If I was a Colts fan and heard that Josh McDaniels was going to be the next head coach, I think my days as a fan of that team would be done. I would drop my season tickets like a bad habit. Then the sudden news that Josh McDaniels is not accepting the job, I would be setting up the parade route. Can you do what Cleveland did and have a parade route for a perfect season of no wins? Instead of the year without a Santa Claus the year with without a coach. How many times do you get second chances? I’m not a Colt fan. However you know that the owner Jim Irsay is a moron. Maybe this lucky break might be what the franchise needed. Like the day Peyton Manning walked into your building kind of break after you drafted him.

The only thing Josh McDaniels has done right in his career as a head coach was sniff out what Jay Cutler actually was. He inherited a 500 team in Denver. Then followed that year up with another 8-8 season. He was off to a 6-2 season. Then lost 8 out of his last ten games. Then the following year he was 3-9 fired week 13. He drafted Tim Tebow as a quarterback. Where credit was due with Cutler, credit was quickly taken away with Tebow.  Many players at the time did not want to play for this guy. He was a young hot shot thought he knew more than everyone else in the room. Is running an offense that has Tom Brady behind center something pretty much anybody can do? Why is this guy so special? Did not see it then and not seeing it now.

Only thing I can tell you is McDaniels is a tool just like all the assistants that have come from the Belicheck’s tree under the bridge. Belichek chokes the life out of them and sends them on their way to fail. Belichek might only deal with people that are inferior to him.

If I were the Detroit Lions after the Superbowl, I would have hoped for Matt Patricia to run home to Bill Belichek. Was not impressed with that defense on the biggest stage of the year. Look at the bafoons that Belichek let go. Eric Mangini went 23-25 with the Jets. Then actually got another job and went 10-22 with the Browns. Romeo Crennel 24-40 with the Browns. He might have done the best with the Browns. Then 2-14 with the Chiefs. Then Charlie Weis who still being paid for his stellar work in college. For the Irish he went 35-27 and then went 6-22 with Kansas. Then Bill O’Brien did some good work with Penn State. However 31-33 with the Texans. History has only rotten fruit picked off the Belichek tree. It’s no Andy Reid tree where it’s filled with bright big shiny apples of success. Look at most of the league and how many of the successful coaches came from the Walrus.

Could this be some revenge ploy from the Patriots? The Colts are the ones that ratted out the Patriots in deflate gate. If that is the fact then wouldn’t Josh McDaniels even be a bigger moron as he is just a pawn in some rich man’s revenge. Did the Patriots promise him something much bigger? What does this tell you about Matt Patricia? He is the assistant that is replaceable. Everyone gets cold feet and changes their mind. But this idiot accepted the job. They made an official announcement. They even waited until the Patriots were done with the season. McDaniels even screwed people that he wanted as assistants. Now they are in limbo after agreeing to help this sorry ass of a man. If McDaniels knew that Jim Irsay is not the type of guy he wanted to work for, why didn’t he do some research before any interviews? Even McDaniels’ agent quit on him. If this guy does not get something from New England in the future he will not get another offer from any other team in the league. Something definitely smells in the State of Massachusetts. Just add this story to the never-ending Santa’s nice list of why most people hate the Patriots. I think the Colts are now in a tough situation. They are behind as the draft and free agency are on the horizon. Whoever they hire now will be better off in the long run than that bum McDaniels. It will be a tough few months ahead but they will find someone to right the ship that has taken damage from the Evil Empire once again.






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