The Toronto Raptors are your newest NBA champions of the 2018-2019 season. They knocked off the defending champs from last season in the Golden State Warriors. Plus the Raptors could possibly ended the Warrior dynasty for good, with their rise to the top. The Raptors were a playoff team last season and they were able to get passed the first round. The Raptors have been a making the playoffs regularly but had never been able to get to that championship level, until this season. It was the play of Kawhi Leonard who was the biggest factor, that helped the Raptors win the whole enchilada. To get a Kawhi Leonard they had to sacrifice one of their own to make it happen. Raptors sent two players to the San Antonio Spurs with a draft pick, to pry Leonard from them. It was a certain virgin the Spurs wanted to make this deal happen. A virgin with lots of miles on the body. Raptors sent Demar DeRozan to the Spurs, as the sacrificial lamb that helped the Raptors win the championship.

The other player the Raptors sent to the Spurs in that trade that got them Leonard was Jakob Poeltl. Both of these players from the Spurs have to be angry and pulling their hair out their heads. They were the ones that helped their former organization win a championship. Yep, your old team had to get of rid you so they can get further in the playoffs. So they could win the first ever championship, in Toronto history. Both of them probably happy to see former teammates and life long friends win an NBA championship. It has to feel like a knife in the back at the same time. The heart of these guys have to be in pieces because they missed out. They were dealt and the results are in, the trade benefited their old team. Are the Spurs even close to a championship again? The two guys that got Kawhi Leonard were like lambs or goats sacrificed by the Vikings for the Gods, so they can win a championship. The feeling like their heads lopped off could now seek answers from the Alamo. A place with rich Basketball history. Also a place where people were slaughtered for the given good of the franchise, America.

Watching Chicago sports all these years and I saw the same thing happen over and over. The sacrifice of the virgins that propelled the Chicago sports landscape to greatness. The Chicago Bulls axed Doug Collins for Phil Jackson to coach them. Doug Collins had the Bulls close and very deep into the playoffs, year after year. Phil Jackson takes over the Michael Jordan team and wins six championships. Remember Charles Oakley, he played for the Bulls when Michael Jordan arrived in Chicago. He was traded to New York. Bulls got Bill Cartwright from the Knicks and he helped the Bulls win a few of those championships. While Charles Oakley never won a championship for the Knicks. In 2005, the White Sox traded slugger Carlos Lee to Milwaukee for Scott Podsednik. A trade you thought was crazy at the time.They also declined to resign slugger Magglio Ordonez and the White Sox with other moves win the World Series. The team broke an 88 year drought. Then you have players like Todd Bell and Al Harris two defensive guys who held out for the Bears in 1985. Two pretty good players we talking about.The hold outs lasted all year. The Bears defense that year is considered the best of all-time. That unit helped the Bears win Superbowl title in 1986. Still the only Superbowl the Bears have won. You can say Al Harris and Todd Bell it was their own fault. Without them the Bears obviously did not need them.

Every championship team has to make the one move, the one cut to get another player that will put them over the top. It has been happening for decades and it will never stop. Some people are lucky while others are very unlucky in these sticky situations. Jacob Poeltl only played two seasons in Toronto. He just completed his third season in the NBA. How would you like to be Demar DeRozan? He played nine seasons for the Raptors. He played in 675 games for the team, who drafted him. He averaged 19.7 points per game while in Raptor uniform. His points per game went up in San Antonio but he missed out on a historical NBA championship. Toronto obviously did not win with Demar. We do not know if Demar will ever win a championship with San Antonio, or any other team. He will always have a foot note in Toronto history. He most likely be the forgotten soul of the team. The guy that got the Raptors that title is Kawhi Leonard. The NBA is such a soap opera anyways. Perhaps Demar can red rover his way to another team that needs his basketball skills. Perhaps in a situation where his now 21point average per game will help a team win the big game in another city. The NBA way of course. Maybe he should face book Lebron.

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