The Philadelphia Eagles ran into some injuries this preseason with their back up quarterback. A position that was held by Nick Foles. We all know what he did and we know the Eagles need a good back-up with their number one not being able to go the distance.The Eagles persuaded Josh McCown to come out of retirement to take over the back up duties. Then a question came from a reporter asking the Eagles brass if they called Colin Kaepernick for a try out. Here we go again, not even into the 2019 regular season and people will continue to think Kaepernick is some kind of Jesus sent down from earth to save the day. Last Saturday when Andrew Luck suddenly retired, the small cult of Kaepernick followers were already envisioning their guy dressed in a horseshoe helmet. Can we end this tom foolery and close the book about Colin Kaepernick? Because to me, the guy does not want to step back on the field.

It’s been three years since Colin Kaepernick suited up and played football. Since that time he has had some back-up opportunities in the NFL. He has refused them as he wants to be a starter in the NFL. Was he blackballed from the NFL? The NFL awarded him a big sum of money not to take it to court. The amount is unknown. We know Colin Kaepernick has gotten money from NIKE as he did an ad campaign. Obviously the man is not hurting for cash. Even though he tried to swindle 20 million dollars from the AAF, that did not have that kind loot saved up in their piggy bank. The AAF was an opportunity for Kaepernick to get on the field and show people his skills. Saying 20 million to that league, he knew they would move on as they did and they folded with the regular season still going.

In the movie Best of Times, Kurt Russell played a guy in a small town who was the local high school starting quarterback when he attended. He was the greatest quarterback that town had ever seen. Due to a knee injury, his college and maybe pro dreams were derailed. Derailed his key to get out of that small town, as well. He did not want to play a rematch football game with the next town over that took place 20 years after his career in high school. He did not want to play because he was afraid he would be bad. He thought he would tarnish maybe the only thing he had going for him, those old football stories. Those games he played as years passed, the number of touchdown passes he threw went up like an old fisherman story about catching the biggest fish ever.

If Kaepernick does play again, would it ruin his legacy on the field? It’s been three years since he played last. Is he afraid taking a back-up job might lead to him getting a chance to get on the field and do poorly? If he plays poorly, his cult following immediately goes away. The haters would be very happy. His lost causes would no longer have that pep in their step. He would no longer have stories written about him about, ‘what if’ ? Someone would call the guy to clear away the junk and throw Colin Kaepernick in the landfill with the Ryan Leafs of the world, that have attempted to try to be a quarterback but turned out to be just a pile of rubbish.

To me, Colin Kaepernick is a one year wonder. He vultured the opportunity when Alex Smith of the 49ers got hurt. Alex Smith had the car to the playoffs. Colin Kaepernick is 28-30 as a starter in the NFL. You could say Josh McCown has a worse record as a quarterback than Kaepernick. Josh McCown is playing for the team name on the jersey. While Kaepernick has the team name on his back. Has his name on the front. Plus the NFL defenses always catche up to run first minded quarterbacks. When Colin Kaepernick has to stand in pocket and throw, he is horrible. If I was any team in the NFL, I’d stay away from the cancer that would plague your locker room with all his stances that result in kneeling. Plus he has not played in three years. I would not give him three beans for a cow. Colin should go to the XFL and play and prove his way back to the NFL that he can still play. See on the field that he has the desire to play. See if he can lead a team up and down the field. In the grand scheme of things, the man under the afro is holding onto a football rep that many are still blinded by. Why play football and lose money from all the other avenues he has going on? Enough is enough. Can we please close the book on Kaepernick and throw it in the fire place and quit mentioning his name every time a quarterback gets hurt?