The Washington Football Team is looking for a new name. Formerly called the Redskins for decades, Washington ownership lost their battle and caved in by getting rid of the old name people said was offensive to the Native Americans. Calling the Washington team racist for having Redskins as their nickname. The term Redskin has multiple meanings. In 1769, Redskins meant warriors as a way of describing some of the great Native Americans. It seems the world always has some kind of colored system, look at the Terrorist alert levels. White and black people. Then yellow for Asians. The color red was the skin color description. What about albino or Lillith from Cheers, white. Black people have their tones lighter or darker. I think originally the Redskin name was used for warriors and many Native Americans probably had no qualms about the Washington Football team. They may have even rooted for them. As we all know, history changes. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. The name Redskin probably did go down dark roads of pure hate. In 2020, with the invasion of the Corona Virus. Does Corona beer have any say to use their name on a virus? Besides the virus, we had social injustice and America was stewing into a melting pot of hate. Washington Redskins were gone as the change happened, and now they are looking for a new name. Hopefully a new name that will not insult people 100 years from now. The ownership sent out a list to their season ticket holders like a survey in picking a new name for the Washington Football team. We will throw our 2 cents into the ring of this so-called list, we will chime in.


The Commanders, Defenders, Renegades, and Guardians were on the list. All of these are super cool names. My problem is three of these names have been used in the last few years by other football leagues. The Commanders of the AAF. The Guardians and Defenders of the XFL. The Renegades were from the USFL in the 1980’s. With the hatchet and feathers, you’re kind of going down that Indian avenue. If I was Washington, I’d think we need to go another direction. Unless Renegades mean something different like names can be thought of to mean more than one thing. Isn’t that why we are writing this? Because of the Redskins getting the scalp?


The Griffins, Warriors, Royals, and Pilots have been used or are still in progress with other sports.

The Griffins are a hockey team in the AHL. Royals currently in the MLB. The Pilots are Vanilla Ice, a one-year-wonder in Seattle.

Seth Curry looking taller in the picture. You racist jackals, Curry could be a few of those guys. Maybe let’s add Jackals to the mixing pot. I think names from other sports is lame as well. I know it will be hard to find a name never used, but we will move on.


How Many cat names do we need in the NFL? Lions, Jaguars, Bengals and Panthers, OH MY! Only Demon Cats should be considered.

Teams would be scared of the Demon Cats if you throw Hilary Clinton as the logo on the side of the helmet. This name could be in the maybe pile.

Washington DC Football Club (DCFC), Washington Capital City Football Club (CCFC), Football team, First City Football Club (FCFC) and 32FC (W32)

If it’s not the Yacht club, I don’t want my team being a club.

These names are snoozers.

Ace Ventura is the Dolphins second name. Washington should pass on the Aces.


Remember Nick Brophy who played for the Presidents in the movie Slap Shot?

Washington would probably piss all over themselves if they chose Presidents. The owner Snyder would put the orange hair on Donald Trump’s face on the helmet. Not a good idea.


What the hell is a belter? Adrian Peterson spanking his kids with a switch? Belters could be those people that live under the Capital building.

Is that the voice of Bob from Bob’s burgers in the show Archer on FX? Archer would have the golden Arches sponsored all over their uniform.

Ronald McDonald’s actions seem like they might get the team in trouble.


The Anchors and the Beacons make me think of Seattle, Washington instead of Washington DC.


Great beer from Anchor Steam Brewing, which is located on the West Coast in San Francisco.


Not to Swift of a move by the GM of the Washington Swifts, the headline could read. The fighter Swifters sweep their way through the Cowboys. DEFINITE NO.


Bridgade, Icons, Majors, Ambassadors, Armada and Rubies

Wayfayer is a traveler. Or is it the sunglasses company that made some nice shades for the Blues Brothers?


Razorbacks: I think of the University of Arkansas.

I do like the direction of the hog. The Washington fans call themselves the hogs because of some of those great beasty offensive lines the team had during the Joe Gibbs years.

Wild Hogs or Red Hogs I put in my like pile.


Redtails and Red wolves are interesting names.

Redtails has an interesting history about the all black fighter squadron. The logo with the plane I would take over the pilot. The Pilot has darker skin which with the Redskins, we do not want to go down the same road again. Especially since with one wrong word, YOU’RE FIRED!!!

Redwolves you can make a nice helmet logo. Redtails and Redwolves I like as well.


Riders on the storm is a great Doors song I recall when I think of Riders. Riders can mean horseback or motorcycles.

Does Washington go down the same path and be mistaken by the motorcycle company, Indian? I like Rider because you can do some things.

The great comic of Ghost Rider. Nicolas Cage’s acting ruined the movie versions.


Washington Rising could be interesting. The sun rises like the Tampa Bay Rays. That’s boring.

Zartan, Destro, Cobra Commander sign me up.

We have dissected the Washington covert list like cutting up an earthworm in grammar school for science class. That is humane and might have to be taken out of the classes from those ticking tocks of the youth gone wild. We have some good choices. Probably we could brainstorm many more and come up with something better than what they have on their list. I’m sure the owner, Dan Snyder of the Washington team, will screw it up somehow. Thank God, I’m not a fan of the Washington team.