broncos defense which was always promising has sunk into the Cleveland Brown abyss. They have lost 8 in a row. They have been playing “Who’s On First” in their rotating quarterback spin the wheel. The 49ers and the Giants are laughing stocks, but they have found ways to improve. It’s time to head to Colorado mountains and do some skiing. Maybe chase some ski bunnies and forget about how Cutler beat you to add fuel to the fire.

ski bunnies

#32.CLEVELAND 0-12 Same  The Browns continue their perfect season. However they actually played a close one against the Chargers. Yes, the Chargers, who have been scoring big points off teams of late. The Browns hung in but they still have not won a game. Besides Lebron which we do not care about that dumb ass.  The big news in Cleveland this week is Weekend at Bernie’s 3 is coming to a red box near you. Maybe in a Target dollar bin. Great stocking stuffers. It is called the Revenge of Bernie. It could be a cult classic like Porky’s Three: The Revenge of Porky. We have some low lights..


Why would the NFL only suspend Rob Gronkowski for one game after his coward hit on the Buffalo Bills corner back? How come he was ejected from the game? The NFL has been trying very hard to stop the hits to the head. To prevent defenseless players from taking a shot from the defender. When you only give a person a one game suspension for the dirtiest hit of the year, that is not going to stop this from happening in the future. The NFL has to come down on players like Gronk, so it will teach not to do it again. It should be four games without pay. Maybe take a playoff game away as well. Big deal, Gronk is missing the Dolphins game next Monday and will be present for the challenging game against the Steelers the following week. That will teach him nothing as he knows he got away with slap on the wrists.

Rob Gronkowski reminds me of the bully on the sitcom Different Strokes. The Bully was never shown, but the legend lived on throughout the series. The Gooch. He beat up kids for their lunch money. The Buffalo Bills corner back, Tre’Davious White, is Gary Coleman who is Arnold Jackson on the sitcom. If this played out on the playground or in the bathroom of a grammar school setting, I could see the Gooch doing a wrestling move landing the elbow down hard on the back of Arnold’s neck as he was lying on the ground. Then the Gooch would sneak the kid’s lunch money. Then walk off bragging that he pulled a Jake the Snake Roberts wrestling move on the smaller person who lays on the ground seeing stars.

As we all know, last Sunday Rob Gronkowski was not liking the way the officiating was going down in Buffalo. Gronkowski is used to having big days against Buffalo when the Patriots and the Bills meet twice a year. Maybe Gronk feels like these games are very important to pad his stats for all the fantasy owners. It’s not like Buffalo this year will knock off the Patriots for the division title. Tom Brady and the Patriots have owned the Bills for a very long time. At the time of the incident, Patriots had a good lead. The Bills are not that type of team to be down a few scores and able to come back. If you’re going to lose your cool, it’s probably the best game for it. If it was a close game and you are losing badly, penalties do not help. Same thing if you’re winning and it’s a close game you do not want to give the other team extra motivation. But still what is wrong with you to lose your cool when your team is winning and you’re playing a team you pretty much own.

Patriots are called the evil empire for many things. Spying on the Jets. The famous deflate gate. Plus the list of stuff we probably do not know about when it comes down to the Patriot way of things. Look at their tight ends over the last few seasons. Aaron Hernandez would take you out back and put a bullet in between your eyes.Then everybody knows Marty Bennett – when the tough gets going, Marty gives up. As he has done with the Bears and the Packers. But having a chance to get a ring it’s another story. He’s hurt now and may be out the rest of the year. Then you have Rob Gronkowski, a man that hung out with porno stars. A guy that can not stay on the field most of the year as he dealt with many injuries. Then to make a dirty hit on a guy on the ground in which he could of been seriously hurt. Maybe even ended his career, his lively hood. The Gronk apologized for his dirty hit on White but also had to let everyone know about the officiating at the same time. That apology means absolutely nothing. What will he do next, push over a lady in a wheelchair and blame it on the police for not policing?

