This year the NFL promoted their first ever Black Friday game between the Dolphins at the Jets. All the big football networks that carry the NFL like CBS, NBC, and Fox got their turkey day game on Thursday, leaving Optimus Amazon Prime out in the dark. The Amazon Prime is the host of Thursday night football in the NFL. Like Sally says in the Peanuts Christmas ,”All’s I want is my fair share.” Suddenly the idea came up with the NFL brain trust or the Amazon people you can pick. Doing a Friday game for Black Friday. What a novel idea to keep people home watching football instead of of out shopping. Being at home you can have your lap top handy and after checking on your fantasy teams, you can save big money shopping Amazon web site for Christmas gifts just the way Santa Clause wrote it up in his play book. The game was a clunker as all these Prime Time games are involving the Jets. All these networks who have a hard on for Aaron Rodgers are exposed, & the smoking gun lies on the television every week as you try to spoon feed us Jets football. Then they put the game in the late afternoon as some people will not be seeing it due to work. They did not miss anything because the game and most of the idea was hot garbage. The NFL could have a Friday night game every week instead of a Thursday night game. It would be better for almost everyone because I know you can’t make everyone happy campers.

The Bruce Willis movie, The Last Boy Scout, was based on the game of football in a made up professional league. They had a song in the movie that sang, “Friday night of football,” like the NFL in their Monday night song. Mostly the movie portrayed bad stuff behind the scenes of football and their league obviously played on Friday nights. This clip above explains this movie had a twisted dark plot of the game. It was a typical Bruce Willis shoot em up action flick like we all like. The way the world is now I hope we don’t see a player shooting his way to get a first down or beyond. Back in the 1960’s before the merger of the NFL and the AFL. The AFL played Friday night games back in the 1960’s. Friday night in the AFL was a fixture in the league. The last game on Friday night in the month of November in the AFL was November 20th of 1964 between the Boston Patriots, at the time, versus the Denver Broncos. Last game played on Black Friday at night in the AFL was a game between the Patriots and the Buffalo Bills on November 23rd of 1962. The NFL has played games on Friday since 1999 on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The NFL had a pair of games on Friday night in 1993 on New Year’s Eve. The last time the NFL played on Friday that was not a holiday, you have to go back to 1986 in late December. In 1970, the last NFL game not played in December was a season opener between the Cardinals and the Rams in the month of September. The AFL had the coolest programs back then advertising their games each weekend including Friday Night Lights They looked like boxing match up posters with the team’s logo in a cartoon form.

I always thought that the Superbowl should be played on Saturday so everyone has the day off the next day. The Superbowl is practically a holiday because no one wants to work the day after watching the game and eating and drinking with family and friends. If the NFL changed days and went Friday night instead of Thursday night, you could enjoy a game and not have to work the next day. Which would be better for local business throughout the states and it would not matter if your team was playing or not. The ratings may be better on Friday over Thursday. I get people do work Saturdays. I’m talking the majority. The NFL does not care – it’s a billion dollar business, so they can put games on Monday morning and people will watch. That is exaggerating most definitely. I know Friday Night Lights is for the high school games. I know college has football games on as they do them on Thursday nights. If the games were on Friday nights, it gives the teams that played Sunday an extra day of rest and game-planning. Which they would not have on Thursday, a very short week. The product on the field would be better with the extra day of rest. Something about the first and second round NFL playoff games on Saturday night that I really enjoy is because you have Sunday off. You’re going to have people over or go out and have those extra beers or order that fried food that you would not order when you’re dieting during the weekdays. I know Thirsty Thursday is Friday night eve, but something about getting out and having the day off is just better in general. You can still do your Thirsty Thursday thing as well. If Amazon and the NFL got what they wanted in viewers, and the money on Black Friday, it will be a regular thing. I would like to see the game start in the early evening or at night instead of 2 in the afternoon on a Friday. I do ask enough of Aaron Rodgers on all these prime time games. It’s like ESPN’s obsession with Yankees Red Sox in baseball coverage.

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