The American Alliance Football League has been done for weeks now. Weeks since the league folded up operations and called it a season, only eight games into the season. Shutting the door on two regular season games and the playoffs. All the hard work, effort and no championship game. This would have been the weekend for the first ever AAF title game. It was going to be played in Dallas. It had been moved there, originally it was going down in Vegas. No worries in either city because it is a game that never happened because the creators never had a good game plan. To rely on a shyster in Carolina who pulled the plug on the whole thing because these rich tycoons were never on the same page.

It’s another football league that bites the dust. It was a league where many of the stadiums were pretty much empty as games played. It did have a pretty good television following. Some will tell you if they had gotten through season one, the league may have survived. This league never got to finish one season, like those other leagues. The game on the field was getting better each week as the season went on. By far this league was better than most of the other leagues before it, that are resting in peace. However they at least can say they had a championship game. You’d love to see the players and coaches just play the playoffs without the the rich tycoons who ruined everything. Just in a undisclosed location, like a turkey bowl with friends and family. It may be too late for that idea.

I believe the Championship game would have been the Arizona Hot shots versus the Orlando Apollos. Which might have been a very entertaining game like they had in regular season when these two met. We will never know because they did not get the proper send off. However we will give the American Alliance the proper send off with the final power rankings ever for the league. You could say it should have been done weeks ago. Very true. We kind of got busy with other stuff. Sorry for the wait. Read them and you decide who should have won the championship.


#1.ORLANDO APOLLOS (7-1) Their record says the Apollos were the best team in the league the whole year. The last few games the Apollos were beat by the Hot Shots.You could say the Express should have beat them in the very last game. A bad call from the Ref helped seal the deal for the Apollos against that Express team. They had to comeback and win that one in crunch time. Garrett Gilbert came down to earth and threw two picks in that very last game.

The Apollos still won seven games and that is from having good quarterback play in Gilbert. Even though in his last game he threw a few picks, he still marched his team back down the field to get the go ahead scores. Overall the Apollos have a solid team and I think they would have been in the Championship game. They probably would have been favored whoever they played. Plus the X-factor, their head coach Steve Spurrier.

Spurrier to me was the best coach in the league. His team was well coached. They hardly made mistakes. They never shot themselves in the foot like that Salt Lake City team. With a great offensive team and a defensive team, the Apollos had both. With the coaching of Spurrier, they would have probably won the first ever championship.

#2.ARIZONA HOT SHOTS (5-3) The Hot Shots were hot right out of the gates. Then they cooled off and did not look very good. Then they suddenly caught on fire once again.They were the only team to beat the Apollos. They beat up on the Commanders in the very last game they played. In my opinion they would have gotten to the championship. They might have even won the championship. The defense had some big names that played in the NFL. Steve Johnson was like the Ray Lewis of this team. Minus the murders in Atlanta.

Then Will Sutton down the stretch, former Chicago Bear and Sun devil was having some big games on that Hot Shot defense. On offense they had one of the best receivers in the league, Rashard Ross, who can just fly pass you. Scoring touchdowns and dancing in the end zone was a regular thing. The Hot shots running game was one of the best in the league. John Wolford was either the best or second best quarterback in the league. The team was playing its best as the playoffs were on the horizon.

#3. SAN ANTONIO COMMANDERS (5-3) The whole year the Commanders were the second best team in the league. The Commanders were playing solid on defense. The Commanders offense was doing well. They have a great running back. Logan Woodside was getting better at chucking the ball downfield. They were sizzling red hot as they were beating up on teams. Then suddenly bad quarterback play occurred and the Commanders looked very ordinary. Woodside took a few hits in the pocket. The back up came in to close out the season. With two games left, they could have gotten things turned around and played well in the playoffs. From the eyeball, the quarterback play was definitely on the struggle bus.

The Commanders definitely had the fan support. They had to have had the biggest attendance in the league. The league probably envisioned turnouts across the league like they had in the Alamo dome.

#4.BIRMINGHAM IRON (5-3) The Iron were not a flashy team.They won by grinding it out each week. Running the football. Passing the ball when needed. They played a solid defense. Especially in the red zone they were one of the tops in the league. They won their last game to qualify for the post season that will never happen. Trent Richardson was a touchdown machine. He was starting to get some bigger runs as the season went on. I love the story of Luis Perez learning to play quarterback watching YouTube. The Iron’s weakness was their quarterback play. It would come and go. The Iron would have probably been eliminated very quickly in post season. But they made it and are one of the top four teams in the league.You feel sorry for Iron coach, Tim Lewis. Spent decades as an assistant coach to finally get a chance at being head coach at the age of 57.

