Brian Kelly is just a snake oil salesman wearing headphones. Once again the Collegiate level of the coaching carousel has coaches abandoning ship and not even finishing out their season. Do the Universities in College football have any say under contracts that prevent these guys from packing up their boxes & riding off-campus in a U-Haul for an even bigger payday? Coach Brian Kelly is leaving the University of Notre Dame to head down south and take over the LSU program. Louisiana State University plays in the S.E.C (Southern Eastern Conference), the MECCA of College football. LSU gives Kelly a ten year commitment which probably does not mean anything as he will never finish the contract that is worth 95 Million. Throw in potential bonuses and the king of snake oil is the highest paid coach at any public University.

Brian Kelly’s first job in College football as a head coach was at Central Michigan. After three seasons, Kelly went 19-16 and then bounced. Kelly went on to the University of Cincinnati. Kelly went 34-6 in regular season with three bowl games for the 4 years he walked the sideline there. Another stepping stone. Kelly said when he was hired, that he imagined his next gig would be his dream job and that was Notre Dame. I’m shocked Kelly lasted 12 years at the University of Notre Dame. Kelly did a solid job as his record over 12 years on the job was 113-40 and had the University in ten bowl games… quite impressive. Early on I thought Kelly would jump at an opportunity in the pro game. Maybe another University with more money. Perhaps Kelly was thinking it. Kelly probably even knew he wanted something else. Waited patiently until something he liked came along. Once you fly first class, no way would he go back to coach small potato universities or a disarrayed franchise in the NFL. That’s where LSU comes in.

What has LSU got that Notre Dame does not have? Notre Dame is an independent school that has never played in a conference. Not that there is anything wrong with that. LSU plays in the SEC which most people will say is the powerhouse conference in College football. The schools you face every week compared to Notre Dame. LSU faces Alabama, Auburn, Florida and Georgia and many other southern schools that have high profile football programs. Not saying Notre Dame’s schedule is easy as they face tough Big Ten schools every year. Notre Dame has restrictions on players they recruit. LSU academic-wise you can sign all the meat-heads you want down there while at Notre Dame academics comes into play. Kelly said the resources at LSU are incredible. I bet recruiting down in the south is like a football factory taking linemen right out of the warehouse.

The bottom line is Brian Kelly’s mind thinks he can win a National Championship at LSU before Notre Dame. Notre Dame has made the final four with Brian Kelly more than once. The results are not very Irish-like. LSU won the National championship in 2019. Remember Joe Heisman Burrow? Burrow was the number one pick in 2020 by the Cincinnati Bengals. Burrow led LSU to that National championship win over the University of Clemson. Since 2018, LSU has the 2nd most players suiting up in the NFL. Notre Dame is not number one. The Irish produce talented players that go on to play in the NFL. LSU has far more. This should tell you the tale of the tape just talent-wise of both programs. This is the reason Kelly believes his easiest path to win the National Championship is through the Tigers, not the Leprechauns of South Bend, Indiana.

Should LSU have anything to worry about with Brian Kelly leaving their program in years to come? If Kelly succeeds at LSU, would the next stepping stone be the pro game of the NFL? It’s a shame guys like Kelly leave a prestigious University with great history like Notre Dame having the most wins as head coach in Irish history. Kelly passed up legend Knute Rockne in wins at the University. Rockne probably bled Irish blood putting his life’s dedication to the cause of making Notre Dame a powerhouse football program. Kelly born in Massachusetts suddenly has a Southern accent just in time for the LSU introduction press conference. Like a chameleon, that Kelly is a dirty lizard who adapts to his new background immediately. Not everyone is buying the Brian Kelly act. LSU starting quarterback Max Johnson wants out. Max Johnson, son of a former Superbowl winner, who led the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to their first title ever, is Brad Johnson. I know life is all about the next challenge. Kelly had a challenge and failed at Notre Dame winning a National title. I can easily bring up the name of Lou Holtz who was able to get the Irish a National Championship, decades ago but still got it done. Yes, Brian Kelly was successful in South Bend, but when you put it in his terms of getting that next challenge… the easy path to a title. Then he is the ultimate failure for not getting it done at Notre Dame. Maybe Kelly will end up getting eaten up by a gator. Florida University gator. An actual gator would spit out that snakeskin oil salesman that would poison the poor reptile with that Kelly venom. Do you blame St. Patrick leaving one snake in Irish country not eradicated? Notre Dame is better off in the future without the head of a snake leading them.

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