Life in St.Louis is not fair these days. The Midwest is experiencing arctic temperatures which is not enjoyable for any city. It’s the sports landscape that has been very depressing. The Hockey team is actually singing the blues, playing 500 hockey. It was another season that your baseball team did not make the playoffs. Two teams in the Cardinals division made the playoffs. Then to rub salt in the wounds, you have Cub players making fun of your city in the off-season. Then your football stadium remains empty. Country bands have been using the stadium since your ex-girlfriend left town.Then to make you full of Cardinal red rage, your X bitch the Rams, who broke your heart, are in the Superbowl. Then you realize what did you see in that bitch the Rams as they cheated the Saints out of the Superbowl. She is up to her old tricks again as she got away with a pass interference call and broke the heart of others, just like she did to you when she moved out of town. There goes my old football team with another diamond ring. Tell me what it takes to let her go.

It’s been three years since the Rams left the city of St.Louis and headed for LA. The Rams came from LA and stayed in St.Louis for 21 years. They made it to two Superbowls, winning one of them. The owner of the Rams was not up front with the people of St.Louis. In 2014 he quietly purchased land in California to set things in motion. Even though the dome in St.Louis is not even 20 years old.The city and state are still paying for the dome as roughly 60 million is still owed. St.Louis even offered to build the Rams another brand spanking new stadium on the river front which would of cost 1.1 billion. Again, the dome they originally built for the Rams is not even 20 years old. Stan Kronenke, the owner of the Rams, did not move his team like Art Modell did when he was the owner of the Browns. Sneaking them out of town in the wee hours of the night. Stan Kronenke found a small clause in the contract. The Rams had the right to leave St.Louis’ dome if it was among the top 25% of all NFL stadiums. Stan had a plan from the get go. He was not listening to anybody in the city of St.Louis. He strung them along while he got what he wanted from the relationship. It was wham bam thank you mam. Just like that, St.Louis lost their second NFL team. Once upon a time, they had the Cardinals who moved to Arizona.

Most former St.Louis Ram fans these days have gravitated to the Kansas City Chiefs. It’s a team in the same state. It’s a team with red uniforms which St.Louis likes due to the Cardinals. Which team should people of St.Louis root for in the upcoming Superbowl? The team that you bought a home with and then left you paying all the bills? The other choice is go with one of the most hated teams in the NFL, the Evil Empire New England Patriots. The same Patriots who cheated you out of a Superbowl title in 2002 according to former Rams players at that time, that includes the great Kurt Warner. Both backstabbers. If you got back together with either one, they’d leave you a second time at the altar or with a knife in your back.

Almost everyone in the world probably wants to see the Evil Empire crumble. Everyone is clearly sick of Tom Brady and the Bill Belichick show. They are sick of their egos and their arrogance which would make a goat upchuck as it comes on so strong you can not digest it. Then you’ve got actual cities that have a dislike for the Rams. They have a list on which they have earned a spot. Not the Santa Clause Naughty and Evil Patriot list. Definitely the Patriots deserved. Dam that Drew Bledsoe for getting injured that year that led to this demon seed being born. The Rams have St.Louis hating them for moving out.Then the Rams cheated the Saints out of a Superbowl appearance. Sure you can blame it on the refs in that contest. However you better believe Saints fans are sticking huge epidermic needles through both Patriots and Rams voodoo dolls. I’m sure the Rams have haters from other towns where their football team have left them. San Diego fans could be rooting on the Rams even though they are a team that did the same thing as the Chargers. Perhaps the San Diego agenda would be Chargers do not draw a lot of fans in LA. It puts them in a worse position than they left.

It is the Superbowl so you have to declare a winner. How do you satisfy the people that want retribution? I think you have to think outside of the box. You have to go Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome. Let both of these teams kill each other off in the Thunder Dome. Since it is in Atlanta, Georgia they have their own version of a gladiator fight. Their Governor.

They throw their fighters in the zombie ring. I think most would like to see Tom Brady and Stan Koronenke kill each other or get chewed up by zombies.

Make a whole evening out of it. You could even play football with the field packed with zombies just eating away Patriot players, coaches, upper management, and definitely throw Roger Kraft in the mix. Kraft would fold like a wet macaroni noodle. Then the same thing with the Rams. We do not need two LA teams. I was happy when they had none. It’s one less California team to worry about. At the end of the football zombie feast, Stan Kroenke will get the trophy as St.Louis people can walk him off the Buccaneer ship’s plank into a hoard of zombies. Yes, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers let them borrow their pirate ship because it is the Superbowl and anything can happen. Throw in the football commissioner and we dotted our I’s and crossed all our T’s. Then St. Louis would feel like they have their closure and they could welcome their new football team from the XFL in 2020, and “He hate me.”

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