Everyone in life would love to have that get out of jail free card. if only the game of Monopoly applied to events in your own life, especially when dealing with the law. Sometimes the lucky people have that name of that Police officer who they can mention their name to the officers on the scene, and suddenly your wish is granted like from a genie and you get away with breaking the law. These names, the people you know kind of give you that ego as if you might be a big deal. Most of this name dropping might get you out of minor infractions like speeding or rolling through the stop sign. When I tried to give a name to a Police officer once, the guy told me a lie and said that guy was fired. What if the guy you know does not get along with the Police officer who pulled you over? Then when it comes to any kind of celebrity, most of them will use their status to try to wiggle out of the jam they got themselves in. Alex Galchenyuk may have used the old celebrity trick on July 9th, when he was arrested in Scottsdale, Arizona. Who is Alex Galchenyuk? I’ve never heard of him either. Galchenyuk is an 11 year hockey veteran of the NHL and signed with the local team, the Arizona Coyotes. It would have been Galchenyuk’s third stint with the Coyotes. The 29 year old left winger was taken away in handcuffs for driving drunk and left the scene of a hit and run. This did not go well as he was threatening the Police officers that he was going to bring Red Dawn on their lives with his Soviet Russian friends back in Moscow.

Alex Galchenyuk signed a one year deal with the Coyotes to return to the team he played for in the 2021-22 season, on July 1st. Galchenyuk also played for the Coyotes in the 2018-19 season as well. Galchenyuk was out celebrating his return to the Coyotes with family. Then he drove his BMW after the festivities with family where he ran over a curb in a parking lot while knocking over a sign. He also did damage to someone’s parked automobile. Thank God no one was hurt. Galchenyuk fled the scene as witnesses said two males were in the BMW. The Police caught up to the out-of-control hockey player where his father, who probably took over behind the wheel, tried to take the blame. The witnesses tell a different story as they saw Alex behind the wheel. Galechenyuk was obviously drunk’ slurring his words & using racial slurs as he verbally assaulted the Scottsdale Police Officers who were trying to get this menace off the streets. Galchenyuk then was aggressive to the officers, even threatening their lives and families. Then it was like in the movie Red Dawn, in the beginning the invasion by the Russians where the skies are full with Soviet parachuters coming down like it was raining cats and dogs.

That was when Galchenyuk rained down the threats saying, “One phone call & you’re all dead, your family and your blood line is dead”.

The people that apparently were going to invade the Scottsdale police station, like in the the movie Terminator, were his Russian friends. Galchenyuk played youth hockey for several years growing up. These Russian friends would cut out one of the officers’ wives or daughter’s kidney. Then imagine Galchenyuk in back of the squad car cuffed in a real life penalty box saying, “I’m gunna chop you and your daughter up,” doing his great Mike Tyson impression as Iron Mike wanted to eat his opponent’s children one time.

We all have had drunken stupid nights, although maybe not to this length. Last year Alex Galchenyuk played most of the year in the AHL American Hockey league. Galchenyuk only played in 11 games for the Colorado Avalanche and did not have any points. Galchenyuk was drafted by the Montreal Canadians in 2012 and stayed up North for 6 seasons. After leaving Montreal, Galchenyuk has suited up for six other teams which includes the Coyotes, Wild, Penguins, Senators, Maple Leafs, and last season, the Avalanche. Galchenyuk has 146 career goals while dishing out 208 assists for 354 points for his entire NHL career. Galchenyuk returning to Arizona may have been like coming home as he had two stints and no other team he played more than one year for except the Montreal and the Coyotes.

The Arizona Coyotes have enough problems already as they may be headed out of town to relocate in another city. The Coyotes as an organization have had a hard time finding a home arena to play their games at in the state of Arizona. The Coyotes quickly terminated the services of Alex Galchenyuk, will move on, and can easily pick up another veteran of his playing level on the open market. Galchenyuk found out how much of an ASS he was, apologized, and will seek help so he does not follow that yellow brick road again or drive on the side walk. Galchenyuk was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Using the Russian operatives or hit men to do your dirty work as a hockey player makes you kind of a wienie. Plus, Russia has their own problems dealing with Ukraine. I’m sure Vladimir Putin has used up all of Galchenyuk’s men – throwing them out in the battle field to get slaughtered. Now if he said he had Ukrainians on speed dial, then perhaps he has some quality contacts. Let’s get back to reality and rethink this. Who would risk their lives or do a life sentence in prison to help a hockey player no one has ever heard of? We all wish we could snap the fingers and have some protectors come out of the woodwork to finish the fight off. This is the real world. I wish Galchenyuk played during the days of Stu Grimson and Bobby Probert so someone could punch this guy’s lights out on the ice. Perhaps he could not be such a dumb ass the next go around and tell us about these Finish mountain people that snack on hearts.

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