It kind of disappoints me that nobody on the Bills went after him after the hit. Players should of raced over and knocked the Gronk’s lights out. Especially on your home field. Even on the road you have to stand up for your guys. In the battle field you never leave a man behind. Football is far away from the battlefield. The Bills need to get that inside their player’s heads. The team that fights together through the tough times will form a bond that can lead to winning more games.

The Bills do play the Patriots one more time. The Bills are still trying to claw their way back in the playoff picture. If you’re not going to strike back at Gronkowski in last week’s game, then you better get him in the final game of regular season. If you have no shot making the playoffs, make the Patriots feel the hurt before they play their first playoff game. Do it like baseball and take the ball and hit their best player. Make it a very bad day for Brady. The best case scenario is to beat them the last game of the season while making the playoffs. Then the ultimate thing is you see them in the playoffs and knock them out. That would be the best revenge. To see the fall of the evil Empire for at least this year all due to the coward’s cheap shot heard around the world. The fall would be harder than Goliath’s.


We came up with what we think is the best looking professional football helmets in our book. That means no college helmets were involved in this list. We went with professional leagues still around or part of the past. We did both W.F.L’S. The one from the 70’s and the one from the 90’s. The USFL. We even dabbled in the Canadian Football League however we did not inhale.. Most are from the NFL. However we liked a lot of helmets from the AFL before the merger of the NFC and AFC. We found some cool ones in Arena football that we liked. The X.F.L we did really not care about. Any leagues we have forgotten, oh well that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

We picked helmets with cool logos. Logos that say something. We did not pick old traditional helmets with the city’s first letter on the side of the helmet. No plain ole Jane like the Browns. We went with helmets with a logo that says we are going to kick your ass today. This list is not in any order. We broke them down with the different leagues. We probably missed many others that should be on this list. If we started a league, this is our 25 helmets.

W.F.L   (1970’S)







ottawa roughriders




sacramento goldminers



denver dynamite


sanjose sabercats























oakland raiders


new england patriots


buffalo bills

#20. LA CHARGERS 1965


#21.NEW YORK JETS 1960’S























MATCH UP                             OUR WINNER


TEXANS AT TITANS                   TEXANS

CHIEFS AT JETS                           JETS


COLTS AT JAGUARS                     JAGUARS


PATRIOTS AT BILLS                       PATRIOTS

LIONS AT RAVENS                        LIONS

49ERS AT BEARS                            49ERS


GIANTS AT RAIDERS                      RAIDERS


RAMS AT CARDINALS                    RAMS












Week 13 Could be an unlucky week for many teams. But we will let you know what we are feeling this week. Lots of love. Lots of name calling. We’re flinging it. That’s our new motto. When the shit hits the fan, will your team prevail and make it to the playoffs?

shit hits the fan


#1.PHILADELPHIA  10-1 Same   Last Sunday it was like the Varsity team which were the Eagles against the Freshmen team, the Bears. The Eagles razzled the Bears with their play on the field. Then dazzled us with the Electric Slide. They even did their own version of bowling in the end zone as the players were the pins and they all fell down. Former Bear Alshon Jeffrey  led the celebrations as he caught a TD against his former team. It looked too easy. The Bears should have walked on the field during the coin flip and handed the Eagles their lunch money, left the stadium and called it a day. Maybe stop to see the Rocky Statue before hitting the airport.

#2.NEW ENGLAND 9-2 Same  I know you play the games on your schedule. The Patriots now can feast on teams like the Dolphins and the Bills. Teams in their own division which they ravage through every year. Their remaining schedule they play the Bills twice, the Dolphins one more time, and the Jets from the division. Only game they have that will be a contest is the Steelers. They will be 13-3 or even 14-2 at the end of this. PUNCH THEIR TICKET NOW TO HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE THROUGHOUT THE PLAYOFFS ….

