Why would the NFL only suspend Rob Gronkowski for one game after his coward hit on the Buffalo Bills corner back? How come he was ejected from the game? The NFL has been trying very hard to stop the hits to the head. To prevent defenseless players from taking a shot from the defender. When you only give a person a one game suspension for the dirtiest hit of the year, that is not going to stop this from happening in the future. The NFL has to come down on players like Gronk, so it will teach not to do it again. It should be four games without pay. Maybe take a playoff game away as well. Big deal, Gronk is missing the Dolphins game next Monday and will be present for the challenging game against the Steelers the following week. That will teach him nothing as he knows he got away with slap on the wrists.

Rob Gronkowski reminds me of the bully on the sitcom Different Strokes. The Bully was never shown, but the legend lived on throughout the series. The Gooch. He beat up kids for their lunch money. The Buffalo Bills corner back, Tre’Davious White, is Gary Coleman who is Arnold Jackson on the sitcom. If this played out on the playground or in the bathroom of a grammar school setting, I could see the Gooch doing a wrestling move landing the elbow down hard on the back of Arnold’s neck as he was lying on the ground. Then the Gooch would sneak the kid’s lunch money. Then walk off bragging that he pulled a Jake the Snake Roberts wrestling move on the smaller person who lays on the ground seeing stars.

As we all know, last Sunday Rob Gronkowski was not liking the way the officiating was going down in Buffalo. Gronkowski is used to having big days against Buffalo when the Patriots and the Bills meet twice a year. Maybe Gronk feels like these games are very important to pad his stats for all the fantasy owners. It’s not like Buffalo this year will knock off the Patriots for the division title. Tom Brady and the Patriots have owned the Bills for a very long time. At the time of the incident, Patriots had a good lead. The Bills are not that type of team to be down a few scores and able to come back. If you’re going to lose your cool, it’s probably the best game for it. If it was a close game and you are losing badly, penalties do not help. Same thing if you’re winning and it’s a close game you do not want to give the other team extra motivation. But still what is wrong with you to lose your cool when your team is winning and you’re playing a team you pretty much own.

Patriots are called the evil empire for many things. Spying on the Jets. The famous deflate gate. Plus the list of stuff we probably do not know about when it comes down to the Patriot way of things. Look at their tight ends over the last few seasons. Aaron Hernandez would take you out back and put a bullet in between your eyes.Then everybody knows Marty Bennett – when the tough gets going, Marty gives up. As he has done with the Bears and the Packers. But having a chance to get a ring it’s another story. He’s hurt now and may be out the rest of the year. Then you have Rob Gronkowski, a man that hung out with porno stars. A guy that can not stay on the field most of the year as he dealt with many injuries. Then to make a dirty hit on a guy on the ground in which he could of been seriously hurt. Maybe even ended his career, his lively hood. The Gronk apologized for his dirty hit on White but also had to let everyone know about the officiating at the same time. That apology means absolutely nothing. What will he do next, push over a lady in a wheelchair and blame it on the police for not policing?

It kind of disappoints me that nobody on the Bills went after him after the hit. Players should of raced over and knocked the Gronk’s lights out. Especially on your home field. Even on the road you have to stand up for your guys. In the battle field you never leave a man behind. Football is far away from the battlefield. The Bills need to get that inside their player’s heads. The team that fights together through the tough times will form a bond that can lead to winning more games.

The Bills do play the Patriots one more time. The Bills are still trying to claw their way back in the playoff picture. If you’re not going to strike back at Gronkowski in last week’s game, then you better get him in the final game of regular season. If you have no shot making the playoffs, make the Patriots feel the hurt before they play their first playoff game. Do it like baseball and take the ball and hit their best player. Make it a very bad day for Brady. The best case scenario is to beat them the last game of the season while making the playoffs. Then the ultimate thing is you see them in the playoffs and knock them out. That would be the best revenge. To see the fall of the evil Empire for at least this year all due to the coward’s cheap shot heard around the world. The fall would be harder than Goliath’s.

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