1Argus Lager9-1-18
2Sawdust City Days11-9-18
3Raspberry Truffle Abduction3-3-19
4Death by Viking12-11-17
5Blue Fish Brut4-19-20
6Zombie Ice7-4-23
7Barley Fife1-24-19
8Blonde Bomber5-25-20
9Underwater Space Gator8-19-17
10Premium Mustang Malt Liquor8-28-22
11Island of Misfit Toys Series12-29-23
12Dragon Lady Dopplebock6-2-17
13Arctic Panzer Wolf7-27-18
14Necron 9911-19-17
15Coney Island Albino Python4-15-18
16The Brown Note7-21-17
17Deesko! Berliner Style Weisse Beer 5-2-17
18Karlsbrau Old Time Beer4-9-24
18Andhim’s Dragon Brew Super Kolsch Style Ale2-20-18
19Elector Imperial Red Ale10-19-17
20Hoptimus Imperial Red Ale3-17-17
21Space Station Middle Finger2-26-17
22Night of the Undead3-29-20
23Old Style2-19-22
24Madtown Nut Brown8-18-20
25The Thresher11-26-21
26Paschke Polish Style Pilsner4-10-21
27Morning Glory Espresso Stout3-22-20
28Anger Black India Pale Ale11-30-19
29Battle Flower Blueberry Wheat10-28-19
30Bah Humbug 1-10-18
31Black and Blue Grass6-9-17
32Reaper VS Unicorn4-10-17
33Ruination Double IPA5-19-17




This next beer label I would have to get into the hot tub time machine and travel back to the 1970’s into the 1980’s, if I wanted to try this beer. Karlsbrau Old Time beer only lasted 11 years from 1975-1986 as the viking ship sank that on this label. This is one of my vintage cans out of my personal collection. Anything with old in the title means it’s probably one of your daddy’s favorite beer. I bet Karlsbrau Old Time beer is your typical lager-style brew. Would the Vikings set sail with coolers of Karlsbrau when they go out raiding for loot from other countries? Karlsbrau hales from the state of Minnesota which has a heavy population of people that are from Scandinavian countries with Viking blood inside them. Cold Spring Brewing Company, a 130 year old brewery, is the maker of Karlsbrau. Cold Spring Brewery is now named Gluek Brewing. Gluek has taken over the 130 year old brewery. I don’t think they have plans to resurrect Karlsbrau. I love this label that features a Viking ship on it. The ship is sailing the sky blue waters looking for their next target. . This is a steel can with the old pull tab still intact on top. It’s a simple can but paints a cool picture. Vikings we may think are savages in general. They are people like everyone else in the history of the world that had some kind of bad history at some point in this world. Vikings have an interesting history that you can get behind and be terrified at the same time.

One of the best comic strips of all-time growing up was Hager the Horrible. Hager was one of my favorite comic strips and a must read every day in the newspaper growing up. The young generation would not understand the concept of getting news from a paper, or the rotary dial phone, or the great VCR. Hager and Vikings in history are guys that like to let steam off and drink some beers. Hager is one of your guys you know at your favorite watering hole.

The Screaming Viking was a made up drink that involved a cucumber. To get Sam back behind the bar, the Cheers regulars came up with a drink that the new bartender did not know how to make. If he somehow was able to make it, Rebecca Howe would have had to fire Woody Boyd. The new bartender found out the hard way you have to bruise the cucumber before you put it in the glass. I named my Fantasy Football team the Screaming Vikings.

I’m not a Minnesota Vikings fan. I can say I prefer them over the Packers but that’s another topic for another day. Minnesota long time ago played their home games outside before the Vikings became dome rats. In the late 60’s into the 70’s, the Viking defense was called the Purple People Eaters. Now those Vikings… I can get behind that name and guys playing in sub zero temperatures while eating the opposing team’s offenses for dinner.

On the History Channel they have a show called The Vikings. It is must see television as it gives you details of all the raids these barbarians did in Europe back in their history. The bloody battles on land and on water. The plot sucks you in. Great series to binge watch if you like savages drinking, fighting and sacrificing humans for their Gods.

The show also has the beautiful Viking queen played by actress Katheryn Winnick. Her character name is Lagertha and sometimes you get the feeling wondering why all the assholes get the hot women. She deal with the Viking savages. Her character rises up and she plays a bad ass character that calls the shots and can kill a savage in seconds. People growing up watching Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi love the Princess Leia thing with Jabba the Hutt.

The Viking queen is something we will have to discuss on our bar stools at the ole watering hole, indeed.

The Viking ship can on the vintage Karlsbrau Old Time Beer is a simple beer label. The Viking ship is pretty cool. Not sure about the beer. The Can is my new number 18 on my all-time bad ass list of beer art. Now I’m writing like a Viking.


Over the holidays of Christmas and New Year’s, I will always indulge in some interesting beers. Sometimes I will find some on my own perusing my local liquor store. I always get some gifts from Christmas from family and friends that are beer related. I do get some obscure beers time to time as well as gifts. Maybe I’m like Mikey from those old Life Cereal commercials.

Take away the cereal and picture someone putting a beer in front of me, as they would say I like it because I’m drinking it. I have thought they are re-gifting beer they don’t want. Everyone remembers the Christmas special Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer when they find the unwanted toys on Misfit Island. The brewery called Obscurity in Elburn, Illinois made some beers from those Misfit Toys. as you can see I saved two of the cans in the collectors 4 pack. Don’t ask where the other two went. Still trying to piece that together. When you look up all the Misfit Toys, there’s quite a lot in that minute long segment. I might leave a few out. I will rank the Misfit Toys in order from best to worst. I’m a grown adult, so these Misfits could be used for mischief. I will put on my Tom Hanks character from his old movie BIG to bring back my adolescent mindset, and figure out what the best toys of this group are and what is total junk.

#1. Water pistol that squirts out jelly

This toy can amp up any person’s peanut butter and jelly sandwich making skills. If you are a kid, water dries up on the little bully down the block’s shirt. Shooting that bully with jelly will probably get you beaten up. That bully would never wear that shirt again. Maybe some bees attack him on the way home with that stained jelly shirt. This is the gift that keeps on giving.

#2. Cowboy rides an ostrich

Do you remember the lumber jack games that used to be live on ESPN? This was before they branched out getting the main sports on their network. Cowboys riding an ostrich is an actual race in some parts.

If the cowboy can shoot the jelly gun while riding that bird, you really have something here in a combo. One that Amazon will tell you about while you are shopping for what people frequently buy together.

#3. Blue Race Car

Why is the blue race car a misfit? Not Smurfy enough for the younger generation? My father’s last car he drove was canary blue, if that is even a color. Nothing wrong with the color of the car here. I’d paint some flames on the side and beat little Chester up the road in a drag race as he’s going nowhere in life. Possibly due to being named Chester.

#4. Bird that swims

A bird that swims will be handy around the house. I have a fish aquarium which needs cleaning. Set him up with a diving suit & he can clean the algae inside the tank. Clogged toilet… he’s going in. If you flush him on accident, I bet they make over 100 of these birds and Amazon will send you another.

#5. Pink fire truck

Who’s not all in for the boobs to be saved?

Save the boobs and screw Ferris!!!

#6. A wind up mouse in a set of nesting clowns

This misfit toy can be used to prank others. I picture in the cartoon Tom and Jerry, the House Keeper goes nuts seeing Jerry & starts swinging the broom.

You always get people scared of clowns which might be a good toy for security. All the fun you can have watching this toy do it’s stuff while drinking. Maybe screw with the pets with this Misfit. The cats will be loving the mouse.

#7 Winged Bear

The winged bear would be a good symbol for Chicago sports. Another bad season by either the Bears or Cubs. I don’t see these bad teams getting their wings and going to heaven. The Chicago sports landscape most of time is accustomed to bad seasons. Another season bites the dust.

#8. Airplane that can’t fly

As a kid, we love fireworks. Do you remember the stories of Pearl Harbor Japanese using Kamikaze pilots to cause destruction? Load this Misfit plane with fireworks, light it up, and throw it from a higher point to see what happens when it explodes. Remember, safety first.

#9. Train with a caboose with square wheels

For the train with the caboose having square wheels, you may have to use it when you take on zombie a bite.

Off with the leg or arm, in this case the caboose with square wheels has to go.

#10. A boat that can’t float

This misfit toy can be used in your aquarium as a wrecked ship. The boat that can’t float may be bundled with the bird that can swim. Kids can use the boat to remake the Titanic scene when it starts to sink as you have to leave that romantic shit out of the equation. That should be written on the box.

#11.Charles in the Box

If it was Chucky in the box, this toy may be ranked higher. I agree with him. Who wants a Charles in the box that is a whiny bitch? If he came out like Charles in Charge, he would be higher in the rankings.

#12. Spotted Elephant

I wouldn’t want a toy with the chicken pox or the measles. Why pink spots? They could have made him have black spots and be Dalmatian-like. The Dalmatians are the stupidest breed of dog. Why would I want the Donald Trump of all the Elephants?

#13. Dolly Named Sue

I’m a boy, first of all. Why would I want a Dolly? Then add salt to the wounds by making it a Dolly that cries.

#14. Scooter for Jimmy

Is this the Bumble Bee from the Transformers’ scooter? Yellow for a scooter. Why Jimmy? What about a scooter for Johnny? Looks like this scooter is made in China. Junk.

This completes my Misfit Toy Power Rankings as I may have left the kite that does not fly and a few others that just could not make it on my list. Maybe next Christmas. As for the double barrel action Misfit Cans art, I’m in the Christmas spirit so I have them ranked number 11 on my Beer Label Art Power Rankings. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!


