I think the Cleveland Browns made a bold move striking a deal with free agent Kareem Hunt. The same Kareem Hunt who was cut by the Kansas City Chiefs when a video surfaced of him striking a women in a motel hallway in Cleveland. Then, kicking her while she was down on the ground. This is not a stupid move like the norm we see from the Browns. Passing on potential franchise quarterbacks. Then signing the likes of Johnny Football. Did the organization get rid of all the stupid in the building? Something to the degree of the old legend of St.Patrick ridding Ireland of all the snakes, centuries ago.

The Browns fans not too long ago had a parade for their perfect season. Not the degree of Miami Dolphins in the 1970’s. More like the Washington Generals versus the Harlem Globetrotters perfection. The Dawg pound for years had no bark, as if neutered. Suddenly the worm has taken a turn. The coaches’ Russian Roulette wheel finally settled on a new guy to lead the team. Freddie Kitchens is left standing in the winning circle. Kitchens is the guy that got the most out of the number one draft pick, a quarterback, Baker Mayfield.  The Browns finally got it right at the most important position on the field. Mayfield almost led the Browns to their first winning season since St.Patrick drove the snake out of Ireland. Then the Browns finally did not let Josh Gordon bite them on the ass for the God knows how many times. They even got something for him before it blew up, again this time cake all over the Patriots’ face. Patriots get last laugh as they won the Superbowl. It figures.

With all the positive vibes going on in Cleveland, why take a chance in wrecking that by bringing in a guy like Kareem Hunt? The Detroit Lions passed on Kareem Hunt as their General Manager said he wants good people in their organization.  The Lions have not been relevant since that fat bumble Wayne Fontes was coaching there. This move has a totally different feel about it. The Browns are rolling the hot dice right now. The biggest factor that this move can work, is the relationship Browns GM John Dorsey has with Kareem Hunt, going back to 2016. The Browns GM  has two key factors why they signed him and are taking a chance on the women beater. Number on,e Kareem has taken full responsibility for his actions. He showed remorse. Then Kareem will be getting professional treatment . Which could mean serenity now under the pole of Festivus Day. The day of airing all the grievances and not being a ticking time bomb.

If the Browns dice stay hot. Kareem Hunt becomes a good citizen again. Now the Browns have created a three headed monster in their back field. Think of the New Orleans Saints with their two headed mayhem they have lined up in back of Drew Brees.  Alvin Kamara and Mark Ingram Jr. have been electric the last two seasons for the Saints. Adding Kareem Hunt to the Browns mix with Nick Chubb and Duke Johnson, now you form a backfield of weapons of mass destruction. Nick Chubb was rookie last year and runs inbetween the tacklers for 996 yards. Plus ten touchdowns. Then Duke Johnson and his catching ability out of the backfield puts fear in any defense on the field. You can use Duke Johnson and line him up as slot receiver as well. Plus, adding the talents of Kareem Hunt who can run between the tacklers and catch the ball out of the back field. The things you can do with this trio, the options are endless.

We know the league will suspend Kareem Hunt at some point. Not sure how many games he will get for his actions. Having Nick Chubb and Duke Johnson in the fold, they can wait for Kareem Hunt’s suspension and be able to still win games without him.  Having Baker Mayfield behind center is a huge key of this thing working. Obviously Kareem Hunt can’t get into any more trouble for this move to work. Having the leadership of Baker Mayfield on the field and in the locker room, you have to believe this move will work. Plus, I think Baker Mayfield can distribute the ball to all of the weapons including wide outs and tight ends along with this trio of backs, equally to make everyone happy. As long as the Browns don’t go down that dysfunctional path like the Steelers did, they should be fine.

This bold move by Browns is set up perfectly. If this move does not work they can throw Hunt out like last week’s trash, as he only signed for a year. If this move works out, the Browns have him for a year and they still have rights to him the following season. They can match any offer from any other team. I think Kareem Hunt is garbage as a person for doing what he did. People do need second chances in life. Not sure I would want this scum on my team. I get that the Browns have been the laughing stock of the league for so long. Not the first dog Cleveland dealt with. Lebron was a dog who they loved, hated, and then loved again. Sometimes you have to believe in the man you hired to run things. He has the hot hand right now. If the Browns’ bold move pans out most of the Dawg pound, will not care about Kareem Hunts’ past, only what he will do on the football field in the present as long they are winning.

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