Cevher Toktas, an amateur club soccer player, should be seeing a Turkish prison very soon. Toktas will probably be seeing a lot of grown men naked inside the walls of his cell. Tokas killed a five year old boy. A five year old who was brought to the hospital with symptoms of the Covid 19. This was not just some random five year old, this was Cevher Toktas’ son, Kasim. Inside the mind of Toktas being isolated with his son in hospital, he was not thinking of kicking the ball in the net on the soccer field to score a goal. In a moment of pure evil, Toktas’ thought process and goal became ridding himself of a mistake he made five years ago. Taking a life from an innocent boy by smothering his face with a pillow and using the Covid 19 virus as the cover up.

The child’s death originally was not ruled in any way suspicious. After the 32 year old coward went down to the level so low, he put on an act to probably earn him a Oscar nomination. Doctors rushed in to try to save the five year old, whose only problem was a cough and high fever. In trying times, these are symptoms of something entirely bigger, and at the end he tested negative for the Coronavirus. However, he died in intensive care two hours later after what his father did to him with that pillow, probably soaked in tears. The father put on a show in a performance so believable that it fooled everybody including his own family and friends. Results were, he got away with murder.

Like the Edgar Allen Poe story, The Tell Tale Heart, 11 days after this cowardly act towards his son Kasim, the dead beat father turned himself in to authorities. His mind could not take it anymore. Cever Toktas, the monster, will not be returning to his team, Bursa Yildirmspor. He awaits trial as he confessed to eliminating his son from this world. The motive was he never loved the boy. Even the day the boy popped out of the womb, he never had a chance to get his father’s love.The 32 year soccer player was set in his mind to never give the boy a fair chance. It never had to come down to this being a guy with no mental issues. Toktas could have just walked away from his family. Pay them to go away and play your sport; this way he’d be just a bad father. Now you are a monster that will rot away in a Turkish prison because of your hatred for something you created. Something that would be a miracle to many. Toktas, a selfish person, is a coward to take away a precious innocent life away from somebody who never asked to be on this Earth. Never had a chance in life to see what this world is all about, even during it’s grim stages. Covid 19 did not do this. This guy was messed up before this virus even arrived. It does show you what the virus can bring out in many of the rotten apples in this world. For people like this, they should bring back being stoned to death. All the townspeople gather in the center of the village, watching them throw rocks at this garbage.

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