#3.PITTSBURGH 9-2 Up 1 spot  Pittsburgh played a tight game with the Cheeseheads on Sunday night. They still won. You have to wonder how they let a back up quarterback play you that tough. They beat teams they need to beat but just barely. Plus I still can’t get over how you let the Bears beat you. They have all the pieces in place. Is this bad Coaching? Is it time to let someone different in there than Tomlin? In a few weeks they play New England for all the marbles, home field advantage. That will be the game we will use as our measuring stick with these two power houses unless the Steelers stumble to some inferior team along the way.

#4.MINNESOTA 9-2 Up one spot   Minnesota has quietly moved into the power rankings top 4. They had some hiccups last week against the Lions on Thanksgiving. However they still managed to win the game with Detroit making it interesting at the end. They keep winning. However I still scratch my head… Are they really this good? Are they missing something?  If they are, what is it? Can Keenum continue to play this well coming out of nowhere? Maybe he made a deal with the devil? That might have been RG2’s problem after having that one big year. When it’s time to pay up oh boy…

#5.LA RAMS 8-3 Up one spot  Maybe it was Hunter bobblehead day at the old LA Memorial Coliseum to see the Rams beat the Saints in the game of the week. I thought Dee Dee McCall on Hunter was a sexy fox. Her and the Angels. Nobody is getting kicked off that island.

dee dee

That was a huge game for the Rams. After losing to the Vikings a week before, they had another tough contest that could be a playoff preview against the Saints who have been red hot. They won the game and they stayed ahead of the hated Seahawks.

#6. NEW ORLEANS 8-3 Down 3 spots  What do you have to do in the Saints division? Do you have to win all the games? They had a 8 game winning streak and now they are tied with the Panthers and look who’s only one game behind both of them. The Falcons. It’s like the Falcons are how Jerry Seinfeld would say NEWMAN!! This Sunday the Saints have to make a statement and knock off the Panthers. This would be a bad time to take the Chutes and Ladders long slide down to the Tampa Bay level. Maybe it’s a bad day to stop sniffing glue.

#7.CAROLINA  8-3 Up 1 spot     The Fig Newton has his team tied for the division with a match up against the Saints. The Jets were very close last week to upsetting the Panthers. Panthers to me are one of those teams where you do not know what you may get. Love that defense as they were able to get a score late in the game to prevent the upset. Panthers are finding ways to win as they have now won 4 in a row. Will Newton be strutting his Superman pose or will be in the fetal position in the locker room after next week’s game? “Those reporters were so mean they asked me game questions.” As he sucks on his thumbs wearing Hello Kitty PJ’S.

#8.ATLANTA 7-4 Up one spot   Falcons were 6-4 before last week’s win. It was the same record they had the previous year at the same time. Last year they went to the big dance. This year the division is much better. This week they have a tough game against the Vikings. This game could be a playoff preview as well. To keep up with the Jones’ they will have to unleash their Jones as they continue to hunt down the Panthers and the Saints. Before that they need to derail a hot Viking team. Will the Falcons have a Viking funeral this week in Atlanta? Some huge games in the NFC this week.

#9.SEATTLE 7-4 Up one spot   Seattle needed some 49er scooby snacks after coming off a loss to the Falcons. Will the Seahawks secondary hold up ? Will Sherman continue to be annoying on twitter? Does he even know how to post things on Twitter or is it the equipment coach? Seahawks find themselves one game behind the Rams however they have a date with the best in the NFC, the Eagles. What bird will be flying higher after this contest? A loss could set them back especially the way the Saints, Panthers and Falcons are playing. Poor Petey…

#10. LA CHARGERS 5-6 Up one spot The Chargers are the only team in my top ten with a losing record. Is this team for real? Or are they playing teams at a good time? This week they have a chance to be tied with the Chiefs after the weekend. Chargers can easily take down the Browns. Chiefs could struggle against the Jets. I think this Charger defense will wreck havoc on teams. Rivers is having a good year. Their offense is staying healthy. When Rivers has people around him and they make the playoffs, I love him. He was always that dark horse that upset some of the greats like Brady and Peyton Manning. He never got to the Superbowl but he played you tough. That division is so rotten they should have no problem winning it. Do the Chargers have a fan base yet in LA? I would hate to be in San Diego seeing this. Maybe with the great weather, they do not care. I hate the owner. But many of them are not great people.