When it comes down to beer labels that blow your mind, Three Floyd’s Brewing has created some masterpieces. I have blogged a few like Space Station Middle Finger. I have not gotten to much of their other really cool art work they have on their cans and bottles. So it was about time I caught up as I came across a beer of theirs I’d never heard of. Zombie Ice, pictured above, got my wheels turning. I’ve always been a big zombie movie guy. I even made it through the lifetime of Walking Dead seasons where many people dropped out of the race midway through the series. When I saw this zombie Ice can staring at me at the liquor store, I knew it would be a tasty beverage and featured in the Beer Art section of this blog. I like the colors of the can, the Marlin blue with dark colors. A zombie face on it with rotten teeth looking at me to eat the leftover brains in my head that Three Floyd’s Brewing and many other breweries got to first. I love the eyes on the can which jump out at you.

Since I have the love for zombies in all the great movies and series out there in the free streaming world, I wonder what would be my A-team of rag tag bunch that can protect myself and humanity. I picked six characters since beer comes in a six pack of great warriors or useful people I would need on my team in the middle of an apocalypse.

#1. Cherry Darling (Planet Terror)

Who doesn’t need a former Go-Go stripper in this special zombie unit? Cherry, besides the looks, is bad ass as she has her leg torn off and they insert a deadly machine gun on her stump to be used as a weapon of mass destruction on the zombies. Hopefully she takes her gear off at night while spooning.

#2. Peter (Dawn of the Dead movie 1978)

Peter is a former SWAT member of the police department & a perfect guy to have on this zombie unit. Peter makes a head of a zombie explode in the original movie, Dawn of the Dead, with a shot gun blast. Peter is well trained to take out the bad guys and can finish plenty of missions during a zombie apocalypse.

#3. Jim Brauer (Series: Fear of the Walking Dead)

My first two questions in zombie world are: Where is the beer? Who’s going to continue to make it? Why would you protect a President of the country when your attention should be saving the brew master. Jim Brauer in Fear of the Walking Dead ends up dead. In my zombie world, this guy would be protected and cranking out Augie’s beer. Brauer would be used on a mission to help find those important ingredients that are needed to make quality beer in a zombie apocalypse. Don’t get me started on who’s making the potato chips in this infested dead world.

#4. Daryl Dixon (Series Walking Dead)

It seems I had to pick a character from the original Walking Dead, so I by passed Rick Grimes and went with Daryl Dixon. He’s a total bad ass that can use the bow and arrow like a sniper with a scope. Dixon has the best damn squirrel recipe in the dead world. Dixon is dedicated to protect his own and a pure survivor that can adapt to the zombie world and be used for good.

#5.Cholo DeMora (Movie: Land of the Dead)

Cholo DeMora is guy that can find things in a zombie apocalypse. DeMora is in charge of getting supplies scavenging to help his community. Besides completing his missions and dealing with the zombies trying to snack on him, he helps the people overthrow the dictator in charge. A much needed guy for this zombie unit.

#6. Sarah Blackwood (Series Day of the Dead)

The Day of the Dead series is not the most entertaining show about zombies. Not the best acting which most of the apocalyptic movies have going for them. In the Day of the Dead, a few people make the show doable. An interesting character, Sarah Blackwood, is X-special forces who is working for a company that created the zombie problem in the town in the first place. When things start to go wrong in this town, she shows her special skills from her past, helps the town survive, and fights her old employment.

This completes my Zombie A-team with no Mister T. or Mr. Coffee. I have the Zombie Ice can in my top ten at number 6 on the best decorated can or beer bottle list.


Who remembers the Bud Bowl? In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Budweiser had their beers on the gridiron playing football. Like the Trojan wars or the great Crusades, Anheuser Busch Brewing had its top beers with helmets bottling it out in their own version of a Superbowl. It was part of an advertisement that played during the Superbowls as they had more than one. 

The commercials were Claymation 3-D, like above, cartoon images. It was Budweiser versus Bud light.  

Remember the beer, Bud Dry? In Bud Bowl III, Bud Dry is some hot shot new rookie bottle on the scene. 

Bud Light’s all-star quarterback was Bud Way Joe. Just like the Jets had Broadway Joe Namath  

Budweiser had the gigantic running back, the 40 ouncer, called the Freezer. Like the Chiefs have Christian Okoye. They ran over the opposing team’s defense. 

Bud Light Defense encountered the Freezer with two of their biggest 40 ouncers, calling them the Washer and the Dryer. 

Like the Chicago Bears having the Refrigerator William Perry making a wall versus the opposing team’s running game. 

The Bud Bowl had smaller bottles as coaches as you can see throwing his clip board. The cans were fans in the stadium as they even did the wave. All this Bud Bowl talk takes me to a man cave called Sid’s Place. 

As you see, the place is a man cave heaven with lots of intriguing classics including the old one-and-done American Alliance Football League Pennants. When I saw the old Bud Bowl cardboard cut outs, like they used at liquor stores back then, I had to take some pictures and get them on Captain Caveman’s Man Cave delights. 

Every team needs a good kicker Bud’s own Budski. You can see Sid’s place has an old Refrigerator Perry Tee-shirt displayed behind Bud’s kicker. 

Love the Freezer, my favorite bottle in this Bud Bowl mania. 

Bobby and Billy Bud are two of the fastest running backs in the game. Both bottle backs can only be identified by those snazzy different color bandanas they wear around their bottle necks 

This display cutout has multiple players including Budway Joe and his signature goggles on. If you never seen any of the Bud Bowls, check them out on YouTube, they have them all.  


The Premium Mustang Malt liquor can is one oldie but a goody. The can is part of my vintage collection I have displayed in my garage bar. The can is steel out of which they don’t make them like they used to with a pull tab top which breweries do not do anymore. Premium Mustang Malt liquor died in 1990 which was made by Pittsburgh Brewing Company. They are the same brewers who produced Iron City. The malt liquor debuted in 1957 and had a decent run of 33 years.  

Mustangs are wild horses untamed which live off the land and are free as a bird. The red eye of the Mustang draws me in.  

The eye of the Mustang on the can reminds me of the red eyes in the Terminator movies. 

How would you like to be a quarterback in the NFL getting chased down by a defensive lineman with red eyes blazing? By the time Mario Williams came to the Buffalo Bills and signed a big money deal, he lost a step or two. I give Williams credit. An offensive lineman looking at these red eyes light up behind the tinted helmet visor has to have a guy a little nervous.  

My question now is, is a Stallion the same thing as a Mustang? Spring football over the years all is about the wild horses dragging me away. The Blue helmet is the Salt Lake City Stallions which lasted not even one full season in the AAF that ran out of money and shut down. The Birmingham Stallions who recently won the entire thing in the rebirth of the USFL. The Stallions were also around in the first USFL, the one former President Trump ruined the league which folded after three seasons.  


In my opinion, the 1965 Ford Mustang is one of the best sports cars of all-time. The Premium Mustang can has that black Mustang firing on all cylinders standing up on its hind legs ready to burn rubber. The color scheme of the old can is sharp. The gold outlining the black mustang bring you in to the red eye lasering through your mind set. 

We will ride into the sunset with this can with these pictures above.  


In the movie Apocalypse Now, “I love the smell of Napalm in the morning, “ is a classic line. These days I love seeing Russian tanks destroyed on the side of the road.

I can’t smell the burning of those Soviet tanks, but I imagine in the Ukraine, these are small victories that can add up as Vladimir Putin sooner or later will regret his decision to invade an innocent country. I love the story about Pravada brewing using their bottles to make Molotov cocktails. The brewery has cool political labels they have used on some of their beers since the revolution in 2014 when Ukraine tossed the Russian Puppet Theater out of office.

Then Donald Trump’s face is on a Mexican-style beer that Pravada Brewing makes. Trump should have finished those walls at the border.

Does Donald Trump eat tacos?

Now we come to the best logo that Pravada makes. They poke fun of the dictator Vladimir Putin aka Dickhead.

Russian Soldiers could be looking at these Putin is a Dick bottles coming at them flaming. People should be able to throw them through Putin’s windows flaming. Putin will have his day and get his. I love all the drawings and the creations of these beer labels. Hope Ukraine survives and Pravada Brewing’s future is bright because these beer labels would be cool somewhere in the man cave.


Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin now has their own version of  a dick head can for Vladimir Putin.

If you buy a crowler of Putin is a Dick from Lakefront Brewing, the money goes to refugees from Ukraine. Money goes to a great cause while you drink beer and have a collector’s item for the man cave.

For the 30th selection of beer art, I found an Old Style can that I saved years ago. It was a can that salutes Chicago’s bravest: Chicago Fire Fighters.

Old Style beer was made in Wisconsin and originally brewed by G. Heilman Brewing. Present day, the recipe for Old Style is being brewed by Pabst Blue Ribbon. PBR probably hires Miller brewing to actually make it. Old Style has always been associated with Chicago even though it goes back to its origins of being made and produced in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Perhaps Chicago adopted Old Style and has never looked back. I love how Old Style made a can to salute fire fighters. I love the Chicago Fire department logo emerged with the Old Style logo to create a very cool looking can.

The firemen with the axes and the Chicago skyline with the colors makes this Old Style can very sharp looking. How many kids grew up wanting to be a firefighter? Only a certain type of person can go through a burning building and risk their own lives to save you and me. All first responders are heroes. All those who had to walk up all those flights of stairs when the planes hit the World Trade Center on 9/11. Many were killed when the towers crumbled. They are unnerved with ice through their veins as they enter risky situations with towering flames, blinding smoke, and have to work quickly before the foundation of the building collapses.