Then he guided his team to the playoffs.Then they canceled the rest of the season. Talk about getting the rug pulled out from under you. The Iron also had this bad ass girl coaching.

#5.MEMPHIS EXPRESS (2-6) If this team had a stable quarterback from week one, they could have been a top team. First they tried the Hack. Christian Hackenberg was awful. Then Zach Mettenberger played well. He got hurt then they went and got Johnny Football. He shared time with the guy who should have started the season as quarterback, Brandon Silvers. Johhny Football did pretty good in limited action, but he was forced out with an injury. Brandon Silvers in his brief time looked like one of the elite quarterbacks in the league. The defense was solid. Loved the play of number 58 DeMarquis Gates at line backer. Reminded me of Wilbur Marshall, Mike Singletary’s former teammate.

He crushed people all season long. The Express had a legit defense in the Alliance. Give credit to Coach Mike Singletary who constructed a nice unit. Definitely we will miss Singletary ranting and raving on the sideline after a bad call by the referee.

Hope he lands another job as a head coach just to see his fiery passion for the game.

#6.SAN DIEGO FLEET (3-5) If Phillip Nelson stayed healthy perhaps this team would have been in the top four. The Fleet had three headed monster in the running game. Thunder, lightning, and the Sankey. They had some talented receivers, especially Nelson Spruce.

The defense was awesome at creating turnovers. Loved the play of AJ Tarpley at linebacker.

The Fleet played very well at home. On the road they played differently. I think the play of Mike Bercovici combined with the War and Peace playbook by Coach Mike Martz were the reasons why their battleship sank. If they would simplify the playbook and maybe less crucial mistakes by their quarterback. Maybe a simple playbook could have kept their number one quarterback on the field. The Fleet definitely had the best helmets in the league.

#7.SALT LAKE CITY STALLIONS (3-5) The Stallions defensive line looked like a group out of the show called the Mayans.

They also had a jumbo offensive line. They were very stout in the trenches. They were the best at stopping the run. They did a great job on the offensive side as well, opening up holes. The Stallions should have won more games than just three. Overall they had a very good defense. They had the best defensive end in the league, Karter Schult. He led the league in sacks. De’Mornay Pierson-El was one of the best receivers in the league as he was gobbled up by the NFL as soon as the Alliance closed the doors on the league. Josh Woodrum was not the worst quarterback in the league. This team failed because they shot themselves in the foot constantly. They reminded me of those Raider teams that led the league in penalties. Stupid cheap shots from their cast of Mayan bikers on the line to keep the other team’s drive going. Lots of other stupid penalties. The quarterback would throw the costly interception in key situations. No discipline at all. They knew how to ring the bell, but none of them ever answered in Salt Lake City.

#8.ATLANTA LEGENDS (2-6) The Legends to me were the worse team in the Alliance. On offense the team could move the ball up and down the field. In the red zone the drives would come to a halt and they settled for the field goals. They constantly turned over the ball. Issues with fumbling the ball were a concern every week with this team. The Legends had their own version of Jekyll and Hyde at quarterback position with Simms and Murray, who ended up splitting time at the end. Their offensive line was like Filene’s Basement’s sales as they could not stop a stampede of women running for the biggest deals on clothes. The defense was the brightest spot on this team. That unit came together briefly with the offense when they had a two game stretch with back to back wins. The team was doomed from the start with the revolving door with the coaching staff.

I will say Aaron Murray still has the hottest wife in the league as a bright spot for the Legends.

Legends also have a player with the best name in the league as another bright spot.

Bug Howard has to have a Beverly Goldberg in his life. He has to be her snuggly little bug..


After our round one predictions, we deserve to be in the penalty box. We deserve no Vancouver Canuck’s gal pressing her boobs against the glass like Adam Burrsh had when he played for the Sharks on his visit to Canada. We only predicted one playoff series correct and that was our super upset with the Sharks knocking off the Golden Knights. Maybe our morning Cheerios were spiked. In round one, lots of crazy things happen. Not talking about your girl when she is pissed off at you. The Tampa Bay Lightning ousted by the Blue Jackets in four games. Then the Champs were rocked like a Hurricane and not from the band the Scorpions. We have hit rock bottom and served our time in the penalty box.

Now that we are out we will give it another whirl to prove to ourselves we might have no idea when it comes to Hockey playoffs.



