One the most talked about conversations that happens on your bar stool is which is the best Rocky movie. In what order do you rank the Rocky movies? I’m sorry if you have not seen any of the Rocky’s. I do know a person that has not seen any. Yes and an adult, not a baby just coming out of the womb. I find it hard to believe. However I took an Uber ride home a few weeks back and the girl had never seen a Star Wars movie. Just bad parenting I call it. Kids growing up not seeing the classics. No wonder so much violence is out in the world these days.


The Rocky conversation might take place in the wee hours of the night. The music is down low. Everyone is up to a twelve pack. Then you know that one person out of your  crowd that starts this conversation. Maybe not even a month ago the same scene might have had the same conversation. Maybe take out a few people and add a few new butts on their stools. People have different opinions on which one is the best. People seem to agree Rocky V is the worst of them all. Let’s see if I can shed a little light on this subject and reveal what I think is the best order. I start with the worst to first. Maybe the Bears can do that next season.

#6. ROCKY V   I agree with the majority that this one was the worst of the Rocky series. The part I did like in this was when Rocky punched the Don King wannabe character in the face at the end.


I did like a few lines in Rocky V: Tommy Gunn Morrison punched Paulie. Rocky says, “You knocked him down, how ’bout tryin’ knocking me down?”

Then Rocky says, “my ring is outside”

#5. ROCKY II  I loved all the Rocky’s. But this one they try to live a life away from the ring. The love story continues. Rocky and Adrian get married. Then they struggle to make ends meet. It takes a long time. Finally the rematch happens. Then Rocky wins the belt. Love the ending. Lot of boring stuff to get there.

#4.ROCKY BALBOA   Before this movie even came out, people were all negative about this one. I kept an open mind about it. This movie was done very well. It really goes back to the roots of the original Rocky. Rocky owns a restaurant. Talks to his patrons about the fights he has. Then how he misses his wife Adrian and visits the cemetery every day. Then he steps back in the ring for one final fight.

rocky balboa

I love he has the guy he fought in the original Rocky, the very first fight you see, working at the restaurant. This one is a movie that could be moved up I think, it was that good. Those people who spoke out before they even saw it, shame on you. You know who you are.

#3. ROCKY IV   Some would say this Rocky was the best. I think it could be any of the top three. James Brown is jamming in this one. Apollo Creed fights the Russian and gets killed. This has a lot going on in this one. Then Rocky fights the Russian in Russia in a classic fight on Christmas.

Some lines in this I loved. Drago says in Russia, “It’s like punching steel,” referring to Rocky.

Rocky’s trainer says to Rocky in the corner, “he’s not a machine he’s a man”

Then the famous speech at the end  If you can change. If I can change. Can’t we all change? That movie definitely fixed our relationship with the Russians.

#2. ROCKY III  All’s I have to say is Mr. T. He played Clubber Lang and he was a bad ass motherfucker. Rocky III could easily be number one as well. I thought this one had everything you want in a Rocky Movie. Rocky living the dream. Then he’s thinking retirement. Then Clubber Lang challenges him to a fight. They accept. Mickey dies. He loses the first fight against Clubber Lang.Then Apollo Creed trains him. Then Rocky has to fight the mental issues he’s having inside his head. Then the training. Done in a gym where Apollo Creed did his training when he was not a contender at the time. Paulie has some great remarks. Then the rematch which is awesome.

Mr. T playing Clubber Lang had some of the best lines in this film.



Then the reporter asks Clubber, “What’s your prediction for the fight?” Clubber Lang says, “PAIN.”


#1.ROCKY  Rocky is about an underdog with a shot for the title. Stallone wrote this script and wanted to play Rocky in it. Hollywood wanted to buy the script off Rocky and get some other actor to play Rocky. Stallone held out until he was able to star in the movie as well. He took less money but he did a great job acting in it as well. The movie Rocky won many awards. It was an inspirational movie for any underdogs in the world. Rocky is a boxer who has not made it to the big stage. Not even ranked. He fights practically for peanuts and the love of the sport. The Creed fight gives him a shot because the other opponent could not fight due to an injury. It’s all about going the distance. He falls in love. It has everything you want in a classic movie. One of the best sports films of all time.


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