The firefighter mentality to fight a fire and save people as well is like a bond of brotherhood or sisterhood that only a few jobs in the world have this kind of working relationship. No fear is charging up those stairs in the World Trade Center. To save innocent people. Any fire small, medium, big, or inferno can be dangerous. Every day they will be there to serve humanity while risking their own lives. I love that Old Style did a special can for the warriors, who are firefighters.


1974 Towering Inferno

It’s about a new Sky Scraper that was the tallest building in the World. It catches on fire with an electricity problem. All-star cast includes Paul Newman and Steve McQueen.

1985 Turk 182

This is about a Fireman who off-duty goes into a building on fire, rescues a child, gets injured, and was denied benefits by the Mayor. The off-duty man came out of the bar and was drinking when he ran into the burning building. The injured man’s brother’s mission is to humiliate the Mayor who denied his brother the benefits. Turk 182 stars Robert Urich and Timothy Hutton.

2005 Ladder 49

This is about a Baltimore firefighter trapped in a warehouse fire. He relives the events of what got him to this point of his life. John Travolta and Joaquin Phoenix star in this thriller.


1991 Back Draft

This is about two brothers working in the same fire house. Both brothers do not get along with each other. Their father was a fireman who dies in the line of duty while one of the sons were on hand. Then both brothers have to deal with an arsonist on the loose. All-star cast that features Kurt Russell, William Baldwin and Robert De Niro.

Two firefighters in Backdraft were nicknamed Bull and Axe.


1987 Fire House


I found this next label in my regular monthly order from Beers across America: The Thresher. Or is it called a combine? Maybe it’s called a harvester. This machine may help make beer as fields of barley and wheat need to be mowed down and hauled off to all the local breweries. The beer is called Thresher and is brewed in Marshall, Minnesota and by Brau Brothers.  Thresher is a Bohemia style pilsner and has a Harvester machine in a field of future beer on the label.

The coloring of the label makes the machine look like a tank in a coloring camouflage. Looks like the machine is done for the day mowing down a redwood-sized barley crop. Besides plowing the fields, the Thresher machine pops up in my mind from the movie, The Crazies.

An unknown toxin turns a small town upside down in the movie. The good citizens turn into blood-thirsty maniacs. When the farmer starts up, the thresher in the bar with the lights on the machine just blinds the other townfolks. The first picture on the top was from the Zombieland Double Tap movie as they are chasing the zombies with the thresher. In an apocalypse, who would not want to be the first one on your block with a zombie chasing killing machine?

The world did not have any kind of zombie apocalypse, even though I thought the 2020 Pandemic was going to have more crazies coming out of the woodwork to start a worldwide trouble in paradise. Who knows? It can still happen. Let’s hope not. Besides farmers buying them, you need to sell these machines to the local hobbyist. How do you sell a two-ton machine with a diesel turbine engine. Not a gear head, but you know what I mean. Sex sells. Babes on machines would get any joker to open up his wallet and pull out that lucky card.



In the second oldest brewery in America, in Monroe, Wisconsin, we discovered a treasure trove of artifacts in the basement. Monroe, Wisconsin is the biggest town in Green County. It is located on the Illinois/Wisconsin border. Monroe county is home to a huge Swiss population because of the land, as is all of Wisconsin, is dairy land. Dairy land produces cheese. The brewery in Monroe has been home to a few different names over the decades. Huber Brewing was the biggest name and beer that came out of Monroe, Wisconsin.

Huber was purchased like most breweries, by getting bought out. Now in Minhas Brewery runs the show in Monroe.

We could not get into the brewery tour of Minhas on the weekend adventure. Another day & another time for that. Did do a tasting, had some lunch, and found their basement museum of any person’s man cave dreams. We found all sorts of beer memorabilia which included vintage posters and signs. Planes, trains, and automobiles are not just a movie.  

More tappers than the best stocked bar…

Not to mention, countless random collectibles.

There was a treasure trove of classic beer signs.

This is only a small sampling of the beer trucks they had on display.

So, as you can see Captain Caveman really hit the Mancave lottery.

The original Argus Lager from Argus Brewing has been the number one label on the beer art page for quite a while. The monster with multiple eyes ripping up trees while using a tree trunk as a weapon. Argus Brewing went belly up during the first wave of the invasion of the Covid Virus. We came across another Argus Brewing bottle with some interesting art on it. The Paschke Polish Style pilsner is something from another planet. It would seem like one of those paintings where you have to squint your eyes just right in order to unveil the naked woman that somehow lives inside the bottle in the label.  

Every teenage male’s fantasy is finding a bottle and opening it up to find a beautiful Jeanie that offers you wishes and herself. An out-of-this world beauty that calls you master. Surprised the show that made horny teenagers back then hasn’t found themselves on some kind of ban list. Just because Jeanie called the Astronaut her master. The generations these days will find a way to kill off anything made in the past. Especially things that at the time were thought of as innocent.

This label to me looks like some character out of the cartoon, Rude Dog and the Dweebs. Rude dog I never watched. However Ren and Stimpy  are two nice idiots that fit the bill with this Polish Pilsner.


Mad Town Nut Brown, brewed by Ale Asylum, has a label depicting something going down you hope you never have to be a part of. Grave diggers use machines these days to bury a body. This label looks like they are trying to get rid of a body. Get rid of the evidence of the person you just dispatched. If you’re a smart ass, you could say burying your pet hamster so little Jimmy does not cry in your ears. “Sorry little Jimmy, your hamster left to go to the farm downstate,” is how that conversation went down.

This label is definitely not a midnight stroll of two people carrying shovels on a night out with a full moon.  This label reminds me of an old movie, “An American Werewolf in London.”

I remember watching the movie on VHS as a young kid and getting scared when the guy turns into wolf.

The show, “Sons of Anarchy” was about a motorcycle gang for whom killing people and getting rid of bodies was the norm on each episode. Steven King played a character called Bachman who specialized in getting rid of bodies.

Tig Trager, a slime ball on Sons Of Anarchy, probably led the group with getting rid of bodies.

Tig Trager was the type to have sex with a female body before he got rid of the body completely. Sons of Anarchy, besides grave digging, had a guy at the crematory burning some of the bodies to a crisp, to make it easier on the back digging holes.

I have watched almost all the FX shows. Above in the show, “The Americans,” the Russian spies are folding up bodies into suitcases as bones are cracking.

Then you had characters that played guys like Bachman, that specialized in taking care of sticky situations. Ray Donovan and the Wolf may be two of the greatest at their jobs in the history of television.

Then the greatest monster truck besides Big Foot goes to the Grave Digger. How many cars did the Grave Digger put down or I should say crushed?

How would you like to be a part of this patch? Initiation might not be so fun to be a part of their crowd.


This label caught my eye years ago and that’s a main reason why I purchased the Blonde Bomber. This Blonde Bomber has nothing to do with Terry Bradshaw, from the Pittsburgh Steelers, back in the day when he was behind center. Blonde Bomber is brewed by Veterans Brewing Company. It’s a beer that is no longer around, which is a shame because it was a great beer to drink. At the time when they were around, some of the profits went to disabled veterans from each purchase. I love the planes on the labels. Bombers flying high and ready to leave their mark on the world. Or flatten an evil terrorist who’s out sunbathing. Then suddenly an eclipse happens as he might resemble that old garbage pail kid, Flat Pat.

On Memorial Day, we salute our veterans with some of our favorite war movies of all-time. They may not be the best of the best . They will not be in any special order. Each of our sleeper picks have some interesting moments and some great acting that have made these movies an interesting flick to watch, as we remember our fallen.

All’s we have to say is Bruce Willis is in this movie.

An epic tank battle in this film.

A medic who refuses to carry a gun in the battle field. All he needs is a knife and his medic bag to make a difference.

The mission was to get up the hill and take it as an important strategic move during these epic battles.

Saving Wendy from Ronald McDonald’s vision to monopolize the burger world, is a big deal in this show down.

Helicopters falling from the sky. Love all helicopter movies. The words “Black Hawk down, we have a Black down,” echoes inside your mind

Tom Hanks is awesome in this movie. Just what these missions are all about as soldiers will risk their lives for the sake of the mission , which was to save Private Ryan.

This is one of those movies you discover late at night. You start watching it and it sucks you in. You may not know the title until it’s over. Platoon leader is underrated.

This may be my favorite Vietnam movie of all-time. How many bullets did it take to take down the character of Willem Dafoe? All-star cast as well.

Twelve convicts from military prison on a mission. If they complete, it they will be set free. They also risk their own lives as well.

Your favorite lolly pop detective, Kojak. Telly Savalas plays a bad dude in the Dirty Dozen.

The next mission for the Dirty Dozen is when the team takes down a Nazi train.

Steel Workers going off to war. Great story of the war coming home. What friends and families go through when their loved ones go off to see horrible things.

Apocalypse Now had the best line in any war movie.


These colors don’t run..


Blue Fish Brut IPA’s bottle is made by Shipyard brewing. Around the neck of the bottle of beer, Shipyard has it’s cool logo of an old Clipper ship. Then on the main label below it is a guy fishing in a row boat. He’s on top of a big gigantic blue fish rising out of the water. First thing you think of is the old Jaws movies.

The very first Jaws movie was an instant classic. Then each Jaws movie dwindled in excitement after that. Jaws had the hired hitman style of shark hunter, Sam Quint, who the town hired to go after Jaws.

