We are now three full weeks into the 2021 NFL season and there are no signs of Deshaun Watson seeing the field for the Houston Texans. The Texans named Tyrod Taylor the starting quarterback and the team won their first game with him under center. Is beating the Jaguars these day a trophy animal you can put over the fireplace in your den? The Texans in week two had a lead on the Cleveland Browns in the second half, when unlucky Tyrod Taylor had to leave the game due to an injury. Texans go on to lose to the Browns in week two. Last Thursday, the Texans did not call on Deshaun Watson to go behind center for them. Instead, the Texans trotted out a rookie quarterback, Davis Mills, and Houston lost to Sam Darnold and the Carolina Panthers. Deshaun Watson is on the Texans roster. Watson has been inactive for all the Texans games so far this season. Watson is not even taking part in everyday football drills. Watson demanded a trade way before the young quarterback found himself in hot water with two dozen massage therapists for inappropriate behavior. Now the Houston and the organization are in limbo until things get settled off the field for Watson.

Deshaun Watson has been a very horny toad off the field. The former Clemson quarterback has 22 civil lawsuits filed with ten criminal complaints attached. Two dozen women massage therapists and who knows there could be more, have accused the Houston quarterback of wanting more than just a massage. Deshaun Watson has been very frisky with the gals, very hands on. Some of the sessions Watson tried to force them to give him oral sex. Before all of these women came out of the woodwork, Deshaun Watson told the Texans front office he wanted out of Houston. Watson thought he would have a say in who the Texans hire as the new General Manager. The Texans hired Nick Caserio and that’s when this off-season saga began. The new GM hired David Culley as the team’s new head coach. Both Culley and Caserio tried to convince Watson of playing for the Texans. Watson was not buying what they were selling.

Deshaun Watson has been in the NFL for 4 seasons, all with the Texans. Texans drafted him in 2017 in the first round. In 54 games behind center, Deshaun Watson has a 28-25 record. Watson’s career numbers are very good as he completes 68.2 % of his passes. Watson has thrown for 104 touchdowns with only 36 interceptions, which is remarkable. In 4 seasons, Watson has tallied up 14,539 yards. Watson has 8 comebacks and ten winning drives to credit. Watson has led the Texans to three post-season games in which he is 1-2 in those contests. In post-season, Watson has thrown for 870 yards with 4 touchdown passes and one interception. Watson is only 26 years old and could be one of the best all-time quarterbacks if he plays for more than ten seasons.

Deshaun Watson wanted to be involved in the hiring of a new coach and was a big believer in social justice, especially all the stuff that went down in 2020 besides the pandemic. Watson wanted a black General Manager. Probably a black coach as well. Plus the Texans dealt away his best receiver, DeAndre Hopkins, to the Arizona Cardinals which would make any quarterback miffed as they lose their favorite weapon. After the hiring of Nick Caserio, that’s when Watson demanded to be traded. Texans now are probably kicking themselves for asking too much for Deshaun Watson as other teams were very interested in his services. Like anybody that has a secret hidden deep inside them, how would the Texans know their quarterback tried to force female massage therapists down south of the border on himself? Some will say how convenient that all these gals claim that they were sexually abused after Watson talked about social justice. Oh yes, it happens every day, where a mob gets together to tell the same story. They give the awful details while they paint the picture of this situation just to get their 15 minutes of fame and some money. If this was fake news, Deshaun Watson would be playing football this season. The longer this thing goes, the worse it’s going to get for Mr. Watson. Lawyers are preparing a case to hang Watson and put him away for a very long time. Lawyers don’t want to screw this up and make this into another OJ Simpson case where they let the scum walk. The NFL is waiting in the wings to see what happens. Waiting for the verdict so the league will be a final judgement with a final executioner. The Texans are paying Watson not to play because if they void his contract and say he’s not guilty or gets off, then Houston is on the hook for the entire contract. Plus, trading him and getting something for him if Watson gets out of this situation. I really never understand athletes and celebrities in general that make so much money, and yet get into jams like this. DUI’s when they could have a car service drive them anywhere they want to go. Can Watson not afford the top call gals in the game to come over and give him what he needs for that week? I bet Watson got away with what he did to many of the massage therapists the first few times, and becoming a elite quarterback thought he was untouchable in his mind. So typical, people who chime off their soap box on one hot topic are doing something behind closed doors that is not right. Wasted talent down the drain. However, Watson will probably get off on it from some technicality. Getting off without having to force it, but will still put a dent in his wallet. My prediction is Watson will never play another snap in the NFL.

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