Islanders handled the Penguins with ease in the first round. The Hurricanes took it to the champs and went the distance to game seven and won the series. The Islanders have home ice and plenty of rest. The Hurricanes are a very young team and play very loose and go out on the ice and has fun. I was wrong about both these teams in the first round. I think the key of this series will be the head coach of the Islanders, Barry Trotz. Yes the same Barry Trotz that led the Capitals to their first cup last year. Islanders lost one of their super stars to free agency before the season. The islanders responded with one of their best records since the 1980s. In the second round the Hurricanes, a young and inexperienced team runs out of gas.



Bruins repeated what they did last season in the first round by going the distance with the Maple Leafs and winning game 7 to advance to round two. The Blue Jackets absolutely stunned the Lightning in a four game sweep. Bruins will not be surprised by the Blue Jackets. Both teams play a physical style of hockey. The Bruins have been winning big games all season. The Blue Jackets core has come to play and the team is rising up. Guys like Matt Duchene and Artemi Panarin have been leading the charge as the team is averaging 4.75 goals per game.That is lighting the lamp. I think the Blue Jackets match up very well with the Bruins. Like last year, the Bruins seem on the same path to beat the Maple Leafs. Then they’ll fall in the second round due to going the full seven games in the first series two years in a row.



Blues took down the Winnipeg Jets during which I think they kind of got lucky. I think the Jets made too many mistakes and gave the Blues the series. The Blues goalie made some huge stops to help the Blues prevail. Meanwhile Dallas Stars are not a very exciting team. But they do the little things to grind out games and earn the victories. Old fashioned good defense and great goal tending. The series comes down to the two goalies. Ben Bishop for the Stars. Jordan Binnington for the Blues. Bishop has been remarkable. 9.45 save percentage and only allowing 1.90 goals against. CHECK MATE goes to the Stars. The Stars have the best penalty killing team left in the playoffs. The Blues advanced in round two taking advantage of the penalties and scoring in those opportunities.



The Avalanche has assembled some nice young talent. The Sharks pulled off a big shocker in the first round knocking off the Golden Knights. The best player left in the playoffs goes to the Avs. Nathan Mackinnon could carry this team for Colorado. The Sharks need Joe Pavelski to return if they want to knock off the Avalanche. The Sharks have more depth and experience that will help them fight off a young and hungry Avalanche team. Sharks goalie Martin Jones had some clunkers in round one in the net. However he also played well in a few games that helped them beat one of the best teams in the league. I like the Sharks high octane offense in this series.

It comes down to the man in the beard in this one who will help the Sharks prevail once again.



Last season the New England Patriots won the Superbowl in a year that looked like it was the end of the death star. Their weapons of mass destruction around the universe were not firing on all cylinders. The Patriots still were able to win the Superbowl. The off season has been brutal so far for the dark side. Many of the storm troopers have jumped ship and headed all over the galaxy, far far away to other teams. They have an owner that is in trouble. Then one of their big weapons on the ground assault is ready to hang up the spikes for good. Yes, some would call this weapon an ATAT. Some would call it imperial walker. The Evil Empire called it the Gronk. Rob Gronkowski is calling it quits and leaving the Patriots without one of their biggest weapons in the snow.


People would say the Gronk might be one of the top ten tight ends of all time. He is a big target that can snare almost anything close to him even with defenders draped all over him. He was one of Tom Brady’s all-time favorite weapons for close to ten years. The Gronk in fact is a big dog. He was a dog on the field.  

Gronk was known for cheap shots. Like when the Buffalo Bills defensive back was down on the ground and defenseless, Gronk jumped on top of him. His career did not last ten seasons in the NFL. Bigger dogs only live for about ten years as their legs give up on them depending on how much weight is put down on their paws. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

All those years Gronk flexed his muscles. All those years he scored touchdown after touchdown. He made defenses sick from trying to cover him. Even trying to tackle the big slob. He was one of the Evil Empire’s biggest weapons in Imperial history. The New England Patriots always had big weapons of mass destruction at the tight end position working alongside the Gronk. Other imperial walkers. They had smaller versions of the Gronk. Like the long legged Martellus Bennett imperial walker.


You might say Martellus could be a bigger dog than the Gronk when it comes to personality. Bennett got hit in the head a tad too much. Probably from people that played on the same team as him.


That explains why his brain is swiss cheese as his brain is full of Dr. Seuss characters. Probably termites as well. As he slithers around the Christmas tree stealing all the Who’s gifts in Whoville.

Then the Patriots had a killing machine that actually went into lock up. A tight end that caught passes and was not afraid of anyone who stepped in his way.