You have to compare Sam Quint to the gator wrestlers characters like Crocodile Dundee, Paul Hogan.

Besides Jaws, maybe Deep Blue Sea was the only well done movie about sharks. The rest of the movies are like Jason from Friday the 13th. Instead of a guy in a hockey mask, it’s a shark trying to eat swimmers. Sharks obviously love babes in bikinis chasing after them in the waters. It seems like only long legged beauties in these waters.


Then in the movie Sand Sharks, those fish love a good beach snack.

In these movies, do you root on the sharks to eat the surfer dudes? In the movie Sand Sharks, I guess these hungry fish are like tremors and can go through the sand. Why not let the shark eat the bad actor in this movie?

We know this actor did not go to Ridgemont High.

Then we have to discuss the Police Academy series of Shark movies. Sharknados which have quite a few out there, like how Police Academy got up there with citizens on patrol. Imagine sharks flying in the air like a tornado on a feeding frenzy.

Then in the Shark movie genre is Bait, a classic thriller. Sharks find their way into a mall. I picked a bad day to hit the Gap for a pair of socks.

How would a Rick Grimes fear in the waters infested by zombie Sharks?

Blue Fish Brut can just be a bad day for fishermen.

It can turn you into a grumpy old man. Maybe not all of them will be grumpy, some still show the spirit.


Five Best Zombie Movies to Watch While Home-bound

  1. 1978 Dawn of the Dead

2. Planet Terror

3. Land of the Dead

Night of the Living Dead

5. Zombie Land

Best Zombie Kills

Best Amazon Driver in an Apocalypse

The way the Governor delivered those walkers to Rick Grimes front door of the prison.

Bad Ass Zombies

Best Find in an Apocalypse

Score! Hostess Never Gets Old

Best One-Handed Zombie Fighter

Best Zombie Fighter with One Leg Missing

Best Zombie Posse

The Most Important Guy in a Zombie Apocalypse

Best Swing by Neagan

Looks like a meatball toss right down the middle of the plate for Negan.

The Baddest Ass of Them All

Oh Yeah like the kool aid guy Rick Grimes.

Beer Art

Every morning should start off with an espresso like her. Morning Espresso Glory Espresso Stout brewed by Old Dominion Brewing takes you back to the days of war. As you look through the window you see a military fighter plane parked on the runway. This could have been one of those nights an Air Force Pilot got lucky in Kentucky. As the female companion is a complete knock out wearing dog tags and some of the uniform that was quickly tossed to the side only a few hours ago with this morning hump. This label brings you back to some troubled times but some nice innocent times also. Lets dive deep into the Espresso Goddess of a label and see what else we can bring to the table.

The advertisements back then were using females in uniforms around war time. How pretty they look in a Military cap and uniform. Like how some girls look amazing in a baseball cap. Plus smoke em if you got them. No lung cancer talk back then. Cigarettes were like the diet of some girls to stay thin.

What about the gals on roller skates as we move further into the future? The short shorts. Getting a burger delivered to the car with some long legged beauty. Now that’s better than door dash.

Arnold’s drive in or any dive diner lets not forget about Pinky Tuscadero from the show Happy Days. No wonder the Fonz used to say, “HEYYYYY!!!” Look at her. A red head with spunk exposing her stomach on your bike. Some hate spunk. This Spunk you can not go wrong with.

Then ladies on skates like the fights in the video game, Blades of Steel. Women’s roller derby. Tough girls with tattoos exposed in skimpy outfits that want to bring a smack down to the other opposing team. The 1970s were big for roller derby with chicks at high speeds chasing after each other like the Indy 500 race.

Women in uniform from Hollywood being Female warriors.

Trained for combat. Trained to kill. Something about a women with a gun being a total bad ass and conquering her mission versus the enemy. If you end up in the position seeing her the next morning half dressed with her kill clothes, you may need Gatorade because you may be going another round in a heated passion marathon to get the mission off their minds.



We have found a nice relic sign at the Hideout in Chicago. The drummer of Radio Collective sent us this art hanging on the wall in a jazz joint. The Hideout was a former speakeasy during the prohibition days. We don’t like to use the word prohibition around these parts anymore.

The Hideout became a public house in 1916. It served Chicago alcohol during the 1919 Black Sox scandal.

Before 1916 the Hideout was a boarding house for local factories. On the wall, drummer Robert Chinnici found the land of sky blue waters.

If you have a man cave you need to have something on your wall from Hamm’s beer. Should be a rule.

Usually drummers beat to their own tune. But Southside Bob is our number one drummer we know.

He may be the only drummer we know. So don’t hold that against us.



This is the second label in a row from Greenbush brewing. Third label overall from Greenbush that we have written about. Anger Black India Pale Ale reminds me of when that somebody is raged out because of something you might or might not have done. Perhaps you’re an innocent bystander in the whole situation.

You’re walking down Hogan’s Alley and “Boom” someone shoots your head off for whistling Dixie.

In any guy’s mind, you want to say to this gal, you’ve got the wrong Hogan. Bob Krane was probably killed from an Anger that most would not want to see. All those years videotaping his bed room conquests with all the women he slept with. Taping them without them knowing. I believe his murder is still unsolved to this day.

Besides dealing with what every guy deals with, the Anger bottle has a Godzilla monster on it. Shooting out flames and causing havoc around him. I think of all those old movies. I think of the greatest host of all those old movies on Saturday night.

Svengoolie and his rubber chickens. The way he would say the town of Berwyn. He would say “BERRRR-WYNNNNN”

Svengoolie had an unbelievable cult following. Lots of big names. Lots of scary dudes. Lots of babes.

Every Saturday, Svengoolie had a horror movie playing on the old antenna television. Lots of them were versions of King Kong, Planet of the Apes, Godzilla and Godzilla versus every monster imaginable.

Godzilla grew scarier as the years went by. As television evolved, the monster evolved. The first Godzilla movies, he seemed to gravitate to Japan. He walked through, eating and knocking down buildings on a big rampage.

Then they brought monsters together to fight each other. The famous rival of Godzilla would be King Kong. They would be compared to Ali and Frazier in the boxing ring.


Godzilla was always on the fight card with some other monster. Comics had him fighting the swamp thing. They even had a robotic monster back in the day. Godzilla even fought all the prehistoric monsters.What would be a good fight card today if you had Godzilla going against other monsters from other worlds. Other movies basically.







When I saw this label I immediately thought about the board game, Battleship.

Everyone when they were kids had to have played Battleship. Sometimes on a cold winter night if you’re an and adult having a few belt,s it’s good to play a game of Battleship. If you live in the delta house, a great game is battle shots.

If you’re strapped for cash, you make the game out of pizza boxes. Get those plastic shot glasses and fill them up with ripple.

This is our second beer label art we did from Greenbush Brewing company. First one was the Underwater Space Gator. I love the battleship on the label. Shooting out flowers, well some might think that is strange.

Well it was the Mayflower that the pilgrims came on. We just ignore the flowers for right now and look at cool battleships.

Lets not forget the last ship. The series that had the Nathan James.

The women of the Last Ship. Once you go battle ship you never go back to the carrier.

The flowers shooting out of the cannons prevents this label being on top of the chart. I feel like the flowers are some kind of magic from Harry Anderson on Night Court.


Our next finding comes from the state of Wisconsin. This discovery is not from the Captain himself, but from our investigative reporter of the blog. He is the jack of all trades when it comes to beer. He can park cars all day. Plays guitar for a band called Radio Collective. The one and only, Tom Jarema.

Tom ventured off to Madison, Wisconsin over the weekend for their annual beer fest. After a long afternoon of sampling a million Bells beers, Tom needed some food soakers. Where can you get beer brats and cheese curds in the state of Wisconsin? Like asking where is the local Irish pub in Ireland. He found his way to the Old Fashioned bar in Madison, Wisconsin. It is a retro style tavern known for what your father used to drink. Plus plenty of grease to sober up any musician and obviously get them drunk for the second time of the day.


Lots of old antique beer signs throughout the joint. The best discovery Tom made is the Schlitz ceiling light. Looks like a version of a Schlitz chandelier. Schlitz, the beer that made Milwaukee famous.

That is quite a discovery on Tom’s weekend venture to the dairy state. Tom Jarema, our investigative reporter, has a keen eye for great old nostalgic beer art that hangs in bars across the states. We will hear from him again in our next segment of Captain Caveman, the man about the man cave decor.


It has been along time since Captain Man Cave has been in a bar near you. Captain Caveman has been very busy backpacking in Europe. He arrived back in the states and he was very hungry for a simple cheeseburger. He found himself at New Buffalo at a very popular burger place, called Redamak’s. It’s an institution and a main staple of New Buffalo, Michigan. Some will inform you it’s one of the best burgers in the states. We know the Captain did not find any decent cheeseburgers in Europe. After scarfing a few dozen burgers down, the Captain found some cool things hanging on the walls at this burger paradise.

When you first walk in, you see pictures of famous people hanging throughout their restaurant and bar.

Do you think Mike Dita and Shirley from Rob’s Diner on “What’s Happening” were banging each other? Shirley, you can’t be serious? Quit calling me Shirley. Out of the famous people on the walls these two characters jumped out and definitely are cool to have on the walls in your bar or man cave.

Whatever happened to the beer Rolling Rock? You hardly ever see it around. On the east coast, Rolling Rock is still hanging on for their dear life as it’s not even brewed in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Someone else owns Rolling Rock, like most beers these days.

It’s a very cool Rolling Rock beer sign they have hung up on the walls of Redamak’s. It’s a mirror sign that shows you the old factory in Latrobe painted on.

