After walking off the field calling it a day in the middle of a football game in 2022, Antonio Brown has never resurfaced back into the NFL. Brown, we all know, is not playing with a full deck inside his brain as he left the Buccaneers sideline & had a hissy fit taking his shirt off . Then he proceeded to do jumping jacks as he gave his farewell to the crowd and his football career. Brown has gotten back into the game this time as owner of the Albany Empire, who play in the NAL (National Arena Football league.) It did not take long actually, only 3 months ’til the entire league kicked Brown out for not paying his team’s fees. Another stunning chapter in Antonio’s book of life, where he will blame everyone else but himself. This as he’s going around with more than one loose screw bouncing off the cranium inside his head when he tries to view reality.

Antonio Brown made 80.4 million dollars in his 12 year NFL career. He had to use some of that to buy the Albany Empire in the first place. Brown did pay the NAL league fees in April. His own players and staff did not get their pay checks. The Empire’s coach, Damon Ware, left the team quitting because he was not getting paid. The NAL has 7 teams in the league of which each team has to annuity up 1/7 of the leagues operating fees. Did Brown not read the league rules? Brown has an accountant, but did he even look at the league rules. Brown refused to pay the next two months of fees. Brown even was his total asshole self making comments about the league and how it was run. The league fined Brown a thousand dollars. The league then set a deadline to collect the league dues, but Brown’s accountant said the team will not pay anything by the time that date arrived. Brown and the Empire played a game of chicken with the rest of the league. When a zombie bites you in the arm, cut it off so the virus the does not spread to the rest of your body. The entire NAL did that by cutting the virus Brown from their league, and now can move on without dealing with a crazy.

Let’s look at Antonio’s track record when it comes to owing money to others. Brown is being sued by a jeweler for not paying money for the merchandise he agreed to purchase. In 2021, Brown had to deal with a marketing company who is suing him for 2.4 million dollars for whatever efforts they put in for the former Pittsburgh Steeler wide receiver. Then Brown was accused of trying to rip off a music promoter for 500,000. Let’s not forget about Brittany Taylor who filed three cases of sexual harassment against Brown who was playing with the Patriots at the time. Taylor, who coached Brown, said she was raped by this goon gone crazy.

Antonio Brown makes Tom Brady look like a boy scout when he continued to blame the quarterback for his exit out of Tampa Bay. Now that the Albany Empire will not be playing any more games this season, what about the stadium employees trying to make ends meet? The Brown virus will effect all the businesses around the stadium who probably rely on those arena games for extra profits or even paying the rent for their stores. The stadium owner had a block party on the docket coming up with all the businesses, so that will be cancelled. The fans will get their money back from Ticketmaster. The fans will have to go to the stadium to get their refund like people need another thing on the to-do list. Rumors had Brown was going to actually play a game on the field with his team, the Empire. I’m sure the players from Albany are not very happy looking for a job if they can’t latch on to one of the other teams in the league. I’m surprised the league let the sale of the Empire happen knowing Brown was the buyer. The league may have thought the publicity would have been great having a talented player from the NFL having a team. This is why places do background checks. The Evil Empire is a great name for a Brown team. I could see Brown as one of those crazies in the Mad Max movies in the Thunderdome. I could see him being one of those crazies suited up for the Empire in an arena football game, and turning it into the Thunderdome like them old gladiator fights in Rome. I just can’t wait to see what unfolds in Brown’s next chapter in life because you can’t make this stuff up.

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