#11.JACKSONVILLE 7-4 Drop 4 spots   I had these guys in the top ten. They have the best defense in the game. How does Blaine Gabbert and the Cards beat you? They have everything on this team except a quarterback. This will haunt them. They are lucky they play in a crappy division. They may make the playoffs. But it will haunt them when they get exposed at that position when they are one and done. For christ sake you beat a bad Browns team 19-7. That should have been the red flag right there.

#12.DETROIT 6-5 Up 1 spot  Lions move up one spot because I think they are better than the Titans. They did play the Vikings tough last week. They find themselves in search for a wild card with 5 games left. They have a chance to run the table and it starts with the Ravens. Then they have the Bucs, Bears, Bengals and the Pack (we do not know with or without Rodgers.) The lions will win the next 4. Then Rodgers will be back and throw a Hail Mary pass at the end of the game to beat the Lions and knock them out of playoff contention. Like that is something new in that division.

#13.TENNESSEE Up 1 Spot    The Titans were finally winners in Indianapolis last Sunday. A house of horrors for them almost over a decade. Plus Jacksonville finally came back down to earth with a loss. Could the Tuxedos be eyeing the division title? Both them and the Jags are tied in the division right now as both would play each other at the end of the year. They still get to feast off Texans and 49ers. They play a tough Rams team. The Cardinals, you do not know what team will show up there. They look to be in a good position, a playoff position. Music City will be rocking the New Year if this works out.

#14.DALLAS 6-6  UP 2 SPOTS. The Cowboys have been horrible without their running back Elliot who is suspended. Finally yesterday they won their first game without Elliot in the mix. They destroyed their rival Washington. Which evens their record up at 6-6. They probably need to win out their remaining games to have a chance for the playoffs. With the Saints, Falcons, Panthers, and Seahawks well ahead of them, they need a lot of help as well. At least you have those hot cheer leaders to look at. You might need to make a donation to the local church while you’re at it. Jones’ assassination plot has not gone down yet on the Commissioner.

#15.BUFFALO 6-5 Up 2 spots  Finally the Bills break their losing streak last Sunday against the Chiefs. They went back to Taylor. No interceptions like last week with rookie Peterman behind center. They played a ball control game as Taylor made no mistakes. Either the defense rose up or the Chiefs are just playing horrible. You finally win hoping to get things back on track and now you have to play the Patriots. The Cubs had a goat for many decades. The Bills’ goat is Tom Brady. Buffalo has the Patriots two times in the last five games. For a team trying to break out out of their own playoff drought, you need to slay the dragon. Call up Mario!!

#16. KANSAS CITY  6-5 Down 4 spots  It’s hard to believe the Chiefs  are still in first place. They have lost 5 out of their last 6 games. Then last week lost to another struggling team, the Buffalo Bills. Alex Smith and their rookie running back have gone cold. The defense has been up and down. The Chargers are whispering in their ears. It’s like if Rivers was in the movie, Warriors.

warriors come out to play

Rivers would be saying Chiefs come out and play. Now they play the Jets which will not be easy. At the end of the weekend they might not have first place by themselves.

#17.WASHINGTON 5-7  Down 2 spots   They need to let Cousins go. It’s like he’s Washington’s personal gimp they have trapped in the basement. They pay him big money. They will not give him a long term contract. They strip him down of his receivers.  However they keep putting the franchise tag on the man. It’s like they own him and he will not go somewhere else and do better with another team. Dan Snyder is a big gigantic BOOB. Like a blob, boob. No offense to all of the great boobs in the world.


Dan Snyder owner of Washington Redskins

#18.OAKLAND 5-6 Same    When are they going to move to Vegas? If I was an Oakland fan, this would be the perfect time to let go of your team. Last year’s excitement made you sad because you thought this year was going to get better. This train wreck is like a helicopter going down in flames. You do not know where it’s going to land. Guys on defense are pissed off with last week’s firing of Norton, the defensive coordinator. Crabtree is rumbling during the game protecting his necklace. It’s not looking good so get out now. Abandon ship!!!!

