King James is heading to California.


archie bunker

“California is full of nuts and fruits. Every fruit is a little nutty and every nut is a little fruity.”

“God is going to dump California. He’s just waiting for the last of the crazies to get there.”

It’s another new chapter in Lebron James’ world. It involves leaving Cleveland for the second time. Lebron opted out of his contract, became a free agent and now is heading to the LA. Lakers, not the other team in town. The Lakers will be his third team. This will be another cast of characters. More players will be wheeled and dealt as the King will take his throne in pursuit of another championship while practically printing money in a major market. He will be looking to create another power house in LA like he did in Miami. He made up with the Cleveland fans by getting a team that actually beat the Warriors down three games to one in a best out of seven series.

lebron james lakers

The second time he left Cleveland he obviously did some growing up. Last time he held an hour long show to make the decision on national television to tell the world he was going to south beach. Him and his friends got together, hatched out a plan and before you knew it, his toes were swishing through sand at the beach. Is this second time leaving Cleveland a stab in the back to Cavalier fans? Is the one championship enough to quiet them as he walks out of their lives for good?  Do you think the Cavaliers had unfinished business as they have been to the finals and lost to Warriors more times than they won? Who do you blame? Lebron not sticking around? Management for not setting him up with enough weapons?

Why the Lakers? The present Lakers team does not have enough talent to beat the Warriors or Rockets and that’s with Lebron.. Plus now you have moved to the Western Conference which is much harder to get to the finals in. Lebron and the Cavaliers had it easy in the Eastern Conference with all the watered down teams, half of them can’t even float to save their own lives. Does Magic Johnson have a plan? Will Lebron be GM as in Cleveland and recruit players? He texted Kevin Durant to come to the Lakers when he opted out of his contract. However Kevin gladly resigned with the Warriors as he knows where his bread is buttered.

Imagine the Lakers and Lebron James have a plan. Like when the Cylons came back with their plan in Battlestar Galactica. The Lakers signed Lebron for a 4 year deal. Lebron has 153.3 reasons why he will stick to the LA plan which comes out to 153.3 million dollars over those 4 years. Plus the Lakers are a huge market unlike Cleveland. Space Jam 2 is in the works because another thing LA has is Hollywood. Plus being in a top market, a well known team like the Lakers will have him like Scrooge McDuck swimming in pools of money. I think the Lakers will surround Lebron with young talent. It might not be year one, but at some point over this 4 year deal, LA Lakers will give the Warriors a run for their money.

Cleveland fans are probably walking around the streets like zombies. They are probably angry. However they are happy looking at the 2016 championship the Cavaliers brought home mainly because of Lebron James. They continue to pace around the arena with mixed feelings inside. Do you feel betrayed by the man who ripped your heart out of you once? Are they comfortably numb feelings as fans of Cleveland got to see a 52 year sports drought in their own city end because King James came back and saved the town? The Clevlanders still have the Indians. Hey, the Browns I predict will win six games this season. That would end their perfect football season of winning nothing last year except a delightful parade to celebrate a perfect record.

If I was living in Cleveland I would be pissed off. I don’t think I would have welcomed him back the first time, with that terrible way of making a choice of what team you wanted to play for. Many moons ago I liked the Lakers. From Magic Johnson and James Worthy and the pilot in Airplane that had that great hook shot over. I think he went by Roger Over. Then the Lakers had the rapist and the big man that could not hit a free throw and they went on and won multiple championships. I did not care for Kobe and Shaq and the former Bulls’ coach Phil Jackson. This will be another Lakers team I will hate with Lebron always leaving when the going gets tough. He’s like the kid that takes the ball and goes home because it’s his ball and he’s mad because it’s not going his way. Lebron would abandon ship with the women and children. While Michael Jordon would find a way to still beat you by patching up the ship while it sank. I will say Archie Bunker is correct that California has just landed the KING NUT.

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