The final item the Captain discovered was a stadium seat from the Old Chicago stadium.

The history this seat saw in the old Chicago stadium is endless. From all those old Blackhawk teams that played old time hockey. Those very early Michael Jordan teams when he first came into the league. He had some big games. He had some legendary dunks as well, like the burgers at Redamaks. The National Anthem being sung at the old stadium at Blackhawks games comes to my mind. The placed rocking in the 90s with Desert Storm going down overseas, was the ultimate compliment for a country being united and a salute to the troops.        



This next beer label art is from way back in the days of steel cans. We can say this is old school beer can art. This Sawdust City Days can is from 1979. This beer is brewed by Walter Brewing Company in Eau Claire Wisconsin. The brewery is not in business any more. The Walter beer recipes are still out there being made by other breweries. All the beer equipment inside the brewery has probably been sold for scrap metal. So many of these small breweries don’t have the nine lives to stick around. Most of them get purchased by the big companies so they can continue to monopolize the beer market.

Sawdust City Days was probably a small logging town in Wisconsin. As it shows you a lumber jack swinging the axe cutting down trees old school way.


Eau Claire, the Sawdust city, through which floated most of the lumber in northern Wisconsin. Was the city where the buzz of the saw mills was the music in the ears of its inhabitants for over fifty years.

I believe this can is dedicated to the hard work of the lumber jack. Many logging towns probably loved to indulge in a few dozen beers after work, having been swinging an axe for ten hours. Wearing flannel shirts with ear flap hats. Guys with beards with last week’s soup tangled in their webbed beard hairs. Plus lumber jacks have the coolest equipment.

This label tells me to let the games begin. Who would not want to see the Lumber Jack Olympics in full action enjoying a few dozens cans of an ice cold lager?


All LUMBER JACKED out, some of these towns have local baseball teams.

My clean up hitter in the Timber Jack’s line up.

He can crack some heads with runners on base.

This can reminds me of all those cool Paul Bunyan statues you see on the roads of America.

I think piled high flap jacks when I see one of these guys high in the sky. I would want the one with the big keg of beer in his arm, at my house. Neighbors would love me.

The best thrasher movie involves a guy and a chainsaw.

Coming in at number two, a close number two. It has to be the wood chipper in Fargo.

Bloody mess. Bloody not likely in small logging towns. Anything can happen in Fargo.




Look at the axe on her.



Round Barn Brewery is going Mayberry on their English Dry stout called Barley Fife. Has the old squad car in the middle of the barley field on the label. Definitely a tribute to Barney Fife from the Andy Griffith show. Don Knotts played a deputy in the Andy Griffith show that lacked intelligence, but made up for it with  good intentions. The best ever whistling song, they used to open up the show with. Mayberry was a small town where everyone knew everyone. It was a town the Sheriff, Andy Griffith, walked around without carrying a gun. He had Barney who was a wizard with the six shooter he had with like two bullets. It would be great to live in a town like that where you leave your doors and windows unlocked and not fear people that make bad decisions. The drunk in Mayberry had a bed at the jail to sleep it off. Drinking a few dark Barley Fifes, you will need a second bed close by to the pubs.

With this label I figured if I was running a very small town like Mayberry, who would I want working the Police station? I took characters that had played police officers in TV shows. Shows where they were sheriffs in small rural towns. Mostly down south. The Barney Fife label inspired me to come up with the most interesting rag tag bunch ever to protect my small town from you. Most of these guys you could probably bamboozle and get out of most tickets. They might also arrest you for the wrong reason.  That’s OK. What would be the worst crime they will take you in for, littering?


I used Hazzard county because of the show the Dukes of Hazzard. We take the Berry from Andy Griffith’s town since we are discussing the Barley Fife label. Sparta is the town set in the show In the Heat of the Night.


I want a big fat guy. Plus a big fat guy that smokes a cigar. Plus he owns the best BBQ joint in town. Where I grew up, the town had a big fat guy as Mayor.


You have to go with Archie Bunker, a guy that gets along with all people. Does not even matter the color of their skin. Plus, he’s a straight shooter. He calls you whatever color you are in the box of crayons.


Carl and Bill could be brothers. Different mothers. Another straight shooter. Not too smart, but my town does not need his intelligence. Plus he hangs out with a big black women named Nell Harper who is bad to the bone.


I know Andy is a cop. Need a prosecutor. Have you seen Matlock?

THE SHERIFF: Suzanne Somers

All’s I have to say is Thigh master. Need someone on the force that does not feast on donuts.


The bad ass line says it all, In the Heat of the night.

“They call me Mister Tibbs”

The name is Bubba. My imaginary town is out in the South. Bubba is a perfect moonshining name for a hillbilly country boy.


If you challenge the Fonz, you’re not going to win. Even though he was a  moron, he still had the balls to challenge the Fonz on Happy Days.


I have two patrolmen for each car.



Who is a smarter cop between Officer Simpson or Barney Fife?



Every town needs a K-nine team.



When you have a Bubba, then you need a Roscoe, and then as the icing on the cake, you need a Enos.


Barney is our best cop on the force. He has a beer name after him. Plus he is a gunslinger. High noon I want him drawing against any little rascal they bring to the table.

Every country town has to have a Daisy walking in the field. Brightening up the place the way flowers do.



Raspberry Truffle Abduction is a beer brewed by Pipe Works Brewing. I have noticed Pipe Works has many interesting labels. Pipe Works is another brewery in the Windy City. This is the second beer label art in a row from a brewery in Chicago.

This label has two aliens cutting open your typical type of guy in my book, that would be abducted by aliens. The beer is called Raspberry Truffle and as you can see a raspberry pops out of his body instead of the heart that most humans have. The main doctor alien must be under some pressure to cut open a guy that is alive and fully alert of what is going down. The alien doctor is perspiring. Could be the lighting in the operating room as well. Because the nurse alien who is assisting is giving the Dr. Alien a sponge bath.

I compiled up some of the best aliens that can perform an operation on you. Perhaps we can say what Aliens scare the crap out of you if you were to see them with a knife and about to cut you open. What alien girl would be poking and prodding you?


Alien from Aliens the movie.

No wonder they made Aliens versus Predators. It’s like a heavy weight fight between the two fiercest aliens in the galaxy.



Alf could make you laugh at least. He loves the pussy cat like most people do.


This is one alien you who would just make you want to kill yourself. If my world was going to be taken over, it is not with his alien race.

These aliens are like the invasion of the brainy smurfs. Take a pin and pop those big eye balls. Sell their brains to the guy from Silence of the Lambs and make a little side hustle.


She in that tight red uniform she filled out very nicely.

This is very impressive but in the same way very bad. Think of the hamster breath she will have in the morning.

She would need lots of make up. That face would need to be constantly worked on.

I would be the male Lois. Call me Larry.

The new V has a knock out as their leader of the alien race.

Seleena in Men in Black is a maneater who could rip out any guy’s raspberry. The ride might be exciting though.

When you go to a different city, the first thing you do is look an for Irish pub that is open late. If you traveled the galaxy, most likely the Irish alien gals are  going to be the hottest. You might have to fight the Hulk for this one.  This Rachel Nichols.



Argus Brewery might be one of the closest breweries to my house. It is in Chicago, in the old Pullman neighborhood. Never knew it existed until I felt some eyeballs looking at me and voila… Argus Lager was staring at me. This label is incredible with a monster with a thousand eyes going after humans about to club them down with a tree.

First thing that pops in my my mind is something out of the old toys and comic book, the Inhumanoids.

The first inhumanoid monster looks like some kind of dinosaur. It grabs humans and uses its ribs as a jail cell to hold on to them, maybe to feed off of later on.

You have to love the redwood tree monsters from Inhumanoids, as we see Argus using one of them to beat on humans.

You have to like the rock guys in the inhumanoids as well. Boulders coming alive. Who’s tougher, the granite guy from the Inhumanoids or Joe Rockhead from the Flintstones?

Could be heavy weight fighters or could be distant cousins.

All the eyeballs remind me of my favorite eyeball character from Snake Mountain, Triclops and his rotating eyeballs.

Looks like he wants to grab Evil Lynn’s chest protector.

Imagine if Sons of Anarchy had a character like Argus in season seven.

Jax would have had a field day if Argus crossed him.



You have to love the gal they made in that movie who turned Chet into the monster.





Why are these monsters so happy?

Kathy Ireland is a Goddess





I don’t know his name but this could easy be an Argus relative.

Then we have Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars


You know we have to show Leila with Jabba

Every boy named Ross fantasy.



You know Pizza the Hutt has to have a girl chained to him as well .

dominos girl

You know it’s the Dominos gal.

Argus Lager brewed by Argus brewing out of the old Pullman neighborhood in Chicago is now at the top of the charts in label art. What do your eyeballs think?



Arctic Panzer Wolf is brewed by of course, Three Floyds brewery. This is the fourth Three Floyds beer label we have done in this section of the blog. The stuff that comes out of their heads at Three Floyds is like Steven King style coming out of his horror novels/zombie graphic novels. They lead the league in awesome and crazy labels so far in the beer art label section.

The first thing you notice on this label is the Viking warrior princess standing on pile of skulls. The thought process is she killed all those Vikings from the Capital One commercials and took their cards.


Now she could actually say, “What’s in her purse?” Probably the bag is made out of Tyrannosaurus Rex, like Alligator wallets and bags they make nowadays.

We can stay focused on the pile of skulls. However someone might need a bigger duffel bag to carry them around.

