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Our segment of Dead from the Neck Up continues as we have some brand new meatheads to discuss. The NFL is well stocked with the meats… just ask any butcher.

proctor butcher




We know Jameis Winston’s quarterback rating is zero at this time since being suspended. We know his uber rating is higher than his quarterback rating. I did not know you could feel your Uber driver’s private parts when you get picked up. Jameis thought this was ok. Not sure you could do that in Vegas, getting a ride to one those ranches where you can pay to get any kind of boob you want. Can I have an order of Spaghetti O’s with the blonde please? It is that kind of world in some parts. However being the quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers I guess allows you to do anything you want. Plus this is not his first time where his fingers did the talking. Good ole Winston ran into problems in his college days. Now he is ready to come back and play for the Buccaneers. Only problem is the Buccaneers are winning with Ryan Fitzpatrick. AKA…FITZMAGIC. I hope the Buccaneers ride out Fitzpatrick for the rest of the year and now I hope they make the playoffs with the former Harvard quarterback. Keep Jameis on the bench because he is “Dead From the Neck Up” however his fingers work well if you have an itch on your crotch.



The Steelers finally won their first game last week. Without their top running back? No worries they have the Terminator filling in… James Conner.  Leveon Bell is MIA in Pittsburgh. He is, I assume, the last hold out still holding out. Bell is unhappy not getting a big contract with an extension for a thousand years to get paid more than God in his mind or whatever he still has upstairs. Could be the pot clouding his mind, not the hits to the head. He loses like $852.000 EVERY SUNDAY. Of course that is chump change when it comes to professional sports. However if someone is going to pay you that type of money when running backs these days fall off the trees, someone should let the meat for brains know that. Plus no team is going to throw the type of guaranteed money he wants when the first play could end his career in the backfield. Sorry Mr. Bell running backs are risky business and you are not Tom Cruise. Yes indeed, Mr. Bell is a Meathead.



dez bryant

Where is Dez Bryant? Maybe he is hanging out with Waldo blending into society. NOT!!! Dez is unhappy with the old job. HOW ABOUT THOSE COWBOYS!?!  They are not doing well so far. However they’d be doing the same with Dez still on the team. That’s the terrible part of professional sports, sometimes you’re not wanted and you get cut. That is what happened to Dez Bryant. More likely a salary cap issue than his overall play. However he thinks he should be paid higher than Uncle Scrooge. His talents on the field got him an offer from the Baltimore Ravens before the season started. However he turned down Baltimore. The Ravens moved on. Now with the season started and three weeks have gone by, Dez finds himself at home waiting for an offer. Waiting for someone to knock at his door and park a brinks truck outside his house in his drive way. It’s not happening. I feel like Dez is thinking with a Lamont Sanford brain.

lamont you big dummy

These days it does not stop Dez going on twitter to make fun of his old team. To blame the management for cutting him. Yes these are signs he might plot an attack on the old work place. This is why we have nominated him for an award this week. So he feels like someone is paying attention to him. Like these kids now a days get trophies just for participating. Yes Dez, we feel you buddy. You have been nominated for the Meathead of the week, my friend..

once a meat head always a meathead

Dez hit the double bonus. To be insulted by Archie Bunker and Fred Sanford. What next, the Golden Gals? Take me to TV land to listen to who else has things to say about Dez Bryant….

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