Before he killed himself. Before he ended up in jail for killing somebody. The Patriots had Aaron Hernandez who at the time was a weapon well used by the Evil Empire. 

Who will be the tight end for the Evil Empire in 2019?  Who will be that next weapon of mass destruction for the Evil Empire? The Patriots recently signed X Jaguar Austin Seferian Jenkins. Does he scare you? Lots of injuries last season, so he only caught 11 balls for 90 yards and one touchdown. In 2017 he caught 50 balls for the Jets. However only 367 yards. He did have three scores. The rest of the room is just full of Storm trooper’s speed bikes that Ewoks could handle on any given Sunday. Matt LaCosse, Stephen Anderson, Ryan Izzo and Jacob Hollister you asked yourself who the hell are these guys. Just like in the movie Major League when the groundskeepers are prepping the field and talking among themselves wondering what kind of roster the Indians were bringing up from Spring Training. The higher brass of the Empire can not feel good about their tight end position going into 2019 regular season.

In the upcoming draft the Evil Empire are really leaning on their top scout Fett to find that diamond in the ruff.


To find that next weapon of mass destruction for their aging quarterback Tom Brady. Can the Empire fix all the cracks in the death star through the draft? Fett really has his work cut out for him. Without that security blanket at tight end. The receiving core is lacking fire power. This could be the year when we finally say it’s an end of the ERA for the Patriots. They might have to retreat for a season or two. But we know the evil master genius will hide in his cave and think of something bigger than what the Patriots have accomplished during this long lasting dynasty that just sickens people across the globe. They will gather up new reinforcements and be ready to try to retake the galaxy from the Resistance. Perhaps the Rebels will be waiting to stop that with a plan of their own. In 2019 regular season, things look grim in New England. Everyone hopes the misery flows through that organization like rats invading the sewers.      



The NHL playoffs without the Blackhawks is like the year without a Santa Clause. This is the second Christmas, referring to the NHL playoffs, that Santa has not shown up to. The Blackhawks still have a core from those three Stanley Cup teams still playing today. They have some young talent peaking. The core takes up the majority of the salary cap each season. Plus most of the core still around most likely have no trade clauses. This past season we’ve seen Joel Quenneville get the ax. He resurfaced at the end of regular season landing with the Panthers. It was very streaky team that went on runs and racked up victories. These were the same Blackhawks who looked like they had been hit and spun out of control most of season and crashed and burned. The offense is one of the best in the league.The defense is just a former shell of themselves like the guy in Slap Shot that warned the others if he gets hit in the boards he’ll piss himself.

When the Blackhawks were racking up Stanley Cups, they became the hardest ticket in town to get. I was never able to see the main core play live and skate on the ice. It was not like I had no money and had to purchase tube socks off the guys that sell them on the turn pike. Blackhawks tickets were mission impossible to get in their hey day. Not to see future hall of famers like Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews in your own home town, just shameful. Thursday, April 4th, I was finally able to get into the United Center and see them play. This was not my first Blackhawks game as I’ve been there in dark times when the crickets owned the ice. It seemed the only time to get to see the Blackhawks was during those bad days of hockey on the ice. Ownership was very bad. Home games were never played on TV. Things finally changed and the owner’s son turned it all around and changed the franchise forever.

I would have loved to have seen the Blackhawks this April gearing up for the playoffs instead of playing spoiler. In which they did as they beat St. Louis in overtime and they were trying to get a better seed. I did get to hear the fans get crazy during the National Anthem. Just brings goosebumps up and down the spine. Then to see all the banners hung up in the United Center. Seeing them from a Bulls game or a concert is not the same as at a hockey game. The energy of the team and fans when the lights go off and they flash the lights as they announce the line up.

Sat in the club level seats because a friend got free tickets from someone he knew. The craft beers were going down nice. The pulled pork sandwhich was incredible as my stomach felt full but my wallet was not. Great seats to see Jonathan Toews score his career high 35th goal of the year. Patrick Kane had an assist. Then seeing later on Patrick Kane score, I hit the double bonus. He also set a new career high for himself with 107 points. Then you see Alex DeBrincat skate another big weapon for the Blackhawks who has over 40 goals. Then you still have Brandon Sadd who had 23 goals for you this regular season. You know he will get better and is young to regain his old form when he was delivering key goals in those playoffs. Then Artem Anisimov who dealt with some injuries but put up 15 goals for the team. The Blackhawks are a top ten scoring team in the NHL in regular season. Call me crazy and you could say getting the band back together, the one guy I would want back is Atemi Panarin. He plays for Columbus right now and will be a free agent. If I was the Blackhawks I would bring him back with his 28 goals in regular season the Blackhawks would be an offensive juggernaut.

