The NFL off-season is heating up already. Let the musical chair quarterback game begin. Who’s on first and who’s on second? He guided his team to seven post seasons in 11 years behind center for them. He was the MVP of Superbowl XL Vll . He was paid very well after that Superbowl. He has three years remaining on that contract he signed after he won that Superbowl. Joe Flacco is heading to Denver while the Ravens get a fourth round draft pick.

The Ravens brass has to be dancing in the streets with this move. Everyone in the football world had money on it that Joe Flacco would not be coming back to the Ravens. Most thought the Ravens would flat out release him.  The Ravens are ecstatic because they actually got something for the veteran quarterback. Even though it is only a fourth round draft pick, it is something. Plus a big salary comes off the books so hip hip hooray in Baltimore.

John Harbaugh says the Ravens are Lamar Jackson’s team now. Joe Flacco started 9 regular season games last season, as a hip injury derailed him for a few weeks. This led to Lamar Jackson playing full time. Jackson was in on red zone situations doing the wild cat formations. This was his only action he had until Flacco got hurt. Lamar took over and went 6-1 and guided the ravens to the playoffs leaving Joe back from injury watching his Baltimore days end in a whimper. To put all your eggs in the Lamar Jackson basket is scary. The league will catch up to him and figure him out. First round  of the playoffs, the Chargers got off to a big lead. Lamar Jackson and run first quarterbacks have a very hard time coming back from even ten points in a game. His passing needs work. The Ravens have a good defense to keep a lead intact if the team get the early lead. Lamar Jackson’s only regular season loss came versus the Chiefs in overtime. Chiefs knew at the end of the game he was trying to beat them with his arm. They pressured him and he crumpled. Plus, running quarterbacks get hurt and they are never the same. Evidence: Mike Vick and RG III.

John Elway is desperate. It’s like going to the dance and all the great choices are taken already. Even everything that looks half way decent is gone. He has drafted ugly in Brock Osweiler, Trevor Siemian, and Paxton Lynch. Talk about getting stood up. Then he went crazy and gave Case Keenum a diamond ring in a two year deal worth 36 million dollars. Elway could not get Keenum home before midnight and he turned into a pumpkin on the field, is the only explanation. Keenum was a one year wonder for the Vikings. He came to Denver and his performance was nowhere near that type of money he got.  Since Elway’s love of his life, Peyton Manning, left town, things have never been the same.

John Elway could have waited and got Joe Flacco when he was released.  Now he has Case Keenum making 21 million next season. Then you have Joe Flacco making 18.5 million. That is a lot of money to be paying these two guys that are probably about the same. I give Flacco the edge. Then if you part ways with Case Keenum, then you have 10 million dollars in dead money on the salary cap. Elway and the Broncos will try to rework their contracts. They probably will try to trade Keenum.

Joe Flacco has not done anything in my book since he won that Superbowl and got paid the big money. Maybe Joe Flacco needs new scenery. Maybe in Denver, he can find his old self. Have that chip on his shoulder to play better and show the Ravens they made a mistake. He should have the hunger because he is getting a second chance at being a starter once again. Even though it was only a few games where he was in pads and watched someone doing his job he had in that town for 11 seasons. Joe Flacco, since they drafted Lamar Jackson was a sniveling cry baby about the whole situation. He went Jay Cutler ‘tude around Lamar Jackson. He moped on sidelines when he was not playing. One of those Red Zone or goal line plays, in regular season Baltimore had both quarterbacks on the field. Flacco bypassed a wide open Jackson to throw an incomplete pass. If you’re a Denver fan, this is the kind of guy John Elway is bringing in.

I think the Ravens need toaddress a good back up for Lamar Jackson. If they can improve Lamar Jackson’s passing attack on short passes. Rolling him out on the run or even some play action to balance it out especially playing from behind. Ravens now have available money to address needs since they don’t have to pay Joe Flacco to pout. Denver hired Vic Fangio, so I have a feeling that defense will be way better. They have some nice pieces already in place. If that defense performs like the one he had in Chicago or San Francisco, the Broncos will not need a ton of scoring. Obviously if they can dump Keenum, rework Flacco’s deal, and hope Flacco bounces back,  Broncos might be a better team than last season. Lots of ifs though. Especially in a division with two of the best AFC playoff teams from last year. John Elway needs to clone himself. At least look in the mirror and see your own reflection to see what an actual good quarterback looks like. Maybe he might be better at picking an offensive line man to give his mediocrity arms a better chance.



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