Futuristic Arctic Panzer Wolf warrior and her furry wolves.


In the Terminator, the machines are just crushing skulls as they walk through the battle field.

As we look at the Viking Arctic babe standing on top of the mountain of skulls, you could match her up with the gals from the Masters of the Universe He-Man.

evil lynn two

You know Skeletor was all about Evil Lynn. However the Beast Man was probably getting down with the Lynn.

Then you have She-ra


She’s the angel on the other shoulder. A pure redhead. However you know HE-MAN was on the ‘roids. Quite could not get the power inside the Greyskull. SHE-RA had options. Ram Man and Man of Arms. She was very happy.

I will have to throw in the Baroness from Cobra.

the baroness

She would easily be able to walk over a pile of skulls.

What about the Wolves? Women and dogs could be very disturbing. The way they kiss each other or share food with their pet. Everyone knows a girl that has done these things with her K-nine. Only one guy comes to mind that could put up with the Arctic Panzer and her wolvers.


Only Snake Eyes from GIJOE could deal with the Arctic Panzer girl and her hounds.

Most people like their Arctic babes without the axe and sword.

You know you were thinking the same thing.



Captain Caveman found himself walking the streets of New Orleans. Besides picking up some chicks, he did walk into a old dive called Buffa’s and there he hit the motherload of cool things on the wall.


Captain Caveman believes in safety so before he sat down, he read the instructions on the wall just in case of an emergency.


Then behind the bar he read the warning signs so he could know what he is getting himself into with the locals.


He loved the PBR CAN sign in the shape of Louisiana.


Then this sign of the Cubs and Cardinals loving each other.


Plus a bar with a horn and charging people who whine with a ghostbuster logo. Now this little hole in the wall bar has some pretty cool stuff scattered throughout.


Buffa’s in New Orleans is the first bar on our long tour of Captain Caveman’s man cave decor.



This section is all about the beer label art. We will continue to find the coolest beer labels and talk about them the way we have been doing. We will now broaden your horizons and find works of art in man caves, taverns, bars and saloons or whatever you call your get away place to indulge in a few pints. We will find cool beer signs as well. What cool things do you have on display at your man cave or watering hole you like to go to? Feel free to send in picture and we will put it on this site.Tell us where you found it. What city and state as well. Take a picture of the establishment as well. If they have a sign on display, take a picture of that as well.



I will start things off in this section. I found this guy who creates art masterpieces out of beer cans. This guy would be a sculptor in the art world.


I found this guy at a craft show and I had to buy a few pieces off him. I purchased a WW2 type plane he made out of Yuengling beer cans.


The next piece I purchased was a pirate ship. Bud light did all the NFL logos on their beer cans throughout the states. This guy turned the Buffalo Bills Bud light cans into a Buffalo Bills pirate ship.


These artifacts are in my basement bar I call, Sid’s Place.


I have some other cool stuff. In due time I will have some pictures of the bar I have done there with some other cool things. I will also seek out cool stuff at other people’s man caves as well as my Santa Claus naughty and nice endless list of favorite watering holes. Also hope to get some people sending in pictures as well.



Coney Island Albino Python is brewed by Shmaltz brewing company. This is not your family style type label showing a hot woman French kissing a snake. Coney Island, I first think of the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest in the summer.

Would Lard Ass the character in the movie Stand by Me do well in Coney Island at the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest? He did well in the pie eating contest.

Can you imagine him shooting out broken down bits of hot dogs up-chucking? It’s a bad scene.

This girl on the label reminds me of some kind circus freak.


I could see Cobra Commander getting his chrome face all foggy for this chick. Girls and snake kissing… what about dogs and girls kissing? Knew a girl that she did not mind the dog licking her fork as she would use it after the dog licked like it was no problem. Dog licking it’s junk all day, than turn around and licks the girl you’re about to kiss. Snakes are creepy, especially their tongues, so you have to throw those girls under the bus as well.

Would you bring any of these gals home to your mother? I’d be afraid of these women. Do they want the snake in bed like the women and their dogs? Can you imagine sleeping and something slithering around you? It would freak the crap out of me. Then if you get in an argument with one of these reptile women, will you feel the reptile constricting your neck?

Then on top of the bottle, Shmaltz Brewery has some kind of Joker looking character grinning like a wild man.

I can see these types of women hanging out with the Joker. He and the Cobra Commander fighting over these reptile loving girls.



You wonder if Samuel Jackson made an wallet out of one of those reptiles and then used the same wallet in Pulp Fiction.


At Snake Mountain you know Evil Lynn was all about the Trap Jaw over Skeletor.

eveil lynn


Don’t you dare think drilldo.



Dragon’s brew by Pipe Works Brewing Company has a lot going on in this label. Pipe Works brewing is a company like Three Floyds and some of the others who really go crazy with their beer labels. First thing I notice, it looks to me like the Big Lebowski drinking a beer and holding onto the dragon tale like a ride in an amusement park.

Maybe the head of the dragon could be John Goodman in the Big Lebowski. THE DUDE SLAYING DRAGONS in bowling while drinking some hot stuff that creates a breath that’d melt the skin off somebody. While bowling and drinking multiple beers and eating a couple of those hot dogs rotating in a glass case could stir up some dragon breath. This label reminds me of a friend from way back in time. It was not him, it was a gal he dated for awhile. She had the dragon breath. Maybe she was drinking swamp juice who knows but this label takes me back in time.

Since we are going down dragon road back in time, my question is… How did Mario even had a chance against the dragon that size? I don’t care how much fungus he ate no way in hell he should be able to beat up that dragon that is that size.

mario dragon

These are some cool dragons I have gathered up.

However give me the Dino Bots any day to kick some dragon scales.





1-10-18 BAH HUMBUG


Wychwood brewery brings you a Christmas cheer with their Christmas ale called Bah Humbug. I got this beer for Christmas and it has good ole Scrooge being chased down by three ghosts: Christmas Past, Present, and the Future. I was trying to figure out how to get the ole Scoogie Woogie some X-mas spirit without relying on Inky, Blinky, and the marvelous Clyde to do the dirty work. A good Christmas movie usually gets me in the spirit for the holidays. However I think the old Scrooge would frown on the classics like It’s a Wonderful life. Miracle on 34th Street he would buy up the block and demolish it in the New Year. The Muppet Christmas movies he would saute Kermit’s legs, while sticking an apple in Piggy’s mouth and having  a pig roast with her. You can’t have him watch those X-mas horror movies where Santa’s got an axe and going around killing people. We don’t need Scrooge with ideas for people that owe him money to be slayed down around the holidays. What do you think happened to Tiny Tim’s leg? I have compiled up a list of Christmas movies that will portray a Scrooge type of character. Someone naughty, someone grumpy. But a list of movies that will get the old miser a deep down rooted laugh which he has lacked for years. Movies with some balls and tits. Movies with some action and helicopters and fights. Stay tuned for the list that will  de-bah humbug anyone.


#1.TRADING PLACES: A drunken Santa. Eddie Murphy collecting money for the blind. Jamie Lee Curtis’ Christmas outfit !!! Holy Cow Batman. Betting on sending rich people to the poor house for a dollar is PRICELESS !!!!


2. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE CHRISTMAS: The Church Lady to Chevy Chase trimming the tree. Another drunken Santa. Don’t forget Hanukkah Harry saving Christmas. Plus Eddie Murphy selling dolls with an actual cabbage as a head and calling them Cabbage Patch Kid dolls.

3.ROCKY IV Would you want to watch Lebron James and crappy NBA basketball? Do they ever call traveling calls on these guys? My God Man they run to the basket without dribbling. I’d rather watch Rocky versus the Russian which was fought on Christmas.


4.GRUMPY OLD MEN Scrooge can see how he acts during this great comedy. The movie is set in Minnesota. Plus some of the movie is during the Holiday season during which Christmas drinks are had. Plus lots of ice holes. Don’t be a putz and miss this classic. You Moron!!!

5. LETHAL WEAPON Might be the two best cop partners of all time. Hookers jumping out windows during the Holidays. Great lines like “All dressed up and nobody to blow.” Drug deals going down in a Christmas tree lot. Lots of shoot ’em up action will get anybody Jolly for the Holidays.

6. SCROOGED We have to have at least one Scrooge movie on the list. I went with Scrooged. Who can play a better scrooge then Bill Murray?

7. THE REF Now you have to forget about Kevin Spacey and his little boy fantasies. Concentrate on Denis Leary’s performance.This is one of the funniest X-mas dark comedies of all-time. Even dysfunctional families get along during the Holidays. Even though they needed to be held hostage to love each other. This film has a drunken Santa. Plus good ole fruit cake.



Now that would make a very nice Christmas card to send out to all the people that need to know I have a Machine Gun. This is probably the best shoot em up action Christmas movie of all-time. It has the best lines in it as well. Terrorists take over a building while a company’s Christmas party is going on. No worries if you are late to the party, Bruce Willis will greet you by throwing Walmart greeters out a high rise window.

welcome toparty pal.

9. DIE HARD 2 Well if you’ve already seen the first Die Hard why not dive into the second which is another action film based around Christmas. This time Bruce Willis is in an airport. Lots of great shoot em up action again. Great lines but not as many as the first one had. I even throw Denis Franz in this one if you binge watch them both in one night.

10.CHRISTMAS STORY This one is perfect for Christmas day since it is on 24 hours a day on TNT. This could be one of the funniest movies of all time. You have guns that will shoot your eye out. You have soap in the mouth for swear words. How licking the Festivus pole is a gigantic no no. Bunny suits and leg lamps. Hugh Hefner would have actual bunnies lighting up his house. Eating at a Chinese restaurant I know that’s going to happen some day with my family.