That is easier said than done. What about the defense? The Blackhawks have to shed some core members who have lost many steps and are being paid a lot of money. Love Duncan Keith and Brent Seabrook. The Blackhawks had the lead during the game I was at. They gave up late goals to the Blues because the defense was not their old form. When Duncan Keith was spitting out teeth like a baseball player spitting out sunflower seeds, that was when he was one of the best defenders in the league. Seabrook had the half ice lazer shot that was always good for a dozen goals a year. Both of these guys need to be put down. Not sure anybody would trade you for them. The money is not equal with the production. If they want to get back to the playoffs I would not take these guys in the back of the shed and shoot them. But the team needs cap space. The weakest link is defense.

Then another concern is what is going on at the goalie position. Corey Crawford has been one of the best goalies the Blackhawks ever had. They have a history with many great back stops in net. The concussions keep piling up for Corey. The results are him MIA in many games without him. He is another big salary guy that you’d love to see him regain his mojo and hope we are back in the playoffs. I think we have given him many opportunities to get better and waited for him to get healthy. He has come back and played well but then goes back on the shelf and misses more games than plays. I hate to say we need another goalie… it’s time.

The game ended up being a Blackhawk win but it was decided in a shoot out. My first ever shoot out I have ever seen live. Which was pretty cool. Definitely more exciting live than watching it on TV. Hate to see them get rid of more core pieces that helped the city of Chicago and I have great times watching them win these Stanley Cups. We seen Joel Quenneville go. Some others will have to if this team wants to get back in the playoffs. I think Kane and Toews with all that younger talent can create a second wave of great hockey and get back to the promised land. You need to clear house on defense and goalie and rid yourself of the old legends. If you don’t, your season will end up looking like this.

It’s hard to save everyone when the team crashes. Kane and Toews can’t save the day on the ice each night. If you keep these guys dragging your team down, the one bright side is I will get to see the Blackhawks play more often. Perhaps get myself some tube socks on the way to the game to free me up more beer money.



What is better? The first round of the NBA playoffs or Weekend at Bernie’s part two? NBA is playing this year playoffs without Lebron James as we are so saddened. Weekend at Bernie’s without Bernie is probably a bigger deal.

We know Bernie’s crew still has some magic left in their weekend. Meanwhile Lebron James’ Magic resigned.

That leaves us with the first round of the playoffs. Who should we predict will play the Warriors in this season’s NBA Championship? Maybe the battle for second and third should be a bigger deal. Perhaps they should get participation ribbons for their efforts.  As usual, the first round of the playoffs looks pretty easy to predict. Each series looks to have a defined winner. We throw an upset into the ring just for shits and giggles to make things spicy. Hope it’s not your team.



I guess the Clippers get the shortest straw and now face the Warriors in the first round. The NBA needed one California team in that last spot. It came down to the Kings, Lakers and Clippers. I guess you can say the Clippers are the best team in LA this year. For whatever that’s worth.

This first round match up has the feeling of the Clippers bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Clippers will have to bring their own shovel to their own massacre in round one.

Boogie Cousins big series.



It seems like James Harden is like the wolf from Teen wolf when comes to the Rockets basketball.

The way Harden is like a one man army. Not passing it to anybody. Dribbling for a half hour and then shooting. While the others just stand around. In the movie Teen Wolf, the guy named Chubby ate an apple while just handing the ball to the Wolf. Rockets welcome Clint Capela back from injury. Then Chris Paul who missed some games. This gives the Wolf Harden a chance to travel in a pack for a change which will be needed in the playoffs. Both teams come in red hot. I think the Rockets are just too talented to lose to the Jazz. I think the Jazz will make this into a series.



The Blazers swept the Thunder in regular season.However the tables will turn in the playoffs. The big reason the Blazers are without Jusuf Nurkic, which is a big blow to the team’s chances in the playoffs. I think Paul George and Russell Westbrook for the Thunder will take control of the series. Russell Westbrook has still a lot to prove as he keeps seeing former Thunder teammates getting their teams further in the playoffs every year. Last season the Thunder were out very early, but this will not happen again.



The Spurs amaze me with their 22nd straight year in the post season. They have their work cut out for them against a young, scrappy, and hungry team the Denver Nuggets. Denver has not been in the playoffs since 2013. The Nuggets have a very deep roster and will win this series. San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich, one of the best in the business. His teams always play strong and I can see them taking two games in this series.