#19.BALTIMORE 6-5 Same I moved the Ravens up 5 spots last week. This week they are the same as they took care of business against the Texans. They have a wild card position at this time. The AFC has a bunch of teams jumbled up and there are still plenty of games left to see this go south for the Ravens. The Ravens defense has shined against the bottom of the shoe teams. This week the Lions have a way better offense so we will see how this unfolds. Flacco has thrown only nine touchdowns while being picked off 11 times. That will be the team’s down fall.

#20. CINCINNATI 5-6  Same  In the movie Elf, Will Ferrell sees the sign on the cafe window saying World’s Greatest cup of Coffee. Then he opens the door and yells Congrats to the people inside. The Bengals beating the Browns is like getting a coffee mug – World’s greatest boss. I can see Marvin Lewis himself buying himself one wearing dark glasses. Oh Cleveland will seek their revenge in the battle of Ohio when their Indians meet the Reds this summer.

#21. NEW YORK JETS  4-7 Up one spot     McCown almost had the Jets upsetting the Panthers last Sunday. If he did not fumble to give the Panthers the clean pick up and run for the touchdown, it could have been J-E-T-S jets, jets last week. They are one of those teams that if you are on the bubble, you do not want to play. Plus now they can laugh at the Giants for starting Geno Smith, a former Jet GREAT, at least in Brandon Marshall’s mind which is not saying much.

#22. GREEN BAY 5-5 Down 1 spot   I’m indeed a fan of poor Rodgers commercials. Thor wants to be Matthews making life tough for Rodgers and his dog. I feel since Rodgers is sidelined, he and his dog are looking for answers. It’s like George Costanza went down to the beach to think things over and then asked Susan to marry him. Later the toxic envelopes killed off Susan. The injured Rodgers is in deep thought on what he’s going to do missing the playoffs. Should he come back? Or should he play even if Green Bay has no shot of making it to the playoffs? I would let Rodgers sit. Don’t want the Romo thing to happen. He was back from an injury then a few plays in, boom he was sidelined again. The season is a wash you might as well season the back up quarterback. The more experience he has going forward, the better he will do next year if it happens again. Brett Hundley threw three touchdowns against the Steel Curtain last Sunday. You might have something. Maybe a trading chip.

#23 ARIZONA 5-6 Up 4 spots  Blaine Gabbert led his team over the Jacksonville Jaguars. Gabbert probably said the right things, but you know in his head he’s, “How do you like me now, bitches,” as he beat his former team in a big upset. Gabbert might find himself in a better role next season. Perhaps a starting position as the league of quarterbacks is watered down. Definitely a back up. He can run and make some throws. Arizona still has some talent. They have a list of injuries. But they could still beat you. However they are a team that one week looks great. Next week they lay an egg while the Joker got away.

#24. TAMPA BAY 4-7 Same Looks like Tampa Bay is not going to run the table and make it to the playoffs. They could be the only team in their division not to make the playoffs this season. They might feel like the NBA teams that do not make it to the playoffs. Most of the league makes it. Maybe the NFL needs to set up a losers playoffs. Like the NIT tournament. I can see see Fitzpatrick celebrating with his team in the locker room after winning the NFL NIT. Instead of champagne, they are spraying Old Milwaukee beer all over each other.

#25. HOUSTON 4-7 Up one spot.    Houston is up one spot because many other teams are playing very bad. Houston was in most of the game against the Ravens. Then Savage threw a pick right in the hands of the Raven defender towards the end of the game to seal it for Baltimore. Maybe Savage can change his last name to Saviors. Join Negan and help him get out of the factory surrounded by deadly walkers. Who’s having a better season, the Saviors or Savage? SAVIORS….

