I try never to kick someone when they are down. When it comes to the Evil Empire, AKA New England Patriots, every theory is thrown out the window. Do you compare Robert Kraft to the Emperor from Star Wars? Bill Belichick is pretty evil and has that sinister dark side to him. Someone has to bring in enough money to fund the Death Star. If we break everything down and get to the head snake, we have to follow the money to the dirty old man, Robert Kraft. The owner of the Death Star was arrested last week and is facing two misdemeanor charges of soliciting prostitution. The police said they have video evidence that proves they have the head of the Death Star, Robert Kraft, twice for sexual acts.

Robert Kraft’s football team just won its sixth Superbowl early in February. He is the owner of one of the longest dynasties in sports as this has been going on too long. Some could say it is two dynasties all mixed in one. Overall it’s the same three pieces with Brady at quarterback, Bill Belichick as head coach, and Robert Kraft as the owner. Mix in a rotation of storm troopers. Add some bounty hunters as your sprinkles and that pretty much sums up the three headed monster that forms the evil empire. I think it is very hard to keep a football team on the top of the world this long. Especially during the salary cap era. They have overcome the monkey wrenches in the wheels with controversies. Such as the cheating scandals of videotaping the Jet cheerleaders. Those are Robert Kraft’s private films. Taping the others teams’ practices. We do’nt know how many practices and how many teams they have filmed and gotten away with it. Then you had the deflate gate tampering with the footballs in a playoff game. Now we add Robert Kraft’s sexual encounters and each of the three headed monster have their own scandal. Kraft getting his noodle in hot water. Belichick a peeping tom. Then Tom Brady likes his balls squishy.

I will never understand these multi-millionaires. How smart they must have been to rise up to the top and be in the situation they are in. Some you can say, were born with the silver spoon in their mouths. If you make a crazy amount of money, you should not be caught in a massage parlor of any kind. I don’t care if its upscale or not. You should never be caught drinking and driving either. They have money for their personal drivers. Have you heard of the poor man’s ride, Uber? With the money they have, they can get the finest of anything they want.

These places have  gals that are picked up from all around the world and forced to get you off. Does that get the 77 year old man off, knowing that?  Who knows how old these girls are as they could be minors. Even if these girls are not a part of human trafficking, what the hell are they? They must be future Doctors and Lawyers paying for Law and medical school.

With that amount of money they have, they can get the top of the line type of girls. Call girls. Perhaps some of these girls are the ones paying themselves through medical and law school. In the movie Any Given Sunday,Tony Pacino plays the head coach for the football team. He gets a card from a call girl. It turns out it was the girl from Saved by the Bell, Jessica Spano. Who is played by actress, Elizabeth Berkley. Would you want a gal smoking hot like Elizabeth Berkley or some minor kidnapped from a third world country ?


They could be into a broken down type of human being that has been beaten and forced into giving sexual acts to gross old men.  Again, it’s the point of picking up the phone for door dash or going down to some place. Chances are, visiting places with your type of money,  you could get shaken down and broken down and busted. Especially with everyone having a phone to take pictures of you walking into a classy joint like that in Jupiter, Florida.

Maybe Robert Kraft has deeper and much darker issues than just getting a massage and a sexual act. Do you remember on Seinfeld, George Costanza started dating a gal that looks like Jerry Seinfeld?

Maybe since Robert Kraft is a regular in this massage parlor in Jupiter, Florida, perhaps he found someone that resembled his true love of his life.

Looks like Tom Brady with a wig. You know Robert Kraft and Bill Belichick fight over time spent with their star quarterback

During the off season, Robert Kraft has to go to Florida to fulfill his needs with this prostitute. Needs his Tom time to cure his needs. Perhaps these two kids are just in love with each other. Maybe he wanted to make Tom jealous.

This whole Robert Kraft thing will have its day in court. Robert Kraft has hired all-star attorney Jackie Chiles to get him and his noodle out of boiling water. To try to fight the video taped evidence the Police have in their possession.

Known for his defense, if the bra fits. Stan the Caddy, who is Jackie’s assistant, had an idea did not work well before. Will they use the same defense with the condom fitting the noodle in Robert Kraft’s defense ?

Roger Goodell, another boob, is the commissioner of the NFL and has a wait and see approach before he does anything to Robert Kraft. It will wait until the trial ends when Kraft should be found guilty.  In the past, Goodell has held owners to a higher standard. In 2014, he went tough on the Colts owner,Jim Irsay. Jim pleaded guilty to driving intoxicated. Another moron, who could have had a driver of any kind take him home for a few dollars. Roger Goodell suspended him for six games that year. Fined him $500,000.  A $40.00 ride turned into a half a million plus other fines from the court costs. It will be interesting to see how hard the commissioner comes down on Robert Kraft.  Goodell never rested until Tom Brady served 4 games of suspension for his part in deflate gate. This incident will not end the Patriots dynasty. This incident will not tarnish their image, which has been done to death already. It should be a battle won for all the people that can not stand the tyranny stench of the Evil Empire. Perhaps this will be the first part of many parts of the death star coming down from space for good, in pieces. To end this group of pure blacken scum that has brought us no joy for last 20 years.


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