I love the Milwaukee Bucks, this is my kind of team. It’s a team that has been building for years and now are coming together to become a true force in the league. It’s a team not built on the three superstar buddy system. MVP Gionnis Antetokounmpo wants to beat you, not join you.

The Bucks are my pick for the Eastern conference. Bucks will handle the Pistons with ease in the first round. Pistons’ Blake Griffen, I will give him having a few good dunks in the series. That’s like getting a participation ribbon and pat on the bum for effort.



The Celtics had a very disappointed season this regular season. The Celtics are a very streaky team. They are playing a Pacer team without their allstar Victor Oladipo. The Pacers have the third best defense in the league. This will be a grind out type of series I believe. I give the Celtics the edge as Brad Stevens is their coach. He makes the right move in a key situation. I think his game plan will get the Celtics to the second round. Perhaps they might gain more confidence as the playoffs go on and become trouble with their second opponent in the next round.



Orlando Magic had to make a late run late in the season just to make it in the playoffs. The Magic won 11-13 games and they got in. Now to play one of the elite teams in the Eastern conference. Before the season with Lebron James going to LA, people thought Toronto has a good shot at being the number one dog in the Eastern Conference. The Raptors were going deep in the playoffs. Guys like Kyle Lowery and Pascal Siakam now have gotten help from the front office. Adding Kawhi Leonard and Marc Gasol gives this team a fair shot at the Eastern conference championship and a meeting with the Warriors. I’d like also for Jeremy Lin to make some kind of play for the Raptors as I’m making a bold statement.



The 76ers might be without Joel Embid in this series. The Nets are an up and coming young team that might put a scare into the 76ers. Led by D’Angelo Russell and a well balanced roster up and down, this series could be the one with the upset. The 76ers with all their moves they made in regular season did not improve their chances where you can say they are the top team in the Eastern conference. Jimmy Butler will infect his cancer all over this team in the post season. Things will unravel and like a blink of the eye the 76ers will be knocked out in round one in a tough series that many would think should have never went the distance.



Another team’s junk is another team’s, “We now have a coach with 890 wins recorded in the NHL.” Those 890 victories as a head coach is good for second all-time in the NHL. The Florida Panthers replace their old head coach they just fired with Joel Quenneville. Joel Quenneville became a legend in Chicago as he led the Black Hawks to three Stanley Cup championships in a six year span. The Panthers replaced Bob Boughner with a guy who only trails the great Scot Bowman for the most victories by a head coach in the NHL.

Dale Tallon, the Panther GM, was the one who orchestrated this move in landing Quenneville. This is the same Dale Tallon who hired Joel Quenneville in 2008 to replace Denis Savard as head coach for the Chicago Blackhawks. The first time around, the  Dale Tallon move worked to perfection. As a dynasty was formed when Quenneville took over a team that had young talent galore oozing out of the ice. However Dale Tallon was not in Chicago that long after to see what he constructed pan out. He was fired as he had to watch from home a team he helped build, win three cups. Dale found a job very quickly doing the same job he had done in Chicago, except this time he is in Florida. Has Dale been following the same blue print that worked in Chicago?  Dale has assembled some young talent for the Panthers that are just starting to gel. Then he fires the coach and gets the band back together bringing in Joel Quenneville.

Could this be 1996 all over again for the Florida Panthers? Rubber rats flying out of the stands like hats littering the ice after a three goal night by one player. The Panthers have hired guys with no head coaching experience, 5 out of the last 6 times. The Panthers have had 15 coaches in 25 years. The Panthers have missed the playoffs the last two years by only a few games. Does Joel Quenneville instantly bring this same Panthers team to the playoffs in his first season with the team? Many believe this team is ready to win right now. It might take just getting in the playoffs once for things to take off. After the young Black Hawks got their first taste and won a series then to be eliminated. The following year the Black Hawks went all the way.

I think this move is great for everyone. First Joel Quenneville is walking into a great situation like he did back in Chicago. Aleksaner Barkov had 35 goals with a total 96 points last season. Can he be the new Jonathan Toews? Then the Panthers actually have a guy named Jonathan. Jonathan Huberdeau to be exact who had 30 goals himself. Throw in some solid pieces like Aaron Ewkblad,  Eugenii Dadonon and Vincent Trochek. Joel Quenneville will teach this group how to win games they never thought they could. You will see him max out all their talents and use them in the position where their talents will thrive. If you watched Patrick Cane and Jonathan Toews grow up and become super stars, it’s because they have plenty of talent. Joel Quenneville put them in situations that was best for them Then they grew and became superstars which they are still to this day.