11. CHRISTMAS VACATION Another classic. Stringing lights all over your house. Cutting down your own tree. Having your family over for the Holidays. Cousin Eddie and a dog named Snots. Your aunt wrapping up a cat in the box. Grace is the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag during dinner. SWAT people come over while you read the Night Before Christmas. This one has another kidnapping. You know a Christmas without ransom demands is not Christmas.

12.BAD SANTA This is not your typical family film. This movie has it all if you like off the wall humor. Drunken Santa that is a safe cracker. Whose side kick is a midget who is the elf. They play Santa and elf for the kids at the local malls. Then they steal the mall’s money from the safe. Bad Santa’s never shy about anything he says. This has a lot of raunchiness in it. Including the girl he has sex with that has a Santa fetish. If you like sandwiches, this is the movie for you. Also this movie had John Ritter and Bernie Mac, two great actors that have passed away, in small roles.

13 REINDEER GAMES Is another action film. It brings the Christmas spirit with Santas robbing the Indian Casino. It has a pretty good cast of characters in this one. Including Denis Farina wasting Santas with a machine gun. Gary Sinese plays a bad guy in this. It’s a movie with lots of twists and turns. The casino turns into a blood bath of Santas but someone survives with all the loot.

That wraps up the de-bah humbug X-MAS movie list. Next year if you know anybody that is a scrooge around the Holidays, use this list of movies to get this cat some Xmas spirit. Some beer would not hurt either or spiked egg nog.



Death by Viking is from Solemn Oath Brewery. The viking on the label looks to be killing everything in it’s path. Looks to be battling the weather conditions at the same time while it rampages through humans and animals. It could be a viking battling it’s way through a graveyard. You can see hands coming out of the ground trying to grab the viking as it pushes through with it’s shield and any second it will swing that ax and make a precision swipe to cut the hand off before the body rises up from the crypts

jason lives

It could be another chapter in the Mortal Kombat saga. Jason from Friday the 13th meets the red eyed viking. Who would win?

Just in time for Christmas.The red eyed viking is approached by Santa Claus on a foggy Christmas night. Santa asks him with those red eyes will you help me kill the Easter Bunny?

santa versus the easter bunny

What about being Santa’s muscle? To take down Kevin Spacey in Fred Clause, for trying to shut down the North pole and Santa’s work shop. For Kevin Spacey if the movie was about to come out, they’d just recast his parts as he is in a little pickle these days.

This label is well designed. The Viking is bad ass looking. Reminds me of the show on the History Channel, Vikings

You’re cruising down the water ways in one of those dragon boats, and people are going to look. People are going to be scared. Imagine pirates and vikings squaring off. That would be a big time battle. Seeing Long John Silver put his hook into one of the Red Viking’s eyes. Then see the Dragon cut off the pirate’s peg leg. Do you think the Vikings are similar to the outlaw bikers, just in different time periods?

out law biker pic

Who wins in an all out rumble between the biker gang and a gang of vikings?

What about Viking Bitches? Do they have arm pit hair? That’s a very good question and you know you were thinking the same thing

I dare you to “axe” them if they have arm pit hair and see where your head rolls to.

My favorite viking cartoon

Exactly what’s in your wallet?

When it comes to drinking, a viking loves having some beers after a great battle

11-19-17 NECRON 99


Another bad ass label from you guessed it, Three Floyds. This so far is the third label from Three Floyds brewing. Looks like a cool space robot with some kind of powerful weapon. Imagine he might be from a deadly space army of robots. This label made me think what robot army is the most dangerous of them all? What robot army could wipe out the rest of the robot armies? I came up with nine different robot armies. I will start from the weakest link and move up to the top of the charts to find the scariest robot army that puts the fear of God in you.



The GO BOTS were the first Transformers. They are the weakest link because they remind me of the cereal that used to come in white boxes and in bold black lettering saying something like puffs. I find the guy who came up with THE GO BOTS had something going, then the Transformers stole his thunder. The GO BOTS are the weakest link of robot armies.


Imagine these clone robots droid army was the reason they brought in the Storm Troopers. These long legged skinny droid robots with their dog heads became scrap metal very quickly as Jed’s did cartwheels while slicing their heads off. Even JAR JAR Binks had his way with these droid robots.


Oh these are the most beautiful robots on the list. Look they can shoot ammo out of their breasts. These Robots could manipulate any male they wanted and then point blank range blow the man’s bloody head off.

#6. BATZ

Cobra in GI JOE had a robot army they called BATZ.  Cobra always had the cooler weapons and planes than the Joes. I actually had a BATZ figure of one of them back in the day. Only thing though, Cobra Commander has great ideas. However with the lack of common sense, he and Destro would not be able to get it done against the rest of the robot armies. He needs a better guy at the end of the bull pen to complete the mission.


These cylons were bad ass at one time. But they did not get the job done against the human race. They needed a new Cylon with a plan to eventually wipe out most of the human race.  The new Cylon compared to the old model looks like it’s on steroids. Robot juiced oil.


I think the Decepticons are a bad ass squad. However with Megatron leading them, they will fall into the same patterns as the Cobra Commander and fall at the end of the war. They need to have the Mortal Kombat way and when they have their opponent on the ropes, they need to FINISH THEM instead of trying for the fatality first.


All’s I need to say is Optimus Prime here. He is like the Tom Brady of these Robot Armies.


Bad ass Robots. They are built stronger. They can fire more bullets out of their guns than most of the armies. They have a plan. They have human form robots with multiple lives. They can blend in. Or you can hear them coming with their path of destruction with anything or anyone who dares to get in their way.


You need molten lava to stop these guys. They can take multiple bullets and still come at you. They can travel through time and destroy you. They can form into human form as well. They don’t stop until the mission is complete. Whatever they are made out of, they are the most deadly army out of all the robots in the universe. They also have multiple factories of these things being made as you read this.

I have not forgotten the best looking female robots

I have showed you the FEM BOTS from Austin Powers.



weird science gal



Have you always wanted to know how an artist comes up with stuff they come up with? If you look at this site of beer labels, we have women that look like devils in a business suit. We have a battle ax driving a tank. We have space stations giving the middle finger while skeletons play the banjo. Does their imagination reach different levels then most people? Could it be nightmares in their sub-conscience which they are bringing alive? It might just be a certain sleep aid to give you these out of the world visions. I do not know if Robert Chinnici has sugar plums dancing in his head. Unless it’s something coming alive under the closet door to eat those sugar plums.

Robert Chinnici and I are friends. We have worked together. We did a craft show at which he sold his art while I sold the hot sauce. His art is starting to take off. Known as Southside Bob in some of his circles, Bob is a very talented guy. Along with the crazy visions wanting to get out, he’s a man of all kinds of trades. When the paint brush is not painting demons ready to eat your face, he’s banging on the drums all day. He makes a living as a tech supervisor fixing and upgrading computer systems. If you kill someone, Bob could help you help clean the crime scene. He has watched Forensic Files over and over while he sips scotch in a dark room petting his little dog like Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget. Maybe he should be called Dark Side Bob, as he’s a man of all kinds of mystery.

It was probably about six weeks ago that I went to one of the great Robert Chinnici showings. Right here in Beverly, a Chicago neighborhood. It was an artist fair throughout the Beverly neighborhood. I was thinking I’d run into things like Nick from Family Ties and his work of making junk into art. I was right.

I was thinking I would have to walk around with wine and eat cheese. I was wrong on that as they did have a cooler of delights. Craft beer!!! I don’t know if it was for everyone, however I had to indulge. Southside Bob’s collection was incredible. The man left you with questions in your head about what is going down in some of his collection of paintings.

He had a common theme going in all of them. His stuff reminds me of graphic novels. Walking Dead style as things come to life on the canvas in a dark dark world. This showing helped Robert Chinnici land another showing in another gallery in Michigan. It’s well deserved as he is an up and coming artist on the verge of stardom.


If you want to see some of his art on his website. I have a copy of one of his originals, the bird man.

I walked around the art gallery looking at all the different works. I was very impressed. These people put their heart and soul into every painting they do. I did take a few art classes in my time, but I could never get past the stick people.

You look at all the various beer label art that is getting much more popular and crazier as cans and bottles come to life. I think Robert Chinnici and all the artists at the gallery could design multiple labels that could sell many beers by the label without even tasting the suds.

Here’s a few pictures of Bob and his wife at the gallery that day.


Only a Robert Chinnici or a leprechaun can get away with the green pants. Notre Dame book store?

This next label shows you the woman never to take home to meet your mother.Sure you can see her horns that she is the devil. You know that the horns and face turn after the encounter. It’s a woman that would make you walk on hot coals just to take a sniff of her exotic perfume. She put you in a spell as you lose your mind and give the cow away for some beans. This is the woman who would take your soul. You would probably give your soul to her for the one night of lust. We are a bunch of sick puppies. However everyone has dealt with a gal that was crazy, but at the same time a devil of good time.




She’s all dressed for business. She already looks sexy. Then when she has her way with you she takes it to a level that most guys dream about. Most guys a woman like this is out of your league. However some get to the point and find themselves baffled. As if all good senses are thrown out the window. Something comes out of her business suit like Haley’s comet. You have seen the promise land before. However this is totally different animal. You lose control as you see something out of this world that can not be explained.

Then when it’s over they turn into the devil and leave you hanging wanting more.

