It does not matter who you put in the Bears’ front office these days. You’re always left scratching your head wondering what the hell the Bears brass were thinking. This week they let their 2016 leading receiver walk out the door for nothing. Cameron Meredith is now a New Orleans Saint. Before the 2017 season, the Bears let Alshon Jefferey walk out the door. Alshon Jefferey who actually is a quality star receiver in the league. No worries Ryan Pace, he went on to help the Eagles win the Superbowl. I think the Ryan Pace way of thinking was he would put all his money down like Krusty the Clown in the Simpsons on the Washington Generals thinking they were due against the Harlem Globetrotters.

Cameron Meredith came to the Bears as an undrafted free agent in 2015. He was a local kid from St Joseph’s high school. He went to Illinois State and actually was quarterback. He learned to play wide receiver as his chances at quarterback were very slim at best.  In 2016, he took the league by storm catching 66 balls for 888 yards… not too shabby in 14 games. Add 4 touchdowns to the mix and this was turning out to be finding a gem in the ruff.  Then in preseason last year, penciled in as the number one receiver, one play ends his season for good. He suffered a torn ACL and MCL.

The Bears could have tendered Cameron last month at second round level which would of been an extra million dollars over the no compensation level they did. The extra million would make other teams give up a draft pick if they signed him to an offer sheet. If the Bears  declined to sign, they would have at least had another pick.  However their choice let him walk out the door and head to New Orleans.

Maybe the Bears do not need another medical project. Since they still have the broken lamp in Kevin White. Then they signed damaged goods from Jacksonville in Allen Robinson. Say Robinson can not find his old form. I think we all know, except for the Bears brass, that Kevin White is a total bust. Now you have two strikes. If Cameron Meredith comes back healthy with Drew Brees as his quarterback, that is going to be strike three. It will be another year without having options for Mitch Trubisky to throw to. The face of the franchise coming into his second year. The second year brings the sophomore slump, and many go through it. Without weapons you’re going to have another year without Santa Clause. Another year Bears fans have coal in their stocking from the Bears’ brass.

This comes down to two medical staffs.  The Saints and the Bears. Both have looked at the X-rays. Both have seen Cameron Meredith in person. Who will have egg on their face at the end of this one? Will Ryan Pace blame the Saints using voodoo on Cameron in helping him catch 80 balls this season after everything is said and done. I think they had Cameron on the cheap and they should have kept him. The more options, maybe one of the MASH victims come out as one of your aces in the hole. If I had to choose I would have kept Cameron and tossed the broken lamp, Kevin White, in the trash. I do see Ryan Pace at the poor man’s casino in Vegas. Dealing with an agent and trying to guess how many fingers he’s holding up behind his back to land somebody in the dollar bin to balance out his rickety core of crap he assembled. Business as usual at Halas Hall.

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