Dale Tallon’s work is not quite done yet. He will need to add some veterans to the mix. Just like those days with the Hawks landing a Marion Hossa. I’m sure Dale has learned from his mistakes and will not get sloppy with the whole salary cap structure that made things hard for the Hawks after they won their first cup. One of the main reasons Dale Tallon was shown the door in Chicago because they knew they would face a lot tough moves and they did without Dale and had to deal some great players to other teams to get back under the cap. One guy that comes to mind who has flourished with the Jets Dustin Byfuglien.

Both Dale Tallon and Coach Q as most people call him, are in their 60’s age wise. Most likely this is their last hurrah to take a team and win a cup. Both hope to do this together in this go-around. If they succeed like they said in the press conference, they could walk off in the sunset. In that same press conference, many of the Panther players were around to see this organization welcome in Coach Q. The players are already believing. The Florida Panther fan base is believing. This move is a big shot to the organization and the the whole sports landscape in South Beach. They compare it to a Don Shula coaching the Dolphins. Or the day the Miami Heat brought in oil slick Pat Riley to run things. Coach Q is already planted in the Chicago Rushmore in coaching. He might have his face in the South Beach Rushmore when he puts the Florida Panthers on the map again. This time the Panther fans are hoping they stay on the map for years to come.


We are throwing down the gloves for our first round predictions in the NHL playoffs. We might take some punches back. We might even bleed. However nothing is going to stop us as we predict each series in the first round in hockey. Hockey playoffs are one of the best post seasons out of all sports. Some feelings might be hurt. Beers can cure. Rub some salt on your wounds after you read this.You may think we are geniuses. Or the smart people might see right through us. However can we be right in each series with our crazy outcome? Don’t bet on it.




Tampa Bay Lightning have the best record in the league this season. They have a stacked roster with loads of talent and depth on all their lines.  It’s hard to find a crack in their foundation. You can say this team has had their own playoff woes. You can say they can’t close the deal and get back to the Stanley Cup and win it. You can say the Columbus Blue Jackets have never won a playoff series.




This is the series that has two pretty good defenses going at it. Nashville has the third best defense overall in the NHL this season. The Dallas Stars have one of the hottest goalies in the league in Ben Bishop. Stars rank 28th in offense in the whole league this year. Nashville has problems with their power play. This series could go the distance.




This is a playoff match up from last season. Then we saw the Bruins and Maple Leafs go all the way to game seven seeing Boston take the series. This is going to be another great one and probably the best series in the first round. Bruins have the home ice advantage. The Maple Leafs offense is a definite top 5 in the league. The Leafs have seven 20 goal scorers in regular season. Boston Bruins are a very solid team but they will have their work cut out for them against the Maple Leafs with their weapons of mass destruction. With Austin Matthews and Mitch Marner, then adding John Tavares from the Islanders, the Leafs got scarier.




The Avalanche coming in are one of the hottest teams in the league. Calgary is a top ten team in both scoring and allowing the least amount of goals. The Avalanche has some nice talent assembled to make this an interesting series. I could see the Avalanche winning some games. The Flames – who is the guy in net is the big question for them.




Is the owner of the Hurricanes going to cancel the playoffs like he did with the AAF? It does not matter how the Hurricanes celebrate their wins after games. Those highlights of playing duck duck goose. Shooting hoops on skates. Doing the hokey pokey, but they will get turned around versus the Capitals. They are facing the defending champions. The Capitals have swept the Hurricanes this regular season in all four games. Hurricanes are too young. Their kids games are no match for superstar Alex Ovechkin. If the owner of the Hurricanes could only stop this from happening. He does not have that kind of power in the hockey world.


If Donald Trump owned the Capitals… the new logo.



Without John Tavares, the Islanders as a team have the most points since 1984 and we know they were awesome in the early 80’s. Islanders have the number one defense in the league. The Penguins are not a slouch for the first round when they have Sid the Kid. They also bring Kris Letang and Evgeni Malkin to the table. Experience definitely goes to the Penguins. The Islanders are that person that goes through a break up and that is with John Tavares. They change their whole life. They work out harder and longer. They do a 360 in life. However this time they run out of gas.




Jets went deep into the playoffs last year. The Blues have been playing well coming into the playoffs. Jets have the home ice advantage. I think the Jets have too much for the Blues to handle. Jets fire power on offense is one of the best in the league. Teams like the Blues used all their energy and fight just to get to the playoffs which will be the factor here. Many sports, the hottest teams coming in can stay hot and ride the course. The Blues goalie does not have that heat penetrating off his pads at this time. We know goalies can carry teams far. Jets are not a team to start getting hot off. It’s like lighting a cigarette in a monsoon.