#26. CHICAGO 3-8 Down 2 spots   The Bears finally saw one of their own blossom as a receiver. Too bad he’s on the Eagles this year. Maybe their contacts were not in. Maybe their glasses were steamed up in the meeting they had at the Hooters in the off season when they discussed what are good receivers and which ones do we cut. Keep the one with all the medical questions. Do not sign the one that can catch the ball and score touchdowns. Mitch Trubisky has hit some turbulence. While the former Eastern Illinois quarterback is coming to town. Plus he is from the Chicagoland area, Jimmy Garoppolo. I know the Bears did want him before the draft. Jimmy will come in to Soldier’s field and have a big day. Make the Bears brass do their meeting next year at the Sizzler. While 49ers brass will still scratch their heads over why he did not start playing weeks ago for them.

#27. INDIANAPOLIS 3-8 Down 2 spots   The Titans finally broke a nine year losing streak in Indianapolis last Sunday. You know when your good streaks end, now its Race for Your Life Charlie Brown to get one of the top draft picks. This is another team that has lots to do in the off season. Will they have the Luck they need? Or is it time to kick the tires on another quarterback and press the reset button?

#28. NEW YORK GIANTS Same 2-9 Now the G-MEN have finally hit ROCK BOTTOM. Manning out. Geno Smith is your starting quarterback this week. Jets fans are laughing themselves to the loony bin as we speak. First of all Manning is not hurt. His streak of games played will be over. Second of all, no one has punched Geno Smith this year. Maybe he’s not welshing on bets. Maybe he uses cash for car title services. BLOW IT UP IN NEW YORK. Trade Manning to the Jaguars, they need somebody better than what they got. Besides, Manning’s former coach Tom Coughlin is the man in charge down there.

#29. DENVER 3-8 Same  The Broncos have been doing the Volley Ball approach when it comes down to quarterback. After the play is done on the court, they rotate. Paxton Lynch did not last long last week. Did not play well and he got hurt. Could the future be Trevor Siemian? He has been the quarterback that has played the most this year behind center for the Broncos. Horse face John Elway probably scratching his head on the quarterbacks he has. Probably remembering when Dolphins met the Broncos, it was him versus Marino. Yep back in the day when the league was filled with great quarter back play.

#30. MIAMI 4-7 Same    I remember Ndamukong Suh back when he was on the Lions. Might be one of the dirtiest players of all time. As he stepped on Rodgers when he was down. He flung around Cutler like a rag doll. Many thought when he just signed with the Dolphins he was going to be a free agent bust like Albert Haynesworth was in Washington. With the Dolphins sliding they are paying this guy a Brinks truck of money each year. Maybe a few. Dolphins need players and if they get rid of the big man, they can help their roster depth next year. Cutler’s back under center this week in the I don’t give a crap bowl against the Broncos. The team that drafted Cutler. He does not care. The Broncos gave him the lotto numbers for the last ten years.

#31. SAN FRANCISCO 1-10 Same   Well, how do you like those apples? The 49ers finally put Jimmy in the game. IT’S ABOUT TIME!!! The front office and the coaching staff’s thought process on this decision was slower than a snail’s pace. However they were forced to put Jimmy in due to an injury. I apologize to all snails. SERIOUSLY I start to think Shanahan is a moron. First you had a big lead at halftime against the Patriots in the Super Bowl. Then you run a very bad selection of plays in the second half and end up losing the game. It takes an injury to finally see Jimmy on the field. Jimmy Garoppolo was a perfect 2-2 with a TD pass in his brief appearance. You’re building for next year. You have to see if this is the guy. He could be Scott Mitchell for all we know. He has only played in a few games. MY GOD MAN!! Glad I’m not a 49er fan.

#32. CLEVELAND 0-11 Same  You think some how they would get lucky and run into a victory. Like a team bus crash. Get the opposing team food poison at their hotel. They need to start thinking outside the box to come up with a victory. Take the other team’s quarterback hostage like that movie Celtic Pride. It had Dan Akroyd and Daniel Stern who are big Celtics fans. They take the other team’s best player hostage who is Damon Wayans.  It’s right before a playoff game. The Browns would still lose the game without the other team’s starting quarterback. Just like how Weekend at Bernie’s Two failed at the box office.