Strong beer and a devil woman can lead to a bad situation for you. The beginning of the encounter will probably blow your mind away. Maybe they should have a warning written on their bra. Like cigarettes, a surgeon general warning. This woman will chew you up and spit you out at the end of this crazy ride. Enjoy but you will face pain at the same time. Like anyone has time to read the warning. How many people actually read the directions Be like Mike JUST DO IT..

This next label reminds me of the old movie, Creature from the Black Lagoon. If I remember correctly it was the very first 3d movie on television. It was hyped up as the local White Hen Pantries were handing out 3D glasses for you to wear as the movie was approaching. It turned out to be like Al Capone’s vault as all that hype and nothing was inside. All that hype and the creature did not come into my living room.


Leave it to Green Bush brewery to consult SVENGOOLIE ON LABEL DESIGN


This bottle takes me back in time to when I was little lad watching movies that Svengoolie hosted on late Saturday nights. Who didn’t watch Svengoohlie and his rubber chicken? He would have movies like Swamp thing.

My question is why are there women hanging out at the swamps? Or even the lagoon. Both these creatures like the half naked type of bimbo as they take them back to their lair and have dinner with them. Can’t fault them for that as they have needs and urges. Whats for dinner though?

al on cor

Would Al and his family come over to help the Creature and his babe finish the On Cor dinners?

Peanut butter and sardine sandwiches are probably more like it. Probably watch the Honeymooners on late night television on a small black and white TV with the rabbit ears.   Can you imagine if the Swamp thing and the Creature from the Black Lagoon were around now a days. Would they change their Facebook status to not single anymore after they snag the next half naked gal that is walking in the swamp or lagoon late at night, without a worry in the world?


Everyone has a friend that loves to talk about their poo poos. I’ve known probably a half dozen people that talk about their art of the poo poo. This label reminds me of every one of those guys and their adventures in taking a crap. Everyone has a story about taking a dump which could be good, bad or very ugly.

One guy told me at work he went to a port a potty because he had to go bad. He was in the middle of the work day and the pressure was on as he was going to go kaboom at any moment. He found a port a potty at a park and did his business then to find out he had no toilet paper. He only had one move so he took his work shirt off, ripped off his under shirt and did his own version of a MacGyver move. The stench was devastating so he had to make a move.

mac gyver

Then the one friend that actually did have to take a crap that was oozing out of him as it was a race for your life Charlie Brown.

charlie brown

He was speeding along to get to the house when the the police sirens flashed in back of us as we were pulled over. Like on TV or in the movies the friend of mind was blunt and said to cop, “I was speeding but I needed to get to house to go number two.” As he clenched his cheeks the officer probably smelled an eruption of the brown lava about to erupt. No ticket as both the friend and the officer drove out of there like a bat out of hell.

However this label reminds me of the great Ted Maras. The Greek that resembles John Belushi. This cat is related to me and he loves to take pictures of his number twos. You look at your phone and see a picture of his business in toilet. You drop the phone immediately as the vision of this remains in your head. Look at this one he would say. He would say it looks like the Greek God Zeus. Yes he claims his poops look like Greek Gods. Just like people who think their veggies look like Elvis. In his mind this makes him a Greek God. Shit a Zeus, you want to be the shit. Besides taking pictures of his number twos Ted likes long walks on the beaches as the sand is his ass tray from the many smokes he has. He even might walk the beach nude as if he is a Greek God.. His speedo sends all the people fleeing to the water as they are hopeful a shark will come by and eat them to avoid the horror for life. But yes, Ted would love his picture on the can of poo poo.



This label reminds me of stuff Steven King thinks about or even dreams about. The Grateful Dead playing for eternity. It looks like something that would pop up in a haunted house. It could be the guy from Tales of Crypt and his side kicks Red River Unger and the Saddle sores. Would they be singing happy and peppy bursting with love?


Would the label band be the new band in a darker Chuckie Cheeses where violence runs the joint? Maybe they play at the Oak Lawn location.

chuckie cheese satan guy



There she goes again talking about my work again.

The label of this band reminds of all the dingy holed dark taverns where I have had a few beers. Seeing all the weird people in the dim lighting. Hearing their stories that give you the jeeper creepers as they tell their sad life story. You can’t escape as now you’re surrounded by another person with an even worse story than the other guy. Maybe they would lighten up the place like at Jabba the Hut’s place.

However you feel a lot better about your life after a night out at the roxbury

Most guys’ fantasies back in the day involved Princess Leia In Star Wars Return of the Jedi.

princess leia

I will not argue – with the Princess chained up in a golden bikini there is a lot of excitement. Everyone has different thoughts. Because everyone has different fantasies.

George Costanza had his vision of a girl.

georges tallwoman

“I mean really tall. Like a giant six five”.



The dragon lady with the sword on the label gives me the thought of amazon gals. Girls who are warriors and fight off dragons wearing steel bikini plating and can swing a sword.

Who did not like Zena Princess warrior? After a hard day fighting off vikings she can come home and feed you grapes. Even maybe fan you as you are stretched out in a hammock sipping on a umbrella drink of some kind.



She can probably do lots of cool things with her lasso.

However these women, if you piss them off, they can Bobbitt your ass in a heartbeat with one swing of the sword. One swing of the sword and off with your head. Hopefully it’s the one on your shoulders.

I gave a bottle of the Dragon lady to my brother and asked him if he tried the beer actually. He said no. He probably has the bottle of dragon lady nestled under his pillow as he drifts deep off into the amazonland of all woman looking like the dragon lady.

The fantasy being the only man left alive in a world of amazon woman. All those types of women wanting you and only you. The catfights that you could watch. The body probably could not take it but you die with a large smile on your face. Maybe you can be like one of the droids in Ewokland.


Instead of the snuggle bears carrying you. The amazon women would carry you around in this fantasy island. Don’t Judge the beer inside the bottle it’s all about the label on the front when it comes to the Dragon Lady.


Above is one of the most sacred cards a person can have in their wallet. It’s a card that gives you one of the toughest challenges in your life. People usually conquer their sub sandwich punch card. When you get that delicious free sub you enjoy the taste of it. All of the hard work you put in to it. How you kept the card in mint shape . It was stored and protected in your wallet under laminated plastic . All the times you had to get to that sub place to get them to punch a hole in the card so you could see the progress you have made.Waiting in long lines dealing with stupid people. After you eat the sub you get a new card to start over. It’s like playing a game of Chutes and ladders.

However the card above leads to more than just another card. Free tee-shirt!!!. Plus your name on the wall. This is the Chucks 120 beer club card. Your name is on their hall of fame wall in the VooDoo lounge. You need 120 punches that involves a 120 different beers. I’m coming down to the end I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The only problem I have to complete this journey and to get my name up on the wall is I have to go through some tough beers. Beers I have left that are unknown to myself. Beers that are in 22 oz bomber bottles. Beers with high alcohol percentage.

Two weeks ago the Devil came for a visit at Chucks as they set this bottle in front of me



The devil was looking for a soul. He bet me a fiddle of gold I could not drink that whole bottle of beer. I told the devil you got a bet that you’re going to regret. I drank that beer down and the devil knew he was beat so he laid the fiddle of gold at my feet. Only one punch happened that day as I did beat the devil but 8.5 percent and it was nappy time on that Sunday fun day. I will have to take it one at a time and knock out one here and one there because more than one bomber in a sitting would give the devil his due. Meanwhile The Stone Brewery made that label cool and scary with that devil ready to pounce at you like a pit bull on a box of kittens.



This will be the second label art submitted by Three Floyds. It will not be the last as they have many interesting labels. This one is my favorite so far and now we have a new King of the art label hill. You have a German Nazi woman in a tank creating havoc on the battlefield. Flames behind her probably running over men. Have you seen this look when your women’s friend comes over once a month to harass you?

The label reminds of two things. The first thing is the tough chick from the Police Academy movie.You’re terrified of her but you would let her have her way with you like you would have a choice.

If the woman was older she would remind me of an old teacher from grammar school. She was a great teacher, but she was tough as nails. She would unleash on you on any given day. You think the close talker on Seinfeld was in your grill. She would be face to face like a manager arguing with an umpire. I remember this one classmate wiping the spittle from his face and his legs would not stop trembling. I went to a Catholic grammar school. But I truly believe they don’t make teachers like that anymore. These kids now, probably their worst day is to take a time out in the cozy corner. Where they can watch TV and not think about the bad thing they have done.


Pipeworks Brewing


This label reminds me of a great story that happened when I was younger. We were all 18 0r 19 years old and our group was invited to graduation party. My friend Mr. Blew was big into the Grateful dead and wore a lot of intriguing shirts of reapers and skeletons. We thought we were all going to a regular weekend party so nobody gave it a thought how we looked and the way we were dressed. We walk into the party and the girl that the party is for, has all her family there. From a variety of different ages. People are looking at Mr. Blew’s tee shirt that has a reaper biting on a nipple of a girl dressed all slutty with her boobs popping out. Mr.Blew ended up turning the shirt inside out. Then someone managed to find him another appropriate shirt to wear. But the stories these seniors probably had as they looked worried about the gal they came to celebrate with on a life achievement. They had to think wonder what kind of element is she hanging out with?



I love this label because it looks like a robotic Donkey Kong. With the name Hoptimus, it reminds me of Optimus Prime from the Transformers. I like all the gears on the label as well. This is my new number one for best art on a label

optimus prime


3 Floyds will probably get a lot of their beers in as best label of the week. Three Floyds beers will also have a lot of their beers appear on the BEER LIST of top beers to indulge in. Having a space station giving the middle finger in the label is brilliant in my book.