Knights goal tending is still remarkable. The Sharks have kind of crawled to the end of the season. The Golden Knights are looking to repeat last season’s playoff debut as they got deep. Could they get further in only their second season? The Sharks have Eric Karlsson returning. Could it be a Joe Thornton last shot at another trip to the Stanley Cup championship? Can San Jose stop more pucks than they get in the net? This looks like it should be all Golden Knights. On paper they have a better team. The Sharks are my sleeper. This is the season as I write this on my 12th beer of the night. I think Martin Jones will do better than he did in net in regular season for the Sharks. The tables turn and Knights will not be Golden like they were in their very first season







The Philadelphia Eagles help their running game by landing Jordan Howard from the Bears last week. Not sure what the Bears are thinking ,helping the team that wiped them out of the playoffs with a star running back for just a simple sixth round draft pick in 2020. Hold the phone, the draft pick could change into a fifth round pick in 2020 with the conditions of the trade which are flexible. Bears selected Jordan Howard in the fifth round and since 2016, he has the third most rushing yards in the league. Why would the Bears give away that kind of production on the cheap?

Jordan Howard was selected by the Bears’ old regime lead by head coach, John Fox. The Bears then, were a team that came off the bus running the ball. Most of the Chicago Bears history involves running the ball and great defense. Things did not work out for John Fox and they brought in an offensive guru in Matt Nagy as head coach who runs the offense. Nagy’s offense consists of open field college style offense with running backs catching a lot of passes out of the back field. Like Kareem Hunt did in Kansas City. We’ve seen Tarik Cohern of the Chicago Bears show off his skill set with his catches out of the backfield as he avoids many defenders in the process. Cohern who also is very exciting, back rushing the ball as he lines up as a double threat. Triple threat if you want him to run the wild cat on some play packages. Jordan Howard only had 20 catches last season, only for 145 yards. Jordan Howard’s style is only between the tacklers running North and South.

Last season, Jordan Howard  though, rushed for 935 yards. He also had nine touchdowns. The coach for the Philadelphia Eagles, Doug Peterson, who has worked with Matt Nagy, runs a similar style offense as the Chiefs and the Bears. He can find a use for Jordan Howard and the Bears can’t. When the Eagles won the Superbowl, they used LeGarette Blount as one of their options out of the back field. He was a big power back that ran people over. Great in goal line situations. Eagles had other options as well that year in Darren Sproles, and Jay Ajayi. Bears did add Mike Davis from Seattle, who does not have a thick resume like Jordan Howard.

Jordan Howard is still being paid from his rookie contract so he only has a year left under his contract. His salary is not collapsing the Bears overall team cap. Last season, when teams wanted to give the Bears a third rounder for Jordan Howard’s services, the Bears turned them down. Why this year do the Bears have to rush him out the door? Sure running backs are a dime a dozen in it seems like every year’s draft. Bears will probably draft a running back. Could they have waited and kept his services during the preseason just in case of sudden injuries? Maybe other teams could suffer some injury with their back and perhaps the Bears could have gotten more from a guy that has run the ball well his whole career. Plus, has stayed healthy.

I loved how the Bears offense is on the rise. They were good, but not great like the Kansas City Chiefs. The Bears defense bailed out the offense many times in 2018. Bears at times got a tad cute for my taste and that cost them mistakes. Not glaring because they won the game. I think the Bears made a bad decision giving up Howard this year. He was a valuable weapon for that team last season. His style of running game was well executed against poor run defenses. His style of run was great at running out the clock in the fourth quarter to secure some of the wins. He was a great goal line option running right at the heart of defense for many scores. Nine to be exact. What is wrong with a thunder lightning combo, a two headed monster in the back field.

Bears have done a lot of great things. Lots of questions arise as well. The kicking situation has haunted them for years still with the release of Robbie Gould. They are paying last year’s kicker which still counts on the salary cap. Last year they let one of their own receivers, Cameron  Meredith, walk out the door. By checking the box on him they could have gotten a draft pick. Then those draft picks to the 49ers to move up one spot. The Jordan Howard thing better not haunt this team in some rematch in the playoffs next season. I guess we can tell Jordan Howard he can take down all his Bears stuff from all of his social media outlets. He should have that down to a science since he thought he was going to be dealt a few times over his short career in Chicago.