storm troopers

It was Red Sox nation that called their hated rival, the Damn Yankees, the EVIL EMPIRE. They would throw money at the high level free agents like they printed their own. Then Boston saw their own football team, the Patriots, pick up big names every year to help Tom Brady collect Super bowl trophies. It goes on in every sport where the rich get richer. In the NBA, the Golden State Warriors look like they are in no rush to stop winning championships. You would wonder when they got Kevin Durant, how they could fit another superstar on this dream team. Lebron picks the Lakers. The Warriors respond with a CHECK MATE  and sign DeMarcus Cousins. Looks like the Warriors trumped the King once more.

kevin durant

DeMarcus Cousins has been a star player for years with the Sacramento Kings. Yes’ Sacramento still has a team. Those Chris Weber days where the Kings should of taken down the Lakers in the playoffs. Had them on the ropes but Kobe and the big man prevailed to eliminate the Kings. Only time I believe watching NBA basketball that I saw the Kings a few seasons that they actually were a good team. Now they are crappy like they have been most of their existence. They had DeMarcus Cousins, however he was a giant headache and they traded him to the Pelicans. Last year DeMarcus Cousins was still playing great basketball however he suffered an injury. This injury was a set back in his free agent year as he might of had more offers if he was totally healthy.

demarcus cousins

However it might of been a blessing when the Warriors came calling. The Warriors have won three titles in four tries. They still have a talented team with or without Demarcus Cousins. They have brought back Kevin Durant who was a huge addition they added a few seasons ago. They extended Steve Kerr as their head coach. What else do you need? A center. Only position they had over the four finals that has been a rotating position with someone new, someone old or plain someone else. Now you add Demarcus Cousins and it’s like the fabulous five. This starting five the Warriors will have, could be the best of all time.

The biggest question is, will DeMarcus Cousins become a giant headache for the Warriors? Could DeMarcus bring down the Golden Machine from voicing his displeasure from not getting the ball enough? Will his slow play fit in the fast paced game of the Warriors? Steve Kerr has played for Phil Jackson. When the Bulls added Denis Rodman, Phil Jackson was able to handle his type of personality and Steve Kerr witnessed how Jackson handled things.  I see the same things translating through Steve Kerr from one of greatest coaches of all-time.  Plus veterans like Curry and Durant should be able to handle Cousins if he gets out of line. Cousins could adjust his game to adapt to the Warriors’ speed of their play.

Overall, bringing in Cousins is a huge move and it should win another title for the Warriors. Cousins only took a one year deal. Which is a win win for the Warriors. If Cousins does not work out, they could cut him or bench him. However for DeMarcus Cousins, this is a big opportunity to expand his bank account. This one year deal is only a five million dollar deal. If DeMarcus plays like the all star that he is, it can earn him riches next season when more teams will have cap space and more teams will be out looking to spend big money at Menards. In DeMarcus Couisns’ world, he could help the Warriors win a championship, then next year he can earn the big bucks and try to knock out the Warriors. Perhaps join Lebron James and the Lakers. Oh that NBA drama you gotta love. If only they can improve the play on the floor